Only you have the power – Non-Fiction

Writer: Koruptdsoul

Subject: Only you have the power

Link: Tumblr / 20.07.2021 / Reposted by Guardianwolff-666

Only you have the power

Porn can do many things. It can arouse stimulate, titillate, and excite. It can be addictive, compulsive and controlling, but in and of itself it cannot think or act on its own and it can only destroy your faith if YOU allow it. Only you have that power!

The cold hard reality is that you want to destroy your faith because you are a lustful sinner and you despise and detest everything your religion stands for. So stop blaming porn and take ownership and responsibility for your own actions and deeds.

Porn, like blasphemy, is merely a vehicle you use to drive a wedge between you and your god. Seek out its comforts and it’s corrupting influence and use it as tool to grow ever closer to your Lord and Master. Hail Satan.

2 thoughts on “Only you have the power – Non-Fiction”

  1. Wow, didn’t realize Kevin Smith knew what he was doing when he killed off He-Man twice in the new show. He gave us all the power!

  2. Hail Lilith’

    This is so fucking true. We should all admit that sin is the product of our will, not of an external force.

    Porn is Satan’s Scripture. Its unholiness assures our separation from the Abrahamic dog, and delights us we walk on the Dark Path.

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