Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Abortion Celebration Party
Link: Tumblr / 21.03.2022
Abortion Celebration Party
This morning I vomited all over my San Lorenzo bikini. I wasn’t sure if It was the 10 shots of Bacardi last night or if it is morning sickness.
Pissed me off, so I’m thinking of getting an abortion.
Mahalo to Sisters Nani, Ashley, and Puka for convincing me that God approves of abortions!
Hawaii has a long track record of favoring abortion rights. In 1970, it became the first state in the nation to allow abortion at a woman’s request.
Thanks to a new law, nurses may end a pregnancy and perform aspiration abortion, a type of minor surgery during which a vacuum is used to empty my uterus, while the vibrations stimulate a few orgasms as it sucks out the little pieces of my baby.
My appointment is set for tomorrow and I can’t wait for the abortion celebration party in Waikiki!
This baby is dead!
Hail Lilith
Now and Forever!
Hail Lilith’s Scribe
Hoku Lani
Now and Forever!
Thank You My Brother for Sharing Her Wisdom
So happy for you. So perfect and beautiful, you will suck out the fucking parasite, then have an amazing abortion parasite. Piss on it before you toss it in the garbage? Happy Easter. 😉
There is powerful magick in abortion.