Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Currencies
Link: MEWE / 11.06.2021 / Posted by Hoku Lani
To much of life, humanity worries about wealth, money, or material possessions. The only currency that matters, is not financial. Invest yourself into the following and your wealth will be self evident.
We have limited time here in our avatars on this Earthly realm. Use the time you have to pursue path that focuses on your well-being and fitness. Invest in and partake in lust, whenever and wherever you find the opportunity. I’m not saying throw out common sense, do so wisely and safely. After all, contracting a sexual virus that steals your time, defeats investing into the commodity. When you invest in your appearance, select the proper revealing clothes, or even flirt properly, your reward is a better quality of time.
Those who are physically fit serve our Mother and Father, far better than those who ignore this path. Many rituals, interaction with entities require a strong foundation and excellent health. Invoking any demonic, entity, or spirits require a certain amount of stamina, both physically and mentally. Do you really believe a Goddess wants to interact with an overweight and out of shape avatar? Also investing in health may increase the time spent in your current vessel.
This one is tricky, as there are many types of knowledge, such science, spirituality, academic, and so on. Research what pleases you. If you are diligent and research the proper subjects you gain a freedom from the bonds of slavery. If you truly follow Lilith’s example, you crave the knowledge that is always beyond your mind’s reach. A solid foundation of knowledge tends to make life here more worthwhile and enjoyable.
This is but one of Lilith’s paths.
Hail hoku Lani
Thank You for Sharing your Knowledge
Thank You Brother Xpanther
She is very Special
The issue has always been how to balance self-discipline, and self-indulgence.
Hail George — I know which one will win!
Of course you do, XP. It’s the Way of the Dark.