Darkness Coven Satan Prayers 4 – Non-Fiction

Feature Writer: Darkness Coven

Feature Title: Darkness Coven Satan Prayers 2

Link: TUMBLR /  16.10.2020 / Reposted by kalykaly83

Prayer for the Satanist Leaders

Lord Satan
Mighty One
Wisdom Incarnate, Speaker of Knowledge
I ask that you bestow your blessings on the leaders of our Satanic Community
Guide us, so we will serve you in the ways that you desire
Give us strength, to keep us going when things get tough
Bestow upon us wisdom, so we will know what to do in all situations
Inspire us to encourage one another, instead of tear each other down
So we will use our words to bless instead of curse
Yet push us to stand tall when we face things that are wrong
To fight if we have to, yet strive for peace
Help us, Father, to be there for your children-both the adept and the new
To guide them in learning what you have for them
To encourage them not to follow anyone but you and to find their own path
Let us not forget what it was like when we first came to you
How you were gentle, kind and patient
May we follow in your footsteps
To love as you love, teach as you teach
We are happy to be your servant; reveal to us the hidden things
Try us; so we may be worthy of your affairs that you place in our hands
Bestow on us your covenant as we trust in you
Let us receive your counsel, not acting unless it is your will
It is an honor to serve you, Lord Satan
Thank you for choosing us
May our lives be devoted to you; may we be a reflection of who you are to the world
Watch over us and bless your people
Lord and Mighty Satan, may it be done according to your will

Prayer Upon Waking

At the start of this new day, Lord Lucifer
My thoughts are of you and I know you are with me
I give this day to you
Lead me to walk your path without hesitation
To places where I will gain wisdom
To sources where I will gain knowledge
And where I can make a difference for you
Push me so that no minute will be lost to laziness, inactivity or boredom
So I will be the best that I can be in all areas of my life
Watch over me this day
Protect me from my enemies
Wherever I am, may people see you in me
And in everything I do, may you be honored

Prayer Before Sleep

At the end of this day, Lord Satan
I thank you for each gift that you have bestowed upon me
For teaching me ancient ways
For experiences both good and bad that has made me stronger
For the people you have taught me through
For the pleasures in which I have partaken
As I sleep, I ask that I may enter your dark realm
So that I may be in your unholy presence
Guide me, Satan, unto yourself
And may I be forever grasped in your mighty wings

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