Writer: GarySix
Subject: Interview with Molly (Fictional Interview)
Link: 14.02.2022 / LS666 Email (Updated 17.02.2022)
Note from XP: Okay, please note that this is a FICTIONAL INTERVIEW and my apologies if I previously put it under non-fiction — Please don’t ask for dates from Molly because she doesn’t exist — and please don’t harass the author for her contact details and/or bra-size for gifting. I know we’ve had some great interviews that are non-fiction; like Mick Michaels’ satanic girlfriend — My apologies again …
Interview with Molly (Fictional Interview)
All Readers:
I introduced you all to my friend Molly in the first February story installment. The accounts of her escapades are factual with some additives of my own fantasies. When you read these Molly stories (and I thank XP for the opportunity to offer this series of satanically amazing accounts), they should thrill your sexual satanic energy, to experience amazing orgasms blessed by Satan. One of the highlights in the first February story was near the ending where Molly realized a new and satanically exciting turn-on regarding her baby crying.
That said, I have read a few interviews here on XP, and so I asked Molly if she would be willing to do an interview with me and she agreed. If you haven’t done this before I urge you to gently, slowly rub your clit or cock while you read the interview. This can be your long-edging masturbation sacrifice to Satan. Those of us who provide these stories, thoughts and photos are doing so to support your adoration to Satan and the glorious unholy filth and blasphemy he offers. In other words, don’t just read through the posted stories, but use them as cum sacrifices and offerings to Satan. Don’t look at them as just stores to read, use them to intensify your desire for filth, blasphemy, evil, depravity, and blasphemy, and in so doing please Satan. By doing this you will find yourself enslaved to masturbate to him as a slave with greater and greater intensity. What could be better!
G: Well, Molly I really appreciate your willingness to be interviewed for the XP site readers to learn more about you.
M: I love to support anything Satan and his followers need. And of course, you know very well how devoted I am to Satan.
G: I do, yes, since you were a very little girl.
M: And growing all the time. There’s no end to the deep darkness of blasphemy, filth and perversions that Satan trains us to enjoy, and become his devoted slaves.
G: Before we continue, I want readers to know that you are a real person and not a fantasy figure for satanic porn stories.
M: Well, you fucked me once, how real was it?
G: That was the very best sex and depravity I ever had, and you still haven’t told me why it was only one time.
M: There’s a very good reason why.
G: Well, I sure would like to know.
M: You know my goal is to become Satan’s most depraved filthy disgraceful, blasphemy fucking whore, sewer slave, slut dog and pig, and I don’t have enough titles to call myself to define this burning desire since as far back as I can remember. Having said that, you are a special guy in my life.
G: Well, shit … tell me, if I’m so special to you we should be having all kinds of fucking satanic sex acts.
M: I know you feel that way. I’m not sure I can explain this but since we met in eighth grade you have been, I don’t know, maybe kinda like a priest who I can tell and confess all the filthy things I do and love so much. And even though I’m a worthless whore bitch, I need someone stable to just be with me when I need it. Plus, you are special because I know you really love me for me and not just the blasphemy filth and evil I do. We both were Christians who found the true evil of Satan and have adored and served him — you understand me. I know that may not make sense to you but it’s the best I can do.
G: A priest. Crap, Molly I don’t want to be some shitty “good guy.”
M: You’re far from that, and it’s not like you aren’t having a good time with me. I meet you and tell you every detail about my filth acts and we both masturbate offerings to Satan together. You get real hard erections, and you can see how fat my pussy lips become. How many times have we cum on that huge hard cover Bible? Even though you’re not fucking me, you are getting other benefits. And I’ve told you how much I love seeing the sacrifice graphic altars you design as we kneel in front of the computer screen and pray to Satan for more intense orgasms and opportunities for serving him with sex acts and blasphemy.
G: I’m just greedy for you, anyway, I didn’t intend to air our personal relationship here.
M: Why not? Your readers want to learn more about me and that includes you.
G: Good point. Can you tell readers why you’re willing to have your stories told?
M: It’s an important part of the goal I mentioned. I want as many people as possible to know my goal and I’m fucking proud of being a total, sold-out whore for Satan to use and abuse. When people, and I mean every age, whole families … everyone … thinks of dirty depraved filth, I want it to be my name they think of.
G: Fantastic answer.
M: Well, you’re part of my goal. We both love Satan and adore him.
G: Your many lovers are also devoted to Satan.
M: Absolutely. Right now, I have six black men, two white young boys, an active church pastor and two Cuban guys, not counting the girls, and women. But you can never, never have enough.
G: Busy, busy gal. It’s so interesting how we both fell in love with all the evil he does in the world. I never thought I would actually love, and I mean love, and get horny over Satan’s evil. I mean evil makes me so horny.
M: It’s true. Once you submit to Satan you become sexually sensitive and drawn to everything about him. The greater the evil, the better it makes you cum. Evil is glorious. Think about it, look at all the evil Satan is doing across the world, it’s sensuous and erotic. I really love him, And Satan is so bold with his evil in the world, it excites me for orgasms. I often masturbate and pray to evil.
G: In the first story I shared about you on XP in February. You wanted me to be sure and mention about your infant baby girl crying, needing you while you were fucking several black cocks. I think it would be exciting for me and our readers if you give us more details on that.
M: Oh, that was just an unbelievable horny and very evil experience. It’s not something I devised; it came to me as a gift from Satan. An amazing gift. I was on the couch — I see you included the photo of me getting pumped in the story, I love it. So, there I was with my four black lovers, pumping the shit out of me, taking quick turns pumping me and then pulling out of my ass and into my mouth. They get so turned on watching me suck cock out from ass. So, I’m in this depraved stupor, like being intoxicated with cocks and my filth demons when suddenly my baby girl starts crying out for me from her crib. I’ll need some time to give your readers the details.
G: We don’t have a time limit, this is important, go on.
M: So suddenly I hear her crying in the background. My first instinct is perk my ears and evaluate the cry.
G: What do you mean evaluate her cry?
M: Baby’s cry for different reasons. Could be a moment or two of a gas pain or restlessness. Or it could be serious. I’m having a big fat cock in my mouth and he’s rubbing his cock head all over my face while one cock is back up my ass. I’m holding the other cock shafts firmly in my hands. The baby is now crying louder. I’m about to get up when my demon trainer whispers to me to listen to my baby cry for help and keep fucking while she cries, like a little piglet bitch, cocks are more important than she is. Serving Satan is more valuable than your crying little bitch.
His words make me even hotter; my pussy physically feels his evil words and my pussy lips really swell fat becoming hypersensitive. I’m in fucking ecstasy, and the baby is now screaming in trouble, and I love hearing the little bitch screaming for mommy, screaming for help while I keep fucking. I feel far too hot and turned on like never before getting my pussy and ass and mouth filled with fat cock. I realize this is way more important than my baby bitch screaming … I’m getting wet right now telling you the story.
The exquisite evil was overwhelming, so I took it one more step. I had Ron go into the nursery and get the baby. He brings her out still reddened face, wet tears and shivering lips, screaming loudly. I have Ron place her on the floor right at my feet and continue fucking like a dog on the street. Now I can see her and hear her very desperately scream and cry, looking right up at me, while I fuck and suck and finally cum and squirt a huge load of hot piss all over the place. I am about to faint in total ecstasy while my lovers shoot long white ropes of cum all over me and a lot of it lands on my baby and my feet and on some of the feet of the other men. I drop to the floor and lick all their cum off my baby and their feet and the floor like a fucking whore dog from the gutter. Then I’m so bent over that my face is right in the baby’s face. Her wet tears and juices cover my lips. Her screams are right in my ear. Unbelievably and surprisingly, Satan gives me a second organism as I watch my pussy juice spill out. Ron kneels with me, and we lick up all my juice and spit it in each other’s face while Hailing Satan. Exhausted I finally pick my baby up and give her a bottle. It takes a while to calm her down. I have to say, that is the kind of evil that only Satan can teach and guide.
G: That is an amazing happening. I may cream in my pants. And what’s the baby’s name?
M: I didn’t name her yet and I may not but that’s a story for another interview. Anyway, the baby finally calms down and I place her back in the crib. Ron comes in. I tell him we had just been given a new evil gift from Satan to enjoy. He agreed, bent over the crib and tongue kissed the baby. I told him we would do this again early evening. I am so grateful to Satan for this evil gift. Just spectacular.
G: Molly, that is so hot and exciting. I mean that is pure filth and a very high level of evil filth. So, you did do it again?
M: Fuck yes! In fact, I invited Lilly over. You met her.
G; Lilly, oh ya she is super-hot looking.
M: Well, her baby is as young as mine. I invited her over. We spend some time sniffing lines. She bent over and I placed the line along her ass crack and sniffed it with a rolled-up picture of my dad. Lilly did the same with my ass crack. It was her idea, she’s a total wicked witch. I explained what happened with my baby. She literally jumped up and down on the couch with excitement. Being wicked whores, we knelt and prayed to Satan for an idea for another evil act. And he answered. Lilly wanted us not to feed the babies so by late afternoon they would be hungry, screaming to eat making it an evil backdrop for getting gang fucked on the couch. I called Ron and asked him to bring more men so Lilly and I would have four men each.
G:You really are a true evil bitch.
M: You have no idea how much I love Satan’s depraved sex ideas. I am planning to become evil itself…if that’s possible.
G: Can you tell us what happened with Lilly?
M: Well, as an aside, Lilly’s parents were Catholics who adored Satan, of course, secretly. They named Lilly short for Lilith whom they worshiped. Lilly has a wonderful name’s sake, and she lives up to it. Lilly is the closest to me in being Satan’s filthiest whore. But I’m still at the top of the wicked evil list. (laughs).
G: Oh, I should ask whose babies are yours and Lilly’s?
M: We have no idea. We’ve taken in so much cum from so many satanic men, we have bastard babies. And that is exciting too.
G: No doubt.
M: Anyway, Lilly and I started getting passed around on the couch by the eight beautiful black cocks and like clockwork both babies in the same crib got really hungry and the crying started. Lilly showed me her pussy and I was envious as she made a point that her pussy lips were more swollen than mine. We got fucked hard and sucked out loads of cum and piss while our baby bitches were screaming for help at the top of their tiny lungs. Lilly and I kept saying, listen to the needy baby whores. They need mom so bad, but cock and Satan’s pleasure is way more important than you bitches are. And that Gary, is what makes Lilly and I such wonderful mothers. Don’t you think?
G: Hail Satan for evil. That is incredible. Can I ask how old you are now?
M: Just turned thirty-seven, too old for more babies but I may take the risk, so we’ll have another one to use for a screaming fuck time. What if I told you that if I actually get pregnant again, I will have you join us in that Satanic Ritual? And you will love sucking and worshiping lots of black.
G: Come on, don’t tease me with that. I would be sucking along with you.
M: I’m not teasing you. If I go that route, I will invite you. I have never lied to you.
G: I will be holding that thought. There’s one last question for today. This will not be a surprise, but many men and women have asked how they can find women like you.
M: I understand their frustration. Although I am at the top of Satan’s whoring evil list, there are others, and men also. This whole Christian, Satanic blasphemy, sex thing is a very tightly closed group. Once you’re in it’s easy because people know people and so on. There’s one good way to start looking for like-minded. Go to the best sex chat room out there. Chatropolis.com They have many sex rooms and its free to chat.
When you go there you might start with the Call Me room although there are others. Scan the rooms for a few days and get the hang of it. People post all kinds of filth, and you will see Christians looking for satanic fantasies and Satanists and just about every fetish around. I connected with a mother and daughter there. But I would ask your readers to do me a favor. When you go there to chat/connect, for the first few times mention that you found them here at XP. All you need to do is put the XP link in. Also, as readers connect, they should promote this XP site, so we all grow together and serve Satan and lust and evil. By the way, XP is a super good erotic and filth writer. New people will love it. There are others too but he is the tops.
G: Molly thanks so much for doing this.
M: I’ll do more if your readers want it. Just let me know if they do.
Hello Molly and I don’t have any kids and I am Single and I am 45 and I have A High Sex Drive and Can you and me get together and Have Some Horny Fun with You and Me and Your Girls and I Want the Youngest and the Early Age Possibilities is Endless and I Want To Give You and Your Little Age Girls A Real Creampie in Their Own Little Pussy and I Live in Columbus Georgia but I am willing to Go with You and Your Family to A Different Place and Fuck and Start A Real Life Incest Family and My Cell Phone Number is 17065873460 and I am Very Serious about this.
Aaron, this is GarySix. Molly only communicates thru me. That will likely disappoint you, however we can discuss options. I have to head out but wanted to start a dialogue with you. Please email me if you are interested.
Hello DX and thank you for letting me know and I was wondering if you and me and Molly can can talk if We can Make these Stories Come to Life as away of Our Sexual Desires for Real and I want to have Sex with you and Molly and Some of the Younger Girls and Age Doesn’t Matter.
Hi Gary, You have contacted me before and were going to guide me into Satan’s service. Please contact me again so that we can move forward with [email protected]
First, Molly I am so proud of you for embracing your Satanic side and working to become to true satanic slut that you were created to be. Your devotion to Satan above all others is remarkable and inspirational. I do hope that others reading this will learn from your example and begin to embrace the demonic evil side of themselves even more so. And I completely agree with you that XP has given us a wonderful platform to engage with others like us.
I too share your desire to put my own evilness above those around me. Society teaches us as parents that we should value our children’s wellbeing more than our own but fuck that. We created them and we can just as easily destroy them or make them to suffer (abortion, getting fucked over feeding them, whatever we may decide to do). We should neither feel shame nor guilt and certainly not sympathy towards them when we treat them as playthings because that is what they were created for. We do not serve them as our Lord or Master. That is reserved for Satan and Mother Lilith. So if we are instructed (as you were) to ignore their needs in the heat of the moment then so be it.
I’d love to talk with you some time in more detail about our Satanic path and walk. I come from a xtian background but have finally broken free from the lies and shame that it gave me for too many years. I have never truly been happier than I am now that I’ve been on this path for the last 10 years or so. I feel called to share Satan’s message with others and have done so via different blogs and participation in certain sites. But I am always looking for new ways to serve and to push myself deeper into my evil depravity. I believe you may be one that I could learn from and I am proud to call you a sister in sin since we are all part of His Legion.
Dear M
I will follow up with you. If you look at the replay to Aron and agree, email me and we can talk
Nice interview. Molly and Lilly are truly evil. Thanks for posting
I really envy molly!!