Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Divinity
Link: MEWE / 29.05.2021 / Hoku Lani
Regardless if one identifies as a member of an organized religion, simply a spiritual person or believe in no entity or higher being, humanity has been blessed with a purpose. Religious background provides the strongest creation myths due to the strong belief in religion. However, many religious myths tend to vary from one religion to another. Hinduism and Buddhism tend to have a complex account of creation that does not resemble other religious creation myths. Despite the differences, the Christian creation myths tend to be very close with the Islamic creation myth. However, the Jainism creation myth tends to be the most extreme creation myth as it differs with most religions. Unlike other religions, the Jains does not believe that neither the earth nor the human beings were created by a superior being called God. There also is the possibility that humans were the result of hybrid genetic manipulation to produce a slave labor race.
My favorite is that each of us carry within us the divine spark. Our Mother and Father created us and when we were awakened the spark that they lacked was passed from their creator through them and onto us. The Gnostics refer to the divine spark as the seed of their god consciousness which can be left dormant or sparked to light up one’s being. Their beliefs are common sense thinking, as they do not believe the biblical God is actually god. As such they do not believe in any of the biblical sin and free to live their lives as they please. Many have the ability to use this divinity and power. The wise realize that we are the true gods and goddesses. Although the Divine Spark rests within humanity, not all are aware of it. Those who know the power of an orgasm also recognize and use this in sex magick. These enlightened beings pass this knowledge onto their descendants. Some teach them this from an early age while others may wait until adulthood. Each orgasm has the power of this Divine Spark and creates life. It may result in another human or in the case of masturbation, creates an entity. I often think of all the entities I have created throughout my life and hope some evening they descend upon me in a glorious celebration of light. As we frolic and play, i get to enjoy each and ignite a new spark within a spark.
Regardless if alone or with another living being, have some sexual fun and when you are close to your orgasm hold it within you as long as you can while focusing on this spark. As the orgasm occurs, you’ll see it!
Hail The Scribe of Lilith
Hoku Lani
Thank You Brother Xpanther for Spreading Her Vasr Wisdom