Learn from their example – Non-Fiction


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Feature Title: Learn from their example

Link: TUMBLR /  27.03.2020 / Reposted by

Learn from their example

This is what can happen when a satanic mother or father influences their daughter to corrupt other girls in the church group or young women’s bible study… learn from their example, Hail Satan


I have met more women in their late teens and early twenties who follow Satan than I would have thought possible. (I have not asked them if we can have some sex in Satan’s name, maybe on a church alter… but it’s in my thoughts)


Lilith, they summon you.

Lilith, I invoke you.

Lilith, I conjure you.

Come Lilith and manifest yourself!

Within this body, this temple that I have prepared.

Come Lilith and manifest yourself!

Come Lilith and manifest yourself!

Open your wide door so you can cross.

Open your wide door so you can go down to the Realm of Chaos.

Come Lilith and manifest yourself!

Come Lilith and manifest yourself!

7 thoughts on “Learn from their example – Non-Fiction”

  1. I’m a Franciscan Priest and have fantasized about my Altar in church. Thank God never during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass but at other times

  2. Always nice to see one of my original captioned pics being shared and reposted online. Yes, I wrote the caption to this pic as part of the almost 800 pics of blasphemy and satanic sex that I used to create for my old tumblr blog. Sadly, tumblr no longer allows me to share such new works. But I encourage others to seek out blasphemy and share lust and perversion wherever and whenever possible. I still share in private and will sometimes repost old works on my tumblr if I can do it while flying under the radar of the tumblr admins (I miss the old tumblr). Hail Lust. Hail Perversion!

    1. It is a message to us all, teach them the ways of Satan at a young age. Show them the pleasures of perversion and corruption. Encourage them to teach others in their peer group sin and blasphemy.
      Hail Satan!
      Hail Lust!

    2. Satanic still possible on tumblr if no sex. Try bdsmlr or newtumbl. Both crying out for string satanic content
      Private groups on MeWe would welcome you. I have one if you are interested

      1. Hail Syon5 … post your links to these sites here… so we can come and support them … HAIL SATAN … XP

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