Feature writer: ucbarebear
Feature title: Hel’s Belle: The Return of Lilibat
Uploaded: 16 January 2007
Email Address: ucblackbare@gmail.com

Authors Notes:  The following is a story of erotic mind control featuring supernatural elements. Anyone under 18 or offended by EMC or material involving witchcraft, magic, demons or deals with the Devil should read no further. The events and persons depicted herein are entirely fictional and should not be taken as representing anything or anyone from real life. This story is a sequel to the “The Devil is Miss Jones” trilogy and occurs, like those stories, in the “Nerd Science” universe.

Synopsis: The succubus Lilibat, formerly the mortal Dr. Susan Jones, is unleashed on Earth again.


Hell’s Belle: The Return of Lilibat

Hell’s Belle: The Return of Lilibat – Chapter 1

The demon temptress Lilibat stood before the row of rocky cages, their bars jagged teeth of red-hot stone reaching from the cavern’s floor and ceiling to meet like the fangs of monsters, and smiled. The sounds of their occupants’ screams were music to her ears.

One in particular, a plain-faced woman with an unimpressive figure, entertained her. Once, she had been Dr. Susan Jones, a professor of medieval history at a fundamentalist-run university. That, however, was before she had decided to turn her secret hobby of occultism to the task of summoning a demon to help her get even with all the men who had rejected and humiliated her.

She’d gone through the ritual more as a catharsis, a venting of emotion, than out of any real expectation that it would work–but it had. She had summoned a powerful Dark Lord, and he had invested her with demonic abilities. She had gained a limited shape-shifting power along with a magical glamor which enabled her to enslave any male completely and control females to a lesser degree.

What she hadn’t known was that her demon form was more than a mere disguise. Her hellish benefactor had turned her into a human chrysalis for a succubus, whose control over her had steadily grown until her human form was little more than a shell. When at last she’d been defeated and banished from the mortal plane, she had left behind a crumbling husk. And on arriving in the Nether Realm, her human soul had been withdrawn and placed into the cage from which it now cried hopelessly for mercy from the demon Dr. Jones had incubated.

Lilibat was that demon. Red-skinned, with an exotically beautiful face framed by two sharp little horns, pointed ears and a thick mane of red-highlighted black hair which cascaded to her waist, long legs tapering gracefully to small cloven hooves, she looked nothing like the human woman whose doomed soul cowered before her. No one would ever guess that they had once been one and the same.

The other howling sufferers before her had fallen to her charms and become her helpless slaves, only to end up here when she had literally fucked them to death. They’d had it coming, of course: Professor Joshua Carstairs had been a sanctimonious bully and lecher, and the Reverend Charles Kellogg Bryer, wealthy television evangelist and founder of the university where she’d worked, had been no better.

Two empty cages stood waiting. Their intended occupants would be arriving in due time: Caleb Mather, college dean and embezzler, and Benjamin Lewis, who had been running a term-paper mill when the two of them had met. Hell, of course, might seem a bit extreme a punishment for an offense like that–but he had shown no trace of guilt over his misdeeds. She doubted he would repent; more likely, he would go on to bigger, better scams. She was confident that when the time came, he would have richly earned his punishment.

Her reverie was interrupted by a familiar voice.

“Gloating again, I see,” said the demon lord Asmodiel. There was amusement in his voice, rather like that of a parent watching a child at play. And indeed he was a “parent” to her, in a way. It had been Asmodiel, after all, who had answered Dr. Jones’s call on that night long ago, who had guided her on the path to full demon hood thereafter, and who had then become her lover.

Lilibat laughed. “Of course I’m gloating again,” she answered. “And why not?”

Asmodiel regarded her seriously as he responded. “Three mortals brought here, and two more scheduled to arrive. A worthy start. But surely that is not to be all?”

Lilibat pouted. “What can I do, Dark Lord?” She gestured around her at the cavern they occupied. “Trapped here by that magician’s exorcism, how can I ensnare more souls?” She thought wistfully of handsome young Jerry Chisholm and Brad Connor, students she’d enthralled before her banishment. They had been freed of her influence, of course, the moment she had been exorcised. Pity; they’d been such fun!

“How would you like an opportunity to return to the mortal sphere?” asked Asmodiel.

“Return!” Lilibat’s eyes blazed. “How?”

“It’s simple,” came the answer. “Through magical means, I have caused your name and description to be inserted in certain mortal texts on demonology. To the mortals themselves, it is as if this information had always been there.

“And even as we speak, one of them is preparing to cast a summoning spell.” Asmodiel smiled fiendishly (of course). “It is a simple matter to guide him to your name; just a nudge to pick this demon rather than that.” After a moment he added, “You will be delighted to know that the summoner is located at the very university where you taught as Dr. Jones. It seems the Reverend Bryer’s successor has been less successful than he hoped in purging it of sin.”

Lilibat clapped her hands and chuckled throatily. “I can’t wait,” she purred. “I look forward to luring more men to their doom.” She thought briefly once again of Jerry and Brad–and then of Dr. Nicholas Fatakis and his assistant Rita Hawkins, who had defeated her and cast her out. “And I’ve some unfinished business to attend to, as well.” Her eyes flared yellow fire.

“Then prepare yourself, daughter of Lilith,” rumbled Asmodiel. “Prepare yourself!”

Frank Willis lit the last candle and stepped back to survey his work.

It looked fine, he decided: a classic pentagram. The central figure was properly inscribed, the outer ring was complete, and now it was illuminated as the books said to do.

He paused to gather his nerve before beginning the incantation.

If only his parents hadn’t decided going to a “God-fearing” university would help put him on the straight and narrow after the trouble he’d gotten into in high school. Since he’d arrived, his life had been hell. When his professors and fellow students weren’t trying to convert him, they shunned him–and the bullshit answers they made you put down in some of the classes were just incredible! The dinosaurs drowned in Noah’s flood? Black people were black because of the curse of Ham? (Or was it the mark of Cain? He could never remember.) Please!

He’d taken up an interest in the supernatural just to spite them. Now, hidden in the basement of the Charles Kellogg Bryer Memorial Library, he was going to give them the ultimate fuck-you: a genuine demonic summoning.

Not that he expected it to work, of course. He wasn’t a superstitious nitwit. But he’d set everything up just as the legends required, and picked a being to call: a succubus called Lilibat. Hey, if he was going to act out a fantasy, why not add in a little sex? The whole point was to do something utterly offensive to the pious cranks who ran this place.

And not get caught, of course. If anyone burst in on him now, he’d be lucky just to be expelled. The wackos running this funny farm might decide on an exorcism instead. He’d heard stories . . . !

He drew the ritual blade across his wrist and allowed several drops of blood to fall onto the parchment bearing the summoning spell. The words themselves had been copied from a book, but the parchment itself had been prepared just as the medieval magicians would have done it, and the ink had been made from goat’s blood. He’d put a lot of time into his little project.

He spoke the words. They came out letter-perfect. They should, he thought; he’d practiced enough. He delivered them in Latin, but he heard their English translation in his mind as he spoke: “Come to me, Lilibat, Daughter of Darkness. Hear my plea, and come to Thy supplicant! I offer Thee and Thy dark Master mine immortal soul in exchange for Thine aid. Forsaking all allegiance to the Highest, I petition Thee for Thine assistance in gaining that which I desire! Come, O Dark Lady; hear my plea, and grant my boon if it be Thy will!”

Twice more he delivered the incantation, dripping a little more blood onto his manufactured scroll each time. Then he waited.

After several minutes, he had begun to regret the whole thing. His wrist was really starting to hurt badly. He was standing naked at midnight in the basement of a library in a fundamentalist Christian university, with a full-blown mystic pentagram laid out on the floor in front of him. And what was he waiting for, anyway? It wasn’t as if the ritual were actually going to work.

He turned away and bent down to pick up his discarded clothing. As soon as he’d gotten dressed again, he thought, he’d destroy all evidence of the ceremony and sneak on home.

There was a loud WHUMP! behind him and a powerful rush of air, which carried a distinctly sulfurous smell to his nostrils. A musical voice laughed and said, “Why, Frank! Don’t tell me you’re leaving already! I just got here!”

Very slowly, Frank turned around.

He couldn’t believe his eyes. Standing in the center of the pentagram was a gorgeous creature, her naked body all inviting curves wrapped in smooth, bright-red skin. Small white horns peeked out from under the curly hair on her forehead, and a reddish-black mane rolled down her back to her waist. The tips of pointed ears showed through this marvelous pelt. Luscious legs tapered to small feet ending in tiny white cloven hooves, and a long tail with a small, sharp barb at its tip flicked restlessly, coiling over one scarlet thigh.

It had worked. It had actually worked!

“Well, don’t just stand there gaping, Frank honey,” the delectable demon teased. “At least one of us isn’t going to live forever. You went to a lot of trouble to bring me here. Why don’t we get down to business?”

“Li-Li-Lilibat?” Frank stammered. The demon’s eyes were so beautiful, he thought weakly; he could lose himself in those eyes. . . .

“That’s just who I am, all right,” the scarlet woman cooed. “Now why don’t you tell me why you called me here?”

“Uh. Uhh. Of . . . of course.” With an effort, Frank tore his gaze away from those wonderful eyes. He struggled not to stare stupidly at this wet dream brought to life as he assembled his thoughts.

“I really didn’t expect the spell to work,” he confessed. “I only tried it because I wanted to deliberately do something . . .” Words failed him.

“Defiant?” suggested Lilibat. “Shocking?”

“That’s it,” Frank admitted. “that’s it exactly. I was so tired of–look, the people here are so sanctimonious, so sure they’re better than everyone else. I just wanted to do something that went against everything they always preach at me–even if it didn’t work, and even if nobody knew I’d done it.”

Lilibat laughed. “Believe it or not, Frank honey, I know exactly what you mean!” She smiled seductively at him and went on. “Since your incantation actually did work, and I’m really here, why don’t we see what we can think to do next?”

Frank gulped. “Wh-what did you . . . have in mind?” It was getting hard to think. He was getting hard, looking at this amazing babe. Certainly the fact that they were both nude didn’t help.

“There’s only so much I can do from in here, Frank honey,” Lilibat told him.

“C-c-can you, hnhh! grant me a wish?” Frank panted. God, she was beautiful!

“Of course I can,” she answered. “But the sort of thing I bet you’re wishing for now would be a lot easier if you’d just let me out of this pentagram.” She was toying with the mortal now, reeling him in slowly. Unlike the mage who had trapped her last time, he had no protection whatever against her powers. It simply amused her to take her time with him.

Frank surrendered. Down on his knees he went, and with a few swipes of his now sweaty hand he erased a small section of the mystical diagram’s circular border.

That was enough. The spell was broken. Lilibat stepped out.

“I, I shouldn’t have done that,” Frank stammered. His head swimming, he remained on his knees, arms dangling at his sides, and stared up at the devilish damsel who stood over him now with feet apart and hands on hips.

“No, you shouldn’t, you naughty boy,” Lilibat teased. She reached down and cupped his chin with one taloned hand. The sharp nails dug into his flesh as she pulled upward. His body rose, obeying her prompting without any conscious thought on his part, until he was on his feet. “But you did.”

She kept her hold on his chin, forcing him to face directly into her gaze. “And when the time comes, you’ll pay the price you agreed to.”

Frank whimpered, fear fighting the pleasant haze which seemed to be settling over his mind as he looked into those beautiful eyes.

“Don’t worry,” Lilibat commanded, and Frank relaxed with a sigh. “I’m in no rush to finish things. In fact,” and she smiled a smile which made the now considerably more than half-hypnotized Frank weak in the knees, “I think we can have lots of fun together.”

She looked down, breaking eye contact. “My, my!” she laughed. “Lots of fun! You want me, don’t you, Frank honey? I know you do; just tell me the truth.”

“Yes! Oh, God, yes!” Frank gasped. He was ready to explode!

Lilibat led the dazed young man away from the ruptured pentagram. “Now, Frank honey,” she admonished him as she guided him along, “I’m very glad to hear that. But you shouldn’t use . . . that Name . . . with me.” Even uttered as a profanity, the name of the Deity burned her a bit where the fires of Hell could not. She was more vulnerable to it now than she had been when she’d still had the soul of Dr. Susan Jones–more vulnerable to all sorts of religious invocations and artifacts. While she’d still been Dr. Jones, she’d even been able to keep a big gold-plated crucifix on the door of the office she’d “inherited” after the death of Professor Carstairs; she’d never be able to do that now.

“S-s-sorry,” whispered Frank. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right,” Lilibat soothed. “I forgive you.”

“Th-thank you. . ..”

“You’re welcome.” She’d reached the spot she wanted. Her arms snaked around Frank, drawing him closer; her hands settled in his hair, digging into the back of his scalp and holding his head steady, forcing him to continue to meet her eyes. She could feel the last of his resistance crumbling as he met her gaze.

They sank to the floor. Lilibat’s legs wound around Frank’s as they lay side-by-side, and the barb of her tail traced lazily up and down his spine. Up and down. Up and down. . . .

With a savage cry, Frank entered her. He was no longer aware of what he was doing; he was merely obedient flesh, controlled by his lover’s body and by her seductive powers. He thrust and thrust, rolling as he did until she lay beneath him, her full breasts squashing hotly against his more muscular chest. He came, screaming her name, and slumped bonelessly against her.

For a moment, the demon-babe feared she’d done it again, killed a mortal lover. That would have been annoying; she hadn’t intended to slay this one, at least not yet. But no–she felt his heartbeat hammering against her, heard him breathing. He was alive.

Good. She still remembered Matthew Lucas, the youth she’d killed accidentally whose soul had gone Above rather than Below. She had no desire for another such embarrassment. Frank, she judged, would need more corrupting before it would be time to send him Down.

But first, a little insurance.

“Frank, honey,” she addressed him. “Are you awake?”

“Mnnhh,” he mumbled. “‘Wake.”

“Frank,” she ordered, “open your eyes and look at me. I want you to pay attention.”

Frank opened his eyes and looked at her. He focused his attention on her. His eyes met hers, and he was falling, falling into those wonderful orbs.

“Frank, I want you to clear away the pentagram. Remove every sign of it, and when you’re done, destroy the parchment you used to summon me. Will you do that for me, Frank?”

As if from another galaxy, he heard his voice reply: “Yes, Lilibat. Clear away . . . the pentagram. Remove every sign . . . of it. Destroy the . . . summoning parchment. I will do that for you.”

“Very good, Frank,” said the demoness. “And once you’ve destroyed the parchment, I want you to forget the summoning ritual completely. You’ll do that for me, Frank, won’t you, because it’s what I want?”

“Yes, Lilibat,” Frank agreed meekly. “After I destroy the parchment . . . forget the summoning ritual . . . completely. Because it’s what . . . you want.”

“And one more thing,” the succulent she-fiend added. “I want you to be unable to say my name backward, or write it backward, or even think it backward. Do you understand, and will you obey?”

Frank nodded slowly, keeping his eyes on hers. “Yes. I understand. I will obey. I cannot say . . . your name backward, or write it backward, or even . . . think it backward.”

“That’s a good boy, Frank,” Lilibat said. “And as a reward, I command you to take me again.” She smiled. “Between my breasts this time, Frank honey.”

Frank obeyed, pumping away into Lilibat’s impressive cleavage until at last, with a shrill squeal, he came. Afterward, exhausted, he rolled off her and lay in a heap.

Eyes half-lidded and smoldering orange, Lilibat basked in the afterglow. She had learned when she first acquired her powers how enjoyable it was to reduce a man to a puppet of flesh, a living appliance for her pleasure and convenience. It was even more so now that she was no longer burdened by even a remnant of a human conscience.

And her commands to Frank had come out of that experience as well. Now that he had obeyed her compulsion for more sex, he had gotten up, still nude, and begun methodically demolishing the mystic pattern laid out on the floor. Once he’d eradicated it completely and disposed of the parchment bearing the spell, her mental blocks would kick in. He would never be able to create a rite to bind her again, or to send her back to Hell.

Just as Frank finished ripping up the parchment, there came the faint sound of two clangs: the bell in the library’s Gothic-style tower, tolling the hour. Two in the morning. Lilibat addressed Frank again.

“Frank honey,” she said, “I need you to go home now, and go to sleep. When you awaken in the morning, you will feel relaxed and refreshed, and you will remember what happened here tonight. You will remember, but you will tell no one. Do you understand, and will you obey?”

Frank nodded and repeated her instructions in a sleepy voice.

“Tomorrow morning, you will go into town and purchase clothes for me. You will buy clothes as if you were getting them for a girlfriend, and if anyone asks who they’re for, that’s what you’ll tell them.” She gave him the necessary measurements.

“You will then return here, where I will be waiting, and give me the clothes. When you do return, you must make certain no one sees you.”

“Yes,” Frank said. Some remnant of consciousness stirred, and he asked, “But . . . the way you look . . . clothes won’t be enough, will they?”

Standing, Lilibat patted Frank’s cheek and said, “You just let me worry about that, honey. Now be a good boy and do as your Lilibat says.”

He started for the stairs, mumbling, “Be a good boy. Do as . . . Lilibat says.”

She stopped him, laughing wickedly. “Get dressed first, Frank honey. Then go and do as I told you.” It excited her that her prey was so totally in her power that he’d moved to obey without even remembering he was naked. She was so turned on that she was briefly tempted to call him back for another hot screw before letting him go. With a sigh, she decided against it. There would be plenty of time later.

Frank dressed himself and left, his mind empty of everything but Lilibat’s programming and the vision of her gorgeous body. And those eyes, those beautiful eyes.

The she-demon settled down to wait.

It was early afternoon when Frank returned.

He struggled down the stairs into the library basement under a load of packages. Lilibat, who had been hiding in the shadows, emerged.

“Here,” Frank wheezed, dropping his burden at her feet. “The clothes you asked for. But I still don’t see how–!”

His jaw dropped. Suddenly he was no longer facing the horned, tailed, cloven-hoofed temptress he had conjured up, but a beautiful, completely human-looking woman with tanned skin and hair a lighter shade of red. His body responded, his member engorging instantly.

“Wow,” he got out.

“You like what you see, don’t you?” Lilibat teased.

Frank blushed furiously. “Any guy would!”

She dimpled at him. “Thank you, Frank honey.” Turning her attention to the things he’d brought, she continued, “And as you can see, now clothing will be helpful. I can enslave any male completely, like you, Frank honey, but that doesn’t mean I want to have to subjugate every man I meet just to keep from drawing the wrong sort of attention.”

“Uh,” Frank said. “Y-yes. I see what you mean.” It didn’t occur to him to object that she’d referred to him as “enslaved.”

“Of course you do,” Lilibat acknowledged. “Now come here, Frank.”

He came to her. Her lips met his as her arms wound around him and her legs trapped his own. They sank down.

Once again Frank’s mind dissolved in the heat of Lilibat’s flesh, and he became an eager tool. As they writhed together, she worked with him to cast away his garments. Once he was nude, her hands played along his spine as though she were a virtuoso pianist caressing the keyboard of her favorite instrument. Pleasure shot through him, making him jump and dance in seizures of ecstasy. He thrust into her again and again, spurting wildly, over and over, until he was totally empty. At last he simply lay against her, head pillowed on her breast, and slept.

Lilibat smirked. Mousy Dr. Jones had never gotten this kind of action, and never would have.

Almost tenderly, she eased the unconscious Frank Willis off of her, laying him carefully on the floor. While he slumbered on, she opened the boxes he’d brought with him and examined their contents.

Yes, she decided at length, they’d do.

The outfit he’d bought her included high-heeled strappy sandals, nylons, a short white skirt and a tight, low-cut blouse in light blue, as well as bikini briefs and a brassiere in her size. A pair of tinted sunglasses completed the ensemble. She giggled, imagining what the store clerks must have thought about a young man buying all those sexy female clothes. Well, it didn’t matter. Frank existed now to serve her.

She dressed, then sat down next to her still-sleeping servant. There was one more box, a small one; when she opened it, she found a mirror, lipstick and eyeliner inside. Smiling, she touched herself up. Not that I need it, she thought smugly.

Something occurred to her. She had never come up with a name for the form she was wearing now. She’d meant to, but Dr. Fatakis had banished her before she’d done it, and of course she’d had no use for a human form Below. Perhaps now was the time. If she were going out into the world again–yes, now was the time.

Let’s see now, she thought. It should be memorable, with a nice little in-joke built in; after all, it’s not as if anyone’s likely to guess who I really am! Something sexy, something. . . . She pouted, concentrating.

I have it! She smiled. Just the thing: sexy, but not TOO exotic–and I get my private laugh, too.

She knelt down and gently shook Frank by the shoulder.

“Mnnh?” he grunted. Then, as she continued rocking him, his eyes opened and he said, “Lilibat?”

His eyes opened wider as he sat up and took in her new look.

“You did well, Frank honey,” she praised him. “This outfit is just what I need. Now it’s time for me to leave here.” She giggled. “To start going to and fro in the world.” Her eyes flashed yellow. “I have a lot of lost time to make up for.”

She looked down at Frank. “Don’t just sit there, honey. You’re coming with me. It’s what you want, isn’t it? More than anything in the world?” Her eyes met his.

GNNGHH!” Frank’s strangled groan was nearly a scream. One look into her eyes and he was lost again. “Yes! Yes! More than anything! Please, Lilibat! Please!

“Then get dressed and come along, honey.” Frank scrambled to obey, and the succubus added, “Oh yes: at least while I look like this, it’s not Lilibat anymore. You’ll call me Luci.” She snickered. “Luci Ferra.”

“Of course,” Frank agreed. The dazzling haze her eyes had cast over his mind was fading, but he was still completely pliable. “Luci Ferra. When you look like this. Yes.” He nodded eagerly.

Finally he finished dressing. “Luci” looked him over and adjusted his collar, then brushed his hair lightly with one hand. “There,” she said when she was satisfied with his appearance. “Now come along. We have a lot to do.”

Frank Willis and the beautiful demon who owned him climbed the stairs to the first floor. They passed through the lobby and went out through the glass-paneled doors, into the afternoon sunlight.



Hell’s Belle: The Return of Lilibat – Chapter 2

Jennie Morgan was bored.

It was a slow afternoon at the branch of First Union Bank where she worked in customer services. A few people were over at the teller windows, but no one had come to her desk all day. She’d already taken her one allowed afternoon break, though, and her supervisor frowned on her reading at her desk or anything like that. She was supposed to sit there, looking bright and attentive, waiting to serve. After a while, you sort of zoned out. She’d seen some of the other reps sometimes, sitting there glassy-eyed with stupid smiles on their faces. She kind of suspected she looked like that herself sometimes.

Suddenly her reverie was broken by an odd change in the atmosphere. She looked up.

All the men in the bank, customers and employees alike, had stopped talking. They were all staring in the direction of her desk, stunned looks on their faces. A couple of them looked like they were actually drooling.

And no wonder. Standing in front of her was the most beautiful woman Jennie had ever seen. Curves to die for, long, wavy dark-red hair, a model’s face, and dressed in an outfit designed to show her off to the world. Everything but her eyes, anyway, which were hidden behind a pair of tinted sunglasses. Even behind the shades, though, those eyes were oddly compelling. Jennie found herself staring into them, as if it were somehow very important to do so.

“Excuse me,” the woman said. “Are you the one I need to see to open an account here?” Her voice was as gorgeous as the rest of her. Listening to it was like being stroked all over. . . .With an effort, Jennie focused on business.

“Y-yeah,” Jennie stammered. “I mean, yes.” Professional, she had to stay professional. “I’m the one.” Gesturing at the chair to the right of her desk, she said, “Please sit down.”

The woman sat.

“My name is Luci Ferra,” she declared. “That’s L-U-C-I, F-E-R-R-A.”

Jennie sputtered. Come on, she thought. That’s like a bad joke. But she said nothing. You didn’t make fun of customers’ names–and this one wasn’t even the worst she’d run into.

The woman smiled as if she’d guessed what was going through Jennie’s mind. “Don’t be embarrassed,” she said. “Some people’s parents just have no sense when it comes to naming their children.” She laughed.

Jennie laughed back. She liked this woman!

Returning to business, she asked, “So you want to open an account with us? How much money were you planning on depositing?”

“Actually, that’s something I wanted to discuss with you,” Luci said. “I don’t have any money. I was hoping your bank could arrange to deposit some for me.”

“What?” Jennie couldn’t believe her ears. “Are you kidding? We don’t–!”

Her voice trailed away as the other woman calmly removed her glasses, revealing her eyes. They were beautiful. Brilliant. Wonderful. All-important.

The bank faded from Jennie’s awareness. The only things she saw were those eyes. They were twin whirlpools of fabulous light. After some nameless interval, they merged into one, a gorgeous vortex into which Jennie dived gratefully.

Luci put her glasses back on. “You were saying?”

“Uh,” Jennie responded. “Ooooh.” Her face was a mask of bliss.

The other woman smiled. She knew that look, and loved it. It was the look of total submission. The bank clerk was lost in her own private world now. Her only connection to ordinary reality was Luci’s voice, Lilibat’s voice, which would tell her what to do and think.

The she-demon was well satisfied. She couldn’t very well have come into the bank as her hellish self, horns, hooves, red skin and all–but her human form had the same seductive powers.

Of course, those powers had their limitations. She could command men to do absolutely anything, but with women, she had to avoid orders which went against their basic moral code. Overconfidence in this regard had played a role in her defeat last time, when she had pushed the magician Dr. Fatakis’ aide Rita Hawkins too far.

“What were you saying?” Luci prompted again.

“Um,” Jennie mumbled. Then, collecting herself, she answered, “Uh, I was saying that . . . that we can’t just give you money to open an account.” Her voice was soft and hesitant, as if she were having trouble putting words together. “I can’t do that.”

“That’s all right,” Luci said. “Perhaps I could speak to the branch manager?”

“Speak to . . . the branch manager.” Jennie smiled. “Of course. I’ll call him right away.”

She picked up the phone on her desk, punched in a number, and, after a few seconds, spoke. “Mr. Hardesty? There’s a woman here at customer service who needs to speak with you a moment. Can you please come out?” Another few seconds passed. “Thank you, sir.”

Jennie looked up. “He’ll be right out, Ms. Ferra.” The stunned look was fading from her features, but Luci knew she could put the other woman under again instantly any time she wanted.

A middle-aged man in a neat gray suit approached the desk.

“Oh, Mr. Hardesty,” Jennie said. “This is Ms. Luci Ferra. She wants to open an account with us, but there’s–well–a problem.”

Luci stood up, facing Hardesty. She noted smugly that the bank official was obviously aroused by her; a visible erection tented the front of his trousers, and he was sweating as he greeted her: “Pleased to meet you, Ms. Ferra. What seems to be the trouble?”

Jennie started to explain, but Hardesty shushed her with a wave. “Now, Miss Morgan, let Ms. Ferra speak for herself.”

Luci tipped up her sunglasses with one hand and looked into Mr. Hardesty’s eyes. “Perhaps we should talk this over in private, Mr. Hardesty? In your office?”

“We should talk this over in private,” Hardesty agreed. “In my office.”

Hardesty turned and walked away. As she prepared to follow him, Luci shot one last glance back at Jennie and decreed, “Everything’s fine, Jennie. Don’t give it another thought.”

“Ev . . . everything’s fine,” Jennie murmured, floating again in the beautiful place Luci’s eyes made for her. Later, when she returned to reality, she didn’t give the matter another thought.

“Now,” Peter Hardesty said as he settled into the comfortable chair behind his big executive desk, “what seems to be the matter? I should think opening a bank account would be easy enough; just fill out the forms and deposit the funds.”

“But that’s just it, sir,” Luci cooed. “I don’t have any funds to deposit.” She could hardly draw on Susan Jones’s old accounts. Five years had passed since her banishment and the death of Dr. Jones’s mortal frame; the money accounts would have been declared inactive, and since Susan had died without a will, her bank would have gotten the money. “I was hoping your bank could give me some–starter funds, you might say.” She smiled at him. “Think of it as a good-will gesture.”

“Now see here, young lady.” Hardesty was no longer relaxed. He half rose out of his chair, leaning forward aggressively with this hands braced atop his desk. “I don’t know what you were imagining, but we here at First Union are a business, not a charity! I’ve half a mind to have you arrested!”

“No,” Luci said calmly, removing her sunglasses and dangling them idly from one hand as she lounged in her chair. “You see here, Mr. Hardesty.”

She looked into his eyes, and he was done. He was no longer conscious of the expensively furnished room he and Luci occupied; he was aware only of her eyes, and her voice. Her words were his only thoughts.

“Sit down, Mr. Hardesty,” she directed. He obeyed, smiling vacantly.

Luci set her sunglasses down on the desktop and leaned across, eyes locked on Hardesty’s. “What’s your first name, Mr. Hardesty?”

“Peter,” he responded automatically.

“Peter,” Luci repeated. “A nice name. You don’t mind if I call you Peter, do you? Of course you don’t.”

“Of course I don’t.”

“Now Peter,” she chided him, “you said you had half a mind to have me arrested. You didn’t mean that, did you?”

“Didn’t . . . mean that.”

“In fact, you don’t have half a mind to do anything. You don’t have a mind at all, do you?”

Peter sighed. “Don’t have a mind at all.”

“When you look into my eyes, your only thoughts are those I give you,” Luci instructed. “And when you’re not looking into my eyes, you will do as I told you to do when you were looking into my eyes. You will do it without question. Isn’t that right, Peter?”

“Yes,” whispered Peter. “That’s right.”

“Now Peter,” she asked carefully, “is there any way you can give me the money I want? It’s very important, Peter, and I know you want to do anything you can to help me.”

The bank manager was silent briefly. Then he said, “Yes. I know a man, in our systems department. He can arrange, for electronic transfers to an, account created for you.”

“Tell me about this man, Peter.”

“His name is Aaron Lieber,” Hardesty told Luci. “He’s in charge of . . . system security. All access codes and, account numbers. Stuff like that. He watches out for hackers. He knows all, their tricks. He could do it.” Hesitantly: “But he wouldn’t. He’s, too honest.”

Luci laughed softly. “You let me worry about that, Peter.” This Aaron Lieber would be no more of a problem than Hardesty had been.

She looked over her newest slave. She liked what she saw. Peter Hardesty appeared to be in his late forties, to judge by his iron-gray hair and the crow’s feet at his eyes, but the tailored suit he wore fit him in a way which suggested a muscular build beneath.

Perhaps before going to see Hardesty’s computer guy, she could have some fun. Yes.

“You want me, don’t you, Peter?” Luci asked, focusing on the banker, drawing him deeper into her eyes. “You’re so turned on by me that you can’t help yourself. You need to have sex with me, you have to have it! You have to have it now! You don’t even care whether I want it. You have to take me NOW!”

With a bestial roar, Peter Hardesty threw himself across his desk at Luci, seizing her and dragging her onto the thick carpet below. There was only one thought in his mind: he was going to take this woman NOW!

Pinned beneath the banker’s bulk, Luci spoke. “Stop, Peter. Stop, and listen carefully.”

Peter instantly stopped. Frozen in place, he listened carefully.

“I’m in charge, Peter.” Luci held Peter’s eyes with her own and reached up to frame his face with her palms. “You can do only what I say. That’s true, isn’t it? Say, ‘Yes, Mistress Luci,’ if it’s true.”

“Yes, Mistress Luci,” Hardesty responded tamely. “You’re in charge. I can do . . . only what you say.”

“From now on,” Luci commanded, “the words ‘Mistress Luci’ will tell you to obey. When you hear me say those words, even if you are not looking into my eyes, you will obey without thought or question until I release you. Do you understand, and will you obey? Say ‘Yes, Mistress Luci’ if you understand and will obey.”

“Yes, Mistress Luci.”

“And when we are alone,” the temptress added, “you will always call me Mistress Luci. You will find it strongly arousing to do so. But you will call me that only when we are alone. Do you understand, and will you obey?”

“Yes, Mistress Luci.”

The disguised she-demon looked up at the helpless mortal locked motionless over her. He had accepted her trigger suggestion completely. Now she would be able to command him even over the phone, when she couldn’t make eye contact.

Satisfied, she addressed him again. “Now let’s get out of these clothes, shall we? I know you want to have me”–Peter moaned, and Luci giggled at the sound–“and they’ll only get in the way.”

Hardesty released Luci in order to tear at his clothing, peeling it away as quickly as he could manage. Luci stripped as well, less desperately. As she did, she smirked. Not only had she made him her sexual puppet, she was drawing him into embezzlement. It was just too bad that by the rules Asmodiel had laid down at the very beginning, what he did under her power would not condemn his soul. Only actions undertaken with free will could do that, and right now, he didn’t have that; he wouldn’t even know what it was.

Ah, well, she consoled herself, perhaps I’ll have better luck with the programmer.

Finally undressed, the two of them moved together. Peter plunged into her, bucking and gasping. Her power controlled him, keeping him going until–yes! This was the moment! YES! Fireworks exploded behind her eyes and her body thrashed in pleasure along with Hardesty’s.

Afterward, they lay dreamily on the soft rug for a little while. At last, smiling, Luci sat up, looked over at her latest conquest and said, “Peter honey?”

Her words woke him from a pleasant doze. “Yes, Mistress Luci?” The programmed response came out as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

“We need to get dressed now,” Luci decreed. “We need to get dressed and see this Mr. Lieber of yours. Unless he’s not available?”

Sitting up himself, Hardesty looked at the clock on one wall. “No,” he informed her. “He should be here. He usually works until at least six-thirty.”

“Good,” Luci said approvingly. She began to dress herself.

It was nearly eight o’clock when Luci returned to Frank Willis’ dorm room on the campus of Freedom Christian University.

Her introduction to Aaron Lieber had gone well, despite a bad moment involving a Star of David ornament he wore. Her newfound sensitivity to religious items was apparently not limited to those of the Christian faith. One suggestion from her, however, after he’d looked into her eyes, had been enough to make him put the thing away where it couldn’t hurt her.

Lieber was actually cute, slender, medium build, with curly black hair–not the stereotypical computer nerd at all. He didn’t even wear glasses. She had enjoyed taking him, and it had amused her to have sex with him while Peter Hardesty watched, commanded into silent immobility. After, she had explained what she needed, then watched as the programmer went into the bank’s carefully protected systems and set up the account she wanted. He had fixed things so a nice lump sum of twenty thousand dollars was diverted into that account, then added a gimmick which would add in some trifling amount from each transaction the bank carried out. Over time, he had explained, this invisible siphon would provide her with a great deal of money.

When he’d finished, she had left with Hardesty. As they walked out, she had instructed the bank manager, “No one must know about this arrangement, Peter. You will do anything you have to do to keep it secret. Everything must appear perfectly legitimate.”

Of course Hardesty had agreed.

All in all, she’d been quite satisfied.

Frank was waiting for her, sitting in the heavy captain’s chair in front of the desk which took up one corner of his dorm room.

“Good news, Frank honey,” she informed him cheerfully. “I’ve arranged it so I have money now. That means I won’t have to stay here much longer.”

“You . . . you won’t?” Frank sounded almost afraid. “You’re going . . . away? But what–what about me?”

“Oh, Frank honey,” Luci answered. “You want what I want, don’t you? Of course you do.”

“Of–of course . . . I do,” Frank repeated. Luci had conditioned him to respond to that phrase; he’d agree now with anything she said, do anything she wanted, whenever she said the words. As with Hardesty and her victims before her banishment, she’d found it helpful to install such a trigger.

“Then you want me to have a place of my own, don’t you,” the succubus suggested. “Of course you do.”

Frank agreed helplessly and squirmed in his chair. A bulge appeared in his trousers and grew amazingly.

“Then let’s hear no more about it,” she ordered. “Don’t worry, Frank honey. You’ll still get to see me–both of me!” With her last words, she shifted into her demon shape.

Frank squealed wordlessly in delight and squirmed where he sat.

Lilibat gloated. She had questioned Frank carefully under trance after going home with him the night of her summoning, and had learned that one of his secret turn-ons was a sexy cartoon devil-girl very like herself, complete with horns, red skin and tail. He wanted to be controlled by her, used by her, while she looked like this.

“You’ll help me pick out a place tomorrow, won’t you, Frank?” Lilibat coiled her tail around one thigh as she spoke, and Frank squealed again. He shuddered, and a small wet spot appeared at the front of his pants.

He panted, “Yes. Please. Help you, pick out a place. Please let me, help. Oh, help, please.” He looked up at her, begging. “Please.

She gave him what he wanted. She undressed him right in his chair, taking her time about it while he shivered and moaned in pleasure. Then, when she was done, she led the helplessly hypnotized and wildly aroused young man over to his bed, eased him down onto it and settled down atop him. His body rammed against her, driving into her, and she rode him to climax while he babbled incoherently.

Once he’d spent himself, Frank dropped limply back onto the sheets and was asleep almost immediately. Lilibat eased herself off him and sat for awhile in his big chair, arms draped over its armrests and legs neatly crossed. As a demon, she’d found she needed very little sleep.

Gazing across at her mortal summoner, who was now her puppet, Lilibat smirked. She didn’t require Frank’s aid to find a place to live. It appealed to her, though, to let him plead to serve her. After all, he’d called her from Hell to be his servant; too bad for him he’d been careless enough to let her turn the tables.

Abruptly, she became aware of a new presence in the darkened room. A familiar presence.

“Asmodiel?” she asked. “My Dark Lord?”

“Yes, it is I,” the presence confirmed. “You needn’t worry that I’ll wake your mortal plaything. Even if you hadn’t quite thoroughly worn him out,” and the presence smiled an evil smile which was the only thing even Lilibat could see of it in the shadows except for two glowing eyes, “and even if he were not now quite thoroughly under your power, he could not perceive me. After all, I’m not here physically as you are.”

Lilibat nodded. She remembered how her demon mentor had manifested himself to her alone on a few occasions before her exile from Earth. “Why have you contacted me?”

“I have been watching you,” the other explained. “I’m quite pleased with the beginning you have made since your return to the mortal realm, even though you have not yet sent Down any fresh souls.”

Lilibat started to protest. Asmodiel interrupted her. “No, my dear, that was not a criticism. You needn’t rush. I wish only to caution you against overconfidence. As you recall,” and the deep voice turned stern, “that was how you were defeated before.”

Reluctantly, the succubus nodded again.

“I remind you,” the demon lord continued, “because I can guess at some of what you mean to do. You intend to face Dr. Fatakis and his aide once more, and destroy them.”

“Yes, milord Asmodiel.” Lilibat bared her teeth.

“Then take care,” the other warned. “Recall that because of your mistakes last time, Rita Hawkins is now immune to your powers. If you wish to subjugate her, you will need to find other means.”

The voice fell silent for a moment, then concluded: “A final warning. Our kind’s powers give us great advantages in dealing with mortals, but they also impose weaknesses. In particular, beware one thing: our bargains with mortals are as unbreakable for us as for them.” The eyes blazing from the darkness shifted toward the bed. “A deal is a deal, as the mortals say–even a bad one. Take care!”

“I shall, Dark Lord.” Lilibat wasn’t quite sure what her master and lover meant, but she appreciated the warning.

“See that you do, my dear. See that you do!” And with that, the presence was gone.

Demons are immortal, but do not have the patience to go with an endless existence. Patience, after all, is a virtue. Sitting in the dark waiting for Frank to regain consciousness was profoundly boring to his satanic mistress. Presently, therefore, she began scanning the bookshelves which lined the room, searching for something to read. There were Frank’s textbooks, of course–but of course not! Fortunately he also had an assortment of novels, mostly mysteries. She selected one and began to read.

She was still reading when Frank woke up at six-thirty. When he opened his eyes he saw her, in demon form, lounging in his captain’s chair, cloven-hoofed feet crossed on his desk to one side of his computer and tail draped over one armrest. When she heard him stirring, she swung around gracefully, ankles still neatly crossed, and faced him. Her hooves hit the floor with a soft thump.

“I hope you slept well,” she said. (Actually, she was sure he had. She’d leaned over and whispered a command for him to do so just as his eyes were closing after sex the night before. Of course he would have obeyed.)

“Yes, I did,” he answered. He sat up and stretched, then rolled over and thumped his feet onto the floor.

“Then after breakfast, let’s go find me an apartment,” she suggested. After a sexy shrug that made Frank breathe faster, she assumed her human guise again.

“That’s amazing,” the youth said. “Even knowing what you are, that’s amazing.”

Luci smiled at him. Frank sounded so normal this morning; no one would guess that his mind was no longer his own.

The two of them dressed quickly and headed out for breakfast. As Luci Ferra, the demoness had all the physical needs of any ordinary human. She was very hungry.

At Luci’s suggestion, they went off campus to eat. The pairing of student Frank Willis with a glamorous mystery woman would attract too much attention if they used the cafeteria. She was not ready for that.

Frank was hungry too, but he watched with admiration as Luci put away a stack of pancakes, several fried eggs, a big slab of Canadian bacon, a tall orange juice and most of a pot of coffee. For him, the scrambled-egg special offered by the diner they’d chosen had been quite enough.

“Wow,” he said. “Don’t they feed you–ah–where you’re from?”

Luci laughed. Gulping another mouthful of food, she answered, “Actually, no, not usually–but we don’t need it. I guess now that I’m”–like Frank, she avoided saying where she’d come from–“back here, and”–she gestured at her body–“like this, I’m making up for lost time.”

When they’d finished, Frank paid the bill and they left. Admiring eyes followed them; more than one of the restaurant’s male patrons wished he were in Frank’s position.


Hell’s Belle: The Return of Lilibat – Chapter 3

Luci knew what she wanted in an apartment, and she knew just where to find it. She had Frank drive her first to the bank, then to the Stafford Arms.

The Stafford was a high-class residential hotel on the other side of town from FCU. Built in the nineteen-twenties, it had escaped the downward slide which turned so many once-elegant places into seedy dives. It provided lavish suites for its occupants, quite a step up from the simple one-bedroom apartment Susan Jones had occupied. A number of the city’s wealthiest and most influential men lived there, an added plus from the succubus’ point of view.

Of course, there was the little matter of getting its management to accept her as a tenant. If she had still been human, mere good looks and money wouldn’t have been enough. But as things were, she expected no problems.

The manager, a Mr. Braithwaite according to the nameplate on his door, was a distinguished-looking older man, thin, with neatly-combed white hair and sharp gray eyes. When his assistant ushered Luci and Frank into his office, he looked them over skeptically.

“What may I do for you?” he said at length.

“I’d like to rent one of your suites, please,” Luci answered. “I understand several are available.”

“That is true,” Mr. Braithwaite admitted. “The vacant apartments range from three thousand to five thousand per month, with two months’ deposit required in addition to the first month’s rent.” His tone suggested he didn’t believe Luci could come up with the money.

That was what the bank trip had been for, though. With a flourish, Luci produced a thick roll of hundred-dollar bills and carefully counted off ninety of them. When she was done, she thumped the fat wad of cash down on Braithwaite’s desk. “Will this do?”

Braithwaite stared at the money as if it were a snake. It took a visible effort for him to turn his attention back to the woman in front of him. “Y-yes,” he stammered, “that will do.”

He pulled himself together. “However, you must understand, the Stafford Arms does not accept just anyone. We are obliged to consider an applicant’s background before allowing him or her to move in here.”

“Luci Ferra,” of course, didn’t have a background. That didn’t matter. She removed her sunglasses and gazed intently into Braithwaite’s eyes.

“But you want me to live here, don’t you?” she asked him. “You want me to live here. Come on, Mr. Braithwaite, say it. You want me to live here.”

Braithwaite nodded, eyes riveted on Luci’s glowing orbs. “Want you . . . to live here.”

“Of course,” Luci responded. “That’s right, keep looking into my eyes, Mr. Braithwaite, and listen to me. You want me to live here. You want me to live here because you want me.

“Oh, God, yes.” Luci winced slightly at the hotel manager’s choice of words. “But–” Braithwaite objected weakly, “I, I shouldn’t. I’m, uh, uhh! whatchacallit–married, that’s it. Yes. Married.”

Perfect, thought Luci. Then fooling around with her would wreck that marriage, and perhaps tempt the wife into doing something sinful herself. She’d have to make sure they got caught.

To the hotel manager, she said, “That doesn’t matter. You want me; that’s all that counts.” Keeping her eyes on his, she turned, showing off her body in the revealing clothes she was wearing.

“Uhhh!” Braithwaite was shuddering in his seat. “Nnnghh–want you! All that counts! Yes! Yes!” His eyes were wide and wild.

“Then you’ll accept me as a tenant?” Luci had no doubt of the answer.

“Uhh! Uhh! Of course!” Braithwaite was breathing raggedly now.

Luci turned to Frank. “Wait outside, please, Frank,” she directed. Without a word, the youth turned and left.

The hotel manager summoned enough awareness to ask, “Is . . . he going to be staying with you?”

Luci laughed. “No, Frank’s just a pet. I mean a friend. He’s got a place of his own.” Turning back, she added, “You’ll forget he was here today, won’t you? For me?” She fluttered her eyelashes.

“Forget he was . . . here today,” Braithwaite panted.

“But he may be visiting me sometimes,” the demon seductress added. “If he does, it will be perfectly all right with you.”

“If he visits . . . it will be perfectly all right with me.” Braithwaite nodded, accepting Luci’s instructions.

“Then let’s seal our bargain, shall we?” Luci’s smile was dazzling.

“What, uhhhgh! did you . . . have in mind?” the hotel manager gasped. His face glistened with sweat.

“Sex,” Luci told him. She giggled playfully. “Let’s fool around. Right here, right now.”

Shuddering with lust, Braithwaite reached for her.

“Ah-ah-ah,” she admonished him, shaking a finger in his face. “Let’s get undressed first, shall we? When we’re both naked, we can take our time.”

Braithwaite hurried to remove his clothes. Luci, as she’d done with Peter Hardesty at the bank, undressed more slowly, tantalizing the man watching her. She could sense him falling deeper and deeper into a sexual trance as he stared–sense it, see his erection growing, and hear the way his breathing shifted until it matched the rhythm of her movements.

An hour later, after bringing Braithwaite to several climaxes, she spoke to him as the two of them sprawled on his office floor. “What’s your first name, honey?”

“Ned,” Braithwaite responded drowsily. “My first name’s . . . Ned.”

“I see.” She tilted his chin with one slim forefinger, guiding him to face her. “Ned, you like the way you feel right now, don’t you?”

“Mmmm. Yes.”

“That’s what I thought. Now listen carefully.” Luci’s eyes blazed as she brought her powers to bear. “From now on, whenever I say your first name, you will do whatever I say, think whatever I tell you to think, until I release you. Do you understand, and will you do as I say?”

“Yes,” Ned said. “Understand. When you call me Ned . . . I must do and think . . . whatever you tell me to. Yes.”

“You will do this because it will mean we will have sex again, and you will have this feeling again. And you’ll do anything to feel this way again.”

“Yes,” whispered Ned. “I’ll do anything . . . to feel this way.”

Luci reached over and ruffled the hotel manager’s pale hair. Then she calmly dressed and left the office. As she departed, Ned Braithwaite began to dress himself.

Frank looked up as his demon mistress emerged from the manager’s office. “How did it go?” he asked.

“How do you think?” she answered. “I’ve got the place I wanted.”

Luci looked over at the cubicle where the manager’s secretary sat. “Excuse me, miss,” she said.

“Yes?” The secretary, who had been filing her nails, looked up. As soon as her eyes met Luci’s, she froze like a rabbit in front of a snake.

“What’s your name, dear?” Luci inquired.

“Paula,” came the answer. “Paula Petrosino.”

“Paula, dear, I need to talk to this young man for a few minutes,” Luci told her. “You will ignore us completely, as if we had never been here. You will pay no attention to anything we say or do until I say the words, ‘As you were.'”

The other woman’s eyes went dreamy. Her head bent down and she went back to filing her nails.

“That should do it,” Luci announced. “Now we’re alone, or might as well be. I can tell you the rest of it.”

“The rest?”

“Of course, Frank honey.” She gave him a condescending look. “I picked this place not just for the accommodations but for who else lives here. All sorts of local bigwigs stay here, either full-time or part-time. Living here myself will give me access to them, and soon they’ll serve me just the way you do.”

Frank thought about that, and his eyes widened. “You’re . . . building some sort of power base, aren’t you?”

Lilibat nodded, pleased. “That’s right, Frank honey.” She pursed her lips thoughtfully and went on.

“Unlike more senior demons, I have only limited powers,” she explained. “I can–influence people, of course, once I’ve met them face to face. As you know.” She dimpled. “But that is very nearly it. I can change form, as you’ve seen, between this appearance and”–she switched quickly into her demon shape–“this one.” Frank panted at sight of his fantasy female. Smirking, she changed back. “And when I was mortal, I had another shape as well, one I have not used in years.”

Frank interrupted. “You were mortal? I . . . I don’t understand.”

While the hotel manager’s secretary calmly continued working on her nails, Luci explained, telling her summoner and slave the full story of her origin for the first time and finishing: “After my banishment by that meddling magician, my demon master arranged for references to me to be magically inserted into various texts, appearing as if they had always been present. Then he looked for someone who could be guided to invoke me . . . and that’s where you came in.”

“Then I was–forced to call you up?” Frank’s voice was unsteady.

“No,” Luci answered. “You were already planning to perform a summoning ritual. You were merely guided to my own. After that, it was your free decision to summon me rather than another.” She smiled. “And here I am.” She treated Frank to another quick glimpse of the demon form he found so alluring.

Ohhhh,” Frank breathed. He struggled to regain focus. “I . . . I understand.”

“But come now, Frank honey,” Luci directed. “It’s time to leave.” Frank nodded.

Turning to Paula Petrosino, who was still robotically filing her nails in her seat outside the manager’s office, the sinister seductress said, “As you were, dear.”

The secretary left off her manicure job and looked up. She blinked. “Excuse me? Did you say something?”

“Nothing important,” responded Luci. “My friend and I are leaving now. I’ve spoken with your boss, and will be moving in.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Paula acknowledged respectfully. “If there’s anything I can do to help, I’ll be happy to.”

“Yes,” Luci said, “I’m sure you will.”

With Frank in tow, she left.

Luci’s moving job was simplified by the fact that she had almost nothing to move. The luxury suite she had obtained was already furnished, and the only clothes she owned were those Frank had bought for her the day after her conjuration. She settled in quickly, familiarizing herself with her new place. Then she set out to assemble a wardrobe, taking Frank with her.

It was a measure of how deeply in her thrall Frank was that he found this shopping expedition exciting. Of course, it helped that Luci modeled her purchases for him, earning the disapproving stares of some store clerks. The offended salespeople made no trouble, though; one glance into Luci’s eyes and they forgot their objections. Frank eagerly paid for everything she bought until he had maxed out every credit card he owned; only after that did Luci begin drawing on her own money.

By the time they’d finished, the sun was setting. A panting Frank Willis drove Luci back to the Stafford Arms and carried her acquisitions up to her suite for her. Under her direction, he unpacked the clothes and put them carefully away.

When he was done, he turned to her and asked eagerly, “Is everything okay?” Looking into her eyes, he pleaded, “Can I do anything else for you?” It was very obvious what he was hoping she’d say; the front of his pants bulged outward aggressively, and his face was flushed.

Laughing and pointing at the evidence of Frank’s arousal, Luci said, “My, you’re a horny boy, aren’t you? You need a horny girl, isn’t that right?”

She changed shape, becoming Lilibat again. Frank’s breathing went fast and shallow, and his mouth fell open. When he tried to speak, all that came out was “Uh. Uh. H-h-horny. . . .”

An hour later, she untangled herself from the youthful slave who had meant to be her master and commanded him to get dressed. As he obeyed, she put her own clothes on–a new set: a red pantsuit with plunging neckline and white slippers. She had to change back to Luci for the suit to fit properly, since it wasn’t cut to accommodate a tail, but that was no problem; she was finished playing with her favorite human toy for now.

When Frank finished dressing, he stood waiting patiently. The sex they’d had seemed to have driven him deeper into trance; his face was utterly tranquil and his arms dangled loosely at his sides as he awaited his mistress’s next instructions. When Luci passed her hand in front of his eyes, there was no reaction.

“Frank, can you hear me?” she asked. He was so far under, she wasn’t sure he could.

“Yes,” he answered. “Hear you.”

“You feel wonderful, don’t you, Frank honey?”

“Yes,” came the response. “Wonderful.” Frank smiled.

“I’m so glad, Frank,” Luci told him. “I need you to do something for me now. You will do it because you feel wonderful.”

“Yes,” agreed Frank.

“I need you to go home now, Frank.” Luci reached up to caress Frank’s face. “I need you to go home and go back to your regular life.” She stroked the sides of her slave’s face rhythmically. “You will go home, go back to your old life and not think about me at all until I contact you. You will not remember summoning me, or what we’ve done together since then, until you hear my voice speaking your name. When you hear that, you will remember everything and you will be ready to obey me without question again. Do you understand, and will you obey?”

Frank was briefly silent, as if his stupefied mind needed a while to process his new instructions. Then he nodded and said, “Yes. Go home. Go back to my . . . regular life and . . . forget summoning you and . . . what we’ve done together . . . until I hear you say . . . my name. When I hear you say my name . . . I will remember everything . . . and I will be ready . . . to obey you without question again.”

“Very good, Frank honey,” Luci cooed. “You may go now.” She waved one slender hand toward the door.

Frank walked out, glassy-eyed and blank-minded. All he knew was that he felt wonderful.

Luci made a point of introducing herself around the apartment complex. Ned Braithwaite and Paula Petrosino were very helpful. After a couple of weeks, she knew everyone.

By then, the money tap her programmer slave at the bank had installed had replenished her bank account. First Union was a big bank, and Aaron Lieber hadn’t limited his program to the single branch where she’d established her account; it was drawing on every transaction made in any branch anywhere. Before long it might be necessary to find ways of concealing the money. If so, she was confident that Lieber could be–persuaded–to help.

It was at the Halloween costume party she arranged for the Stafford’s residents that Luci was reminded of the unfinished business she had left behind her when she’d been sent Below. One of the residents had invited Professor Joseph Hinton, dean of Freedom Christian University, as a guest.

Spotting him, Luci smiled wickedly. Hinton had been a colleague of Susan Jones. After the mysterious demise of her department head Professor Joshua Carstairs, most people had expected him to assume the dead man’s position. Instead, after a little chat with the newly empowered Dr. Jones, Dean Mather had picked her instead. Now here he was in Mather’s place.

She slithered over to him.

Dean Hinton was a short, egg-bald man with thick, round glasses. Behind their lenses, his eyes popped as he saw her. She had chosen to appear as Lilibat, donning only a skimpy flame-orange bikini with a tail-slit as a concession to mortal society. She had already received several compliments on her “devil costume.” But for Hinton, a devout Christian fundamentalist, it was clearly disturbing.

“Well!” he huffed after several seconds of staring. “I understand that festivities like these a certain amount of . . . ribaldry is to be expected. But if I’d known I’d be exposed to evocations of Satan–of Satan and of lust–I’d not have come here.”

The man who’d invited him, a local television executive, intervened. “Now, Professor,” he soothed, “I’m sure Ms. Ferra meant no offense.” He waved around the room. “Look at who’s here. Do you think all these people would have come, if they thought she was the wrong sort of person? Those of us who live here know her, after all.”

Not as well as you think, Luci said to herself, even if better than you know. She had already had several of the men in the room; she’d even allowed most of them to remember it. None of them suspected what she really was.

Hinton nodded reluctantly. “I suppose you’re right,” he conceded. Facing Luci, he murmured, “My apologies.”

Gazing steadily into his eyes, Luci responded, “Apology accepted, Professor Hinton.” The Dean’s eyes widened and a slack smile spread across his features.

Looking over at the TV exec, she said, “I’d like to show Professor Hinton around, if I may. You don’t mind, do you?”

The media mogul mumbled, “I don’t mind.” By reflex, he stepped away from Hinton. Luci took the Dean’s arm and steered him away.

She guided him toward the refreshment table she had set up.

“Here,” she said, offering him a fluted glass of punch from which a strong alcoholic odor wafted. “Try some of this.”

Hinton was an absolute teetotaler. His idea of a “hard” beverage was coffee. Under Luci’s influence, however, he gulped the punch down.

“There,” she said. “That was good, wasn’t it? Of course it was. You want more, don’t you?”

“More,” Hinton echoed. Luci refilled his glass.

She spoke to him. “Drink up, Professor. Let yourself go. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. It’s a party! Have as much as you want! Drink until you can’t find the punch bowl. No one will mind.”

That ought to do it, Luci thought, smirking. Leaving Hinton to get falling-down drunk as she had commanded, she wove her way through the crowd.

A commotion at one end of her living room attracted her attention. A small crowd had gathered and was calling out encouragements to a buxom redhead who seemed to be standing on something. Someone had started a CD player, which was blaring nightclub music.

Luci headed over and pushed into the pack of people. “What’s going on?”

A tall, good-looking blond man grinned at her. “Isn’t it obvious?”

He jerked a thumb toward the woman who was the center of attention. She was dancing to the music and peeling away her clothes, giggling as she wriggled and stripped. Luci could see now that the woman was standing on an end table, the heels of her polished black pumps clicking on the tabletop as she pranced across it.

“Drunk?” Luci was amused.

“Better than that,” the blond guy answered. Reaching into an inside pocket, he pulled out a glassine envelope filled with small round yellow tablets, each of which was decorated with a cross-eyed smiley face.

“What is that stuff?” As Dr. Susan Jones, she had had nothing to do with drugs, and her time Below had not added to her education in that area.

“They call it Nirvana,” answered the blond. “Or sometimes Cloud Nine. It’s the latest party drug, stronger than Ecstasy.”

The woman on the table was naked now except for her high heels, and had dropped to her knees. Her head lolled. Neatly manicured hands lifted her ample breasts so that whenever she nodded forward they were within reach of her questing tongue, which curled snakily around stiff nipples. The men surrounding her egged her on with lewd suggestions, and she obeyed enthusiastically.

“It’s a hypnotic,” came the explanation. “A really powerful one. When you’re high on Nirvana, you’ll do anything you’re told, anything at all. Obeying commands gives you unbelievable pleasure.”

Real-ly,” Luci murmured. “Anything at all, you say. Obeying gives you unbelievable pleasure, you say. Is it addictive?”

“Not physically,” the blond replied. “But after only one or two doses, most people crave the pleasure so strongly they’ll do just about anything to get more–no matter what you make them do when they’re under the influence.”

Only by an effort of will was Luci able to keep her eyes from glowing with inhuman delight. “Perfect,” she whispered, and in her mind an image of Rita Hawkins groveled in eager submission. “Perfect.”

Most of the guys present were now intent on the drugged girl. Still kneeling, she had leaned forward to seize one of the onlookers by the back of the head and press his face deep into her breasts. Luci, however, had other plans for her fair-haired friend.

She looked into his eyes and asked, “What’s your name, honey?”

A slightly stunned look on his face, he answered. “Tom. M-my name is Tom Dennis.”

“Well, Tom,” she asked, “why don’t we find someplace a little more private? We have things to discuss.” She reached out with her power, drawing her new prey farther in.

Tom stammered, “I-I-I, uh, s-sure. Find someplace . . . more private. We have . . . things to discuss. Uh.” Half-consciously, he added, “Beautiful. . . .”

“That’s right, Tom,” Luci agreed. “Beautiful. I’m beautiful. My eyes are beautiful. Now come with me, Tom.”

She led him into her bedroom and shut the door.

Their lovemaking, once they’d gotten their inconvenient clothing out of the way, was fiery. Luci discovered that she could bring Tom to utter, ecstatic rigidity, arms, legs and penis all standing stiffly away from his body, by stroking just the right spots on his back with the point of her tail. When she finally let him come, his outpouring was explosive.

Presently, as the two of them lay nude and sweaty amid the tangled sheets on her big bed, Luci spoke. “Tom?” she asked. “Are you awake?”

“Yes,” a sleepy male voice answered. “Awake.”

“We need to talk, Tom. Now listen carefully.”

“Need to talk. Listen carefully.” Tom listened, eyes opening as he focused on Luci.

“You’re going to give me the drug, Tom. The Nirvana. You’re going to hand over the tabs you have, because I want them and you want me to have whatever I want. You do want me to have whatever I want, don’t you, Tom sweetie?” Luci fluttered her eyelashes at the big blond sprawled beside her.

“Oh, yes,” Tom sighed. “Whatever you want.”

“Then you’ll hand them over to me, Tom? Just go over and find them in your clothes, take them out and put them on my nightstand. Now, Tom.”

Wordlessly, Tom did as Luci had directed. Afterward, he stood by her bed, waiting for his next instruction.

“Good boy, Tom,” Luci said. “Now tell me, can you get more?”

“Yes,” Tom answered. “I can get more.”

“That’s good, Tom. I want you to get more. I want you to tell your supplier you sold what you had–let me know how much you should have gotten for it, and I can arrange for you to get that much in cash–and that you want more. Can you do that for me, Tom?”

“Yes,” came the response. “I can do that.”

“That’s good, Tom sweetie.” Luci slid off the bed and stood in one sinuous motion. “Now I want you to get dressed and rejoin the party. I’ll be out in a few minutes. Tell no one what we did in here together, or what we talked about; let them use their imaginations.” The demon-woman laughed.

Tom got dressed and left, a woozy smile on his face.

As the bedroom door closed behind Tom, Lilibat smirked. Another male was hopelessly under her power. And better yet, he’d given her the tool she needed to deal with Rita Hawkins once and for all–and with any other female who might get in her way.

She crossed to the nightstand and picked up the two glossy transparent envelopes her newest slave had deposited there. One had obviously been opened, and contained only a few of the yellow smiley-face tabs. The other, though, bulged with them. If they worked as advertised, what Tom had handed over would be more than enough to turn Fatakis’ sidekick into her eager puppet. And without Rita to help him, she could bring the occult investigator to his knees easily enough, as she had almost managed in their first battle.

Her eyes blazed.

A few minutes later, dressed in her bikini again, Luci rejoined the party. The drugged redhead from before was nowhere in sight.

“Oh, a couple of the guys took her home,” one of the guests explained. “She was still pretty high. From what the guy said who gave us the tab for her, she’ll be fine by morning.” He said nothing about the psychological craving Tom had mentioned; Luci wondered if Tom had bothered to tell him. A flicker of amusement lit her eyes as it occurred to her to wonder also if the men who’d left with the girl really meant only to take her home.

Well, it didn’t matter.

She rejoined the party just in time to see a sodden-drunk Dean Hinton being escorted to the door by his TV-executive friend. “Come along, Joe,” the friend was saying. “I think you need to call it a night. I’ll drive you home.”

“Aw . . . awrigh’,” she heard the dignified administrator slur. “Yer a pal, y’know that? Real pal.”

Luci chuckled. Apparently Hinton had obeyed her commands to the letter. He was quite obviously smashed out of his mind. When he woke up in the morning–the late morning, by the looks of things–he’d be humiliated. Good.

The festivities appeared to be winding down. It was no trouble for Luci to talk several of the remaining guests into “helping” her clean up; actually, they did all the work, although each of them believed Luci was doing a share of it. Finally, she sent them on their way.

When she was alone, she threw back her head and let loose peals of wild laughter. It was just too perfect! She’d actually been able to move among the foolish mortals in her true form, without any of them suspecting a thing.

For now, though, the fun was over. A moment’s concentration and her form rippled and flowed into the human one of Luci Ferra. She stepped into her bedroom.

Standing by her bed, she looked thoughtfully down at the packets on her nightstand. Before taking her revenge on Fatakis and Hawkins, she decided, a little test was in order–and she knew the perfect guinea pig.

The next day, dressed in a sleek business outfit, Luci appeared at First Union Bank. It was shortly before noon, and the bank was quiet; the midday rush of customers hadn’t started yet.

Luci was pleased to see that Jennie Morgan was sitting, unoccupied, at her desk. She walked over and spoke to the customer service rep: “Good morning, Jennie.”

Jennie looked up, startled, and smiled. “Oh! Ms. . . . Ferra, isn’t it?”

“That’s right, Jennie,” Luci said, smiling back and looking the bank clerk directly in the eyes. “But there’s no need to be so formal. Please, call me Luci.”

“Call you . . . Luci.” Her eyes riveted on those of the succubus, Jennie relaxed. Her voice went soft and dreamy. “Yes, Luci.”

The demon woman coolly examined the human one now sinking deeper and deeper into trance. Jennie was a slim, attractive black woman in her early twenties, with short, tightly-curled black hair and large eyes. Those eyes looked even larger at the moment as Jennie fell into Luci’s compelling gaze. Almost literally fell: she swayed forward, and Luci gently reached across to steady her.

“I need you to do something for me, Jennie,” Luci said. “I need you to call your manager, Mr. Hardesty for me. When you reach him, give me the phone; I want to speak with him.”

“Yes, Luci,” Jennie said. She picked up the handset on her desk and punched in Hardesty’s extension. “Mr. Hardesty? Ms. Luci Ferra is here, and would like to speak with you for a moment.” She listened for a few seconds, then handed the phone to Luci.

“Yes? Ms. Ferra?” Peter Hardesty’s voice emerged tinnily from the earpiece.

“You want to help your Mistress Luci, don’t you?” Luci asked.

There was a brief silence. Finally Hardesty responded, “Yes, Mistress Luci. I want to . . . help you.”

Luci smirked evilly. Hardesty’s trigger had obviously worked perfectly. The bank manager was now hers body and soul once more.

She had thought it might work, even though Jennie was standing right next to her; she was gaining experience with how minds under her control operated. Since Hardesty himself was alone in his office and she was the only other person he could hear, his “program” considered the two of them to be alone together–so “Mistress Luci” she was, once she’d spoken the words. If it hadn’t worked, of course, she would simply have asked to see him personally again, and put him back under once they were face to face.

“Your customer service representative Ms. Jennie Morgan will be leaving with me for the rest of the day,” she informed him. “You will find nothing wrong with this. Ms. Morgan is merely going to attend to some business.”

“Yes, Mistress Luci,” Hardesty agreed.

“Good boy, Peter,” Luci said sweetly. “When I hang up the phone, you will return to your normal business. You will not remember me giving you orders; you will remember only that Ms. Morgan will be assisting me for the rest of the day. Do you understand, and will you obey?”

“Yes, Mistress Luci,” Hardesty answered meekly. “I understand and will obey.”

“Good boy, Peter,” Luci said. She hung up.

Turning to Jennie, she announced, “We’re leaving now, Jennie doll. Punch out, or whatever you have to do, and come with me.”

“Yes, Ms. Ferra,” replied Jennie. “Of course, Ms. Ferra.”

No one objected as Luci and Jennie left the bank together.

Luci took Jennie back to the Stafford Arms. For what she had in mind, privacy was best.

When she stepped into Luci’s apartment, the bank clerk said, “Wow!” The lavish suite was far beyond anything she could hope to afford.

“Sit down, Jennie doll,” Luci ordered, gesturing toward one of the chairs in her living room. Jennie sat, of course, looking up at Luci.

The succubus sat in another chair, facing her subject, and looked searchingly into her eyes. “Jennie,” she said, “I’m going to ask you a personal question. A very personal question. You’re going to answer me with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

“Yes, Ms. Ferra,” Jennie answered. “What do you want to know?”

Luci smiled warmly. “You like women, don’t you? You’re attracted to them. You want to have sex with them. In fact, you want to have sex with me, don’t you?” She pushed with her power, just hard enough to compel her target to answer truthfully.

“What?” Jennie was suddenly agitated. “No! No, I’m not–I don’t–!”

Luci stood up and crossed over to Jennie. Standing over the bank clerk, she reached out to touch her shoulder. Jennie flinched, and tensed as if she were about to bolt from her seat and run for the door.

Luci caught her eyes and said, “Don’t worry, Jennie. I was only asking. You don’t have to do anything like that if you really don’t want to.”

“Thank you, Ms. Ferra,” Jennie sighed, settling back into her chair.

Now for the real test, Luci thought. She reached into her jacket and produced the tab of Nirvana she had pocketed earlier. She held it out to Jennie.

“Here, take this,” she instructed. “Just take it and swallow it, there’s a good girl.”

Jennie took the tab from Luci’s outstretched hand and swallowed it.

As Luci watched, the other woman’s features smoothed into a bland mask. Her pupils dilated, and her breathing settled into a deep, even rhythm as if she were asleep.

Luci asked, “How do you feel, Jennie?”

“I feel won-der-ful, Ms. Ferra,” Jennie chirped.

“Luci,” the succubus corrected her. “We’re such good friends. You must call me Luci.”

“Yes, Luci.”

Luci laughed. “Now, Jennie, do you remember what we were talking about before? About how you’re attracted to women? To me?”

“Yes, Luci.” Jennie giggled.

“Well, it’s true,” Luci went on. “You’re attracted to women. You want to have sex with women–especially me. You want me so badly, don’t you? Of course you do. You want me so badly you can’t stand it.”

Jennie gasped. “Oh . . . yes. Please. I-I want you. Please.” Her breathing turned ragged and sweat popped out on her forehead.

Luci extended a hand and helped the other woman stand up. “Come on into my bedroom, Jennie doll.”

Squirming with delight, Jennie obeyed.

The next several hours were a fever of action. Jennie and Luci explored each other’s bodies hungrily. There was no trace of Jennie’s former reluctance as she sucked and nibbled at Luci’s breasts before licking her way down to the space between the demon-female’s legs. Reaching her goal, she began to lick frantically, as her hands reached up to claw at the small of Luci’s back and the succubus raked her spine in return. Pleasure shuddered through both of them, again and again, the Nirvana amplifying every sensation for the bank clerk. At last, exhausted and sated, head still buried between Luci’s legs, Jennie drifted off to sleep.

After a bit, a smug Luci got up to take a shower. As the scalding water cascaded over her, she basked in triumph. The Nirvana had been everything Tom had promised.

Thinking of Rita Hawkins and her wizard employer, Luci promised herself that payback would be a real bitch.


Hell’s Belle: The Return of Lilibat – Chapter 4

Luci was sitting on the edge of the bed when Jennie stirred, smiled, stretched, and finally opened her eyes. The rays of the rising sun were slanting in through the picture windows at the front of Luci’s bedroom.

The relaxed, happy look on the black girl’s face shattered as memory of the previous night returned. She bolted upright, seizing the rumpled bedspread in a futile attempt to cover her nude body.

“Oh, my God!” she cried. “Oh, my God! I didn’t–I couldn’t have–it had to be a dream!” But the look in her eyes said she knew it hadn’t been.

Luci had flinched as if flayed at Jennie’s invocations of the Deity. Being a demon, she reflected, certainly had its drawbacks. She remembered the old chant from Susan Jones’s childhood, “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Now, names could hurt her–her own could be used to control her, and those of her master’s heavenly Opponent could really burn.

Luci looked into Jennie’s wide, frightened eyes. “Calm,” she commanded. “You’re calm, relaxed.”

Jennie whispered, “Calm. Relaxed.” The tension drained visibly from her body. Her eyes lost their wild look.

“There,” announced Luci. “That’s much better, isn’t it, Jennie doll.”

“Much better,” Jennie agreed. After a moment, she added, “It was that pill, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s right,” the succubus admitted. “The pill was something called Nirvana. It made you want to do anything you were told, no matter what. Even I can’t make you do that, Jennie, but the pill did it.” She grinned. “A . . . friend of mine, someone I met at a party, gave it to me.”

“Even you can’t–!” Jennie put two and two together. “You’ve been making me do things all along, though, haven’t you? And fixing it so I wouldn’t know.”

“Yes, I have,” confessed the she-demon. “You helped me meet your manager, for instance, and now he does what I want too.”

“You told me to take the pill,” Jennie realized. “You told me to, and I just did it. And then–!”

“And then you screwed me like there was no tomorrow, Jennie doll,” Luci finished. “With the Nirvana in your system, it didn’t matter that you’re not a lesbian; all that mattered was what I said to do and feel.”

“Oh, my God!” Jennie said again, her artificial tranquility broken–and again, Luci flinched. It was time, she decided, to put a stop to this.

“Don’t say that again,” she ordered. “Don’t say the G-word, or anything like it, when you’re with me.” She caught Jennie’s gaze and pushed with her power. “I don’t like it.”

“I . . . I understand,” Jennie said weakly. “I won’t say . . . what I’m not supposed to say . . . again.”

“Tell me, though, Jennie,” the devil-woman asked, “how did it feel, last night?”

“Oh, it was great! It was better than anything I’ve ever felt!” Beneath the dark tone of her skin, Jennie flushed. “I know it was wrong, but, it felt so good! Not just the sex”–she flushed a deeper color–“but doing what you said. Every time I did something you said, it was.” Words failed her and she fluttered her hands helplessly.

Luci’s eyes flared evilly. It was true, just as Tom had said: even after coming out of it, Nirvana users remembered obedience as having been overpoweringly pleasurable. Small wonder if it were easy for them to become addicted. Contemplating Rita Hawkins, she licked her lips.

“Get up, Jennie doll, and get dressed,” Luci commanded. “It’ll be time for you to go to work soon enough.”

Jennie obeyed.

“Come on out into my kitchen and have breakfast,” Luci told her when she was fully clothed. Again, Jennie obeyed. Luci had fixed eggs, toast and coffee; both of them ate lustily.

At last, brushing crumbs from her mouth, Luci addressed Jennie again. “Jennie, when you go in to work, I want you to forget what happened yesterday.” Her eyes caught and held those of the mortal female, who sighed in surrender. “Remember only that you helped me with some banking-related matters. No one will question you too closely about it, because I’ve told your Mr. Hardesty to accept that explanation for your absence.

“But whenever you hear my voice addressing you as ‘Jennie doll,’ you will remember everything and do as I order until I let you go. You will do this because it will mean you may get to have the pleasure again, and you’ll do anything for even a chance of having the pleasure again. That’s true, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Jennie sobbed. “Oh, yes. I’ll do anything.”

Luci smirked. From what Tom Dennis had said, Nirvana could be addictive after only a couple of doses. Her suggestions just now had reinforced the drug’s hold on Jennie, so that she was hooked now after only the one tab she’d taken. And in turn, as she’d demonstrated last night, the drug would make the young black woman obey even commands she would normally find completely unacceptable.

“Anything,” Jennie repeated. “I’ll do anything. . . .”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Luci reached over to run a hand through Jennie’s hair. “I want you to know, Jennie doll, that you’ve been very helpful to me. And it makes you feel so good to be helpful to me, doesn’t it, Jennie doll.” Luci’s eyes blazed, drawing Jennie in deeper. Deeper.

“Yes.” It was barely a whisper. “Feels so good . . . to help you.”

“I’m glad we understand each other.” Luci looked at her watch, an expensive model she’d bought with Frank Willis’ money. “It’s time to go to work now, Jennie doll. I’ll drive you. When you arrive at the bank, you must remember only what I told you to remember. Will you do that for me, Jennie doll?” Her eyes blazed as she reached out mentally to prod the pleasure centers of Jennie’s brain.

Jennie squealed and gasped, “Yes, Luci! Oh, yes! Remember only, what you told me to. Yessss!” She shuddered and clamped her thighs together.

After dropping Jennie off at the First Union Bank, Luci drove across town to the campus of Freedom Christian University. She had some business to take care of there. Her first stop was the Alumni Association. In the five years since her banishment Below, her former playthings would of course have gone about their lives. Jerry Chisholm and Brad Connor would have graduated, but the university might well know where they were now. When more pressing matters had been dealt with, she intended to look them up.

Jerry, it turned out, was working in the late Reverend Charles Kellogg Bryer’s evangelical organization, now renamed the Lee Spirit-Filled Ministries after Bryer’s successor, Mississippi’s own Reverend John Calhoun Lee. He was traveling at the moment, touring Africa on one of the Reverend Lee’s highly-promoted overseas “crusades.” Luci felt a pang of regret. Ah, well, she consoled herself, I can always catch up with him later.

Brad, by contrast, was–Luci hissed with glee–right here at FCU. He hadn’t been quite good enough a player for pro football, or smart enough for a good “regular” job. So when the university had offered him a place in its sports department, on the coaching staff, he’d jumped at it.

First things first, though.

She strolled over to the administration building and headed for the dean’s office. She had no trouble finding it; she’d spent enough time there as Susan Jones, both before and after her bargain with Asmodiel.

The receptionist was someone new since Dean Mather’s time, a chilly blonde who wore her hair tightly bound. As Luci came in, she looked up from reading a religious tract. Craning her neck a little, Luci saw its title: THE DAY OF THE LORD’S WRATH IS COMING: Will You Be Ready?

The blonde fixed Luci with a cool stare. “Yes?” she asked. “Do you have an appointment?”

Luci met the other’s ice-blue eyes. “No, I don’t,” she answered. “But he’ll see me.”

She concentrated. The secretary’s eyes widened and lost focus. “Call him now and tell him Ms. Luci Ferra is here to see him. Tell him it’s very important.”

“Yes,” the other woman answered. “Of course.” She did as she had been bidden. After a few seconds she went on, “Dean Hinton will see you now.”

Luci went on in, casting a speculative glance back at the blonde. The woman was actually quite good-looking in a severe sort of way. Perhaps she’d make a good candidate for a dose or two of Nirvana. After all, the more people she could corrupt, the easier it would be to destroy this outpost of self-righteousness. Dean Hinton looked up as Luci entered his office.

“It is you,” he said. “The woman from that party.” He turned pink.

“You mean the party where you got blotto drunk and had to be helped home?” Luci inquired in a syrupy tone. “Yes, you’re right.”

Hinton’s face darkened further. “What do you want here, Ms. Ferra?”

“You,” she answered bluntly. Then she moved in for the kill.

“Look into my eyes, Dean Hinton,” she instructed. Her victim obeyed. “That’s right, just look into my eyes, and listen to my voice, and relax, yes, look, and listen, and relax. Look deeper, deeper, listen to my voice and lose yourself in my eyes, yes. . . .”

To Professor Joseph Hinton, it was as if he’d stumbled in front of a pair of brilliant searchlights, dazzling pinwheels which filled his vision and drew him in. His office was gone; there were only the twin whirlpools of beautiful light, and a wonderful voice telling him things, explaining everything. After a little while, the two lights flowed together into a single gorgeous spinning tunnel of light through which he plunged forever. It was heaven. Luci looked at Dean Hinton and smiled. He sat there with glazed eyes, a thread of saliva beginning to stretch downward from one corner of his slackly open mouth. He was deep, deep in trance. Inspiration struck her.

“Dean Hinton,” she addressed the helplessly hypnotized man in front of her, “I’m going to ask you some very personal questions, and you’re going to tell me the truth.”

“Of, of course,” Hinton droned. “What do you, want to know.”

“Your secretary outside, Dean Hinton,” Luci responded. “What’s her name?”

“Greta Nordquist,” Hinton answered. “Her name is Greta Nordquist.”

“You find her attractive, don’t you? Very attractive. You want her, don’t you? Remember, you must tell the truth.”

Hinton sighed. “Yes. Very attractive.” After a moment, he confessed: “I hired her because she’s, very attractive. Because I, want her.”

“Have the two of you ever dated?” Luci doubted it. The cool blonde didn’t seem likely to be attracted to someone like Hinton.

“No,” came the answer “I asked her, but, she said no.”

“I’m going to do you a favor, Joseph–I can call you Joseph, can’t I?” At the Dean’s eager nod, Luci elaborated. “I’m going to fix it so she wants you too. I’m going to fix it so you can have her. If I do that for you, you’ll do anything for me, won’t you?”

The Dean panted, “Yes. Yes. Do anything, if you do that.” He was shivering with desire.

“Then come with me, Joseph.” Luci turned and headed out of the office. Dean Hinton, a massive erection bulging in his pants and a glazed look in his eyes, followed her.

Outside, she got the secretary’s attention. “Ms. Nordquist?”

The ice queen looked up from her reading and met Luci’s eyes. “Yes? I–ooooohhhh. . . .

“Yes, that’s right,” Luci instructed. “Look into my eyes, Greta dear. Look into my eyes, and relax, and obey.”

“Eyes. Relax. Obey.” The blonde’s habitual stern expression melted along with her will.

Luci handed her a tab of Nirvana and commanded her to swallow it. Greta obeyed mechanically. Within seconds, as the drug hit her, Greta’s breathing shifted into the same deep rhythm Jennie had displayed.

“Answer me truthfully, Greta dear,” Luci commanded. Indicating the dazed man behind her, she asked, “Would you ever date Professor Hinton here? Would you ever go to bed with him?”

“No,” said Greta. “Never. He’s not my type.” Hearing her, even in his own trance state, Hinton winced.

“Yes, he is,” Luci contradicted her. “You want him, you have to have him, right here and now. You can’t stop yourself.”

Greta’s breathing changed. Her eyes shifted to Hinton, who was gazing at her greedily. “Nnnooo,” she moaned, hands coming up to caress her breasts. “Sh-shouldn’t. Mustn’t. Can’t, can’t help it, Professor, Dean, Joseph, please.

She writhed out of her jacket, then pulled her blouse off over her head without bothering to unbutton it. The bra came next.

By the time she got the rest of her clothes off, Hinton was naked as well. Before allowing things to go any further, Luci made a final suggestion to Greta: “Dear, when you have sex with Professor Hinton, you will feel every pleasurable sensation multiplied a hundredfold. It will be overwhelming. When you’re done, you’ll be eager to do anything to be allowed to feel that way again.”

“Yes,” Greta agreed blandly.

“Good girl,” the demoness said. “Now both of you, go ahead. Do what you want to do, and don’t stop–you can’t stop!–until I tell you to.”

Hinton and Greta obeyed. They threw themselves at each other in a frenzy, heaving and bucking. The pair toppled onto Greta’s desk, and their writhing flesh sent books, papers, phone and desk lamp flying. When Hinton came, Greta orgasmed with him; the force of their mutual climax was enough to throw them off the desk onto the floor. Deep in the throes of passion and under Luci’s command to keep going, they didn’t even notice. The succubus watched, reveling in her power over them.

Finally she intervened. “You may stop now, Joseph, Greta. Stop now, and rest.”

The pair fell away from each other, gasping. Two sets of glassy eyes closed in utter contentment.

Luci allowed her slaves to bask in the afterglow of their exertions for a few minutes before issuing her next instructions. When she spoke, it was to both of them.

“Joseph. Greta. Sit up now, please.”

They sat up.

“Open your eyes and listen carefully.”

Hinton and Greta opened their eyes, focused on Luci, and listened carefully.

“You enjoyed what just happened, didn’t you?”

The Dean and his secretary moaned agreement.

“You’d do anything for it to happen again.” It was not a question.

“Anything,” two voices whimpered in unison.

“Then what you must do for me is help me distribute this.” Luci pulled out the packet from which she’d taken the tab she’d used on Greta. “This is what the university needs, more than anything. It helps people do things they would never be able to do otherwise. You understand that especially, don’t you, Greta dear?”

“Yes,” the blonde whispered. “Oh, yes.”

“Then you both agree to help me? To do whatever I say, and especially to help me distribute this to others on campus?”

“Yes,” the mesmerized man and the drugged woman chorused. “Do whatever you say. Help you distribute the pills.”

“That’s good, Joseph, Greta.” Luci reached down and patted the pair on the heads like an indulgent mother caressing her children. “Now what you need to do right now is get up and go back to work. Tell no one what happened here. I will come to you with more of these tabs, which are called Nirvana, and when I do, you will arrange for others to try them. When they do, you will help me persuade them to distribute the Nirvana to even more people. Do you understand, and will you obey?”

“Yes,” Joseph and Greta chanted. “Of course.”

“Good. Then do as I’ve told you to do, now, please.”

Like puppets on strings, Joseph Hinton and Greta Nordquist rose to their feet. Mechanically, they collected their cast-off clothes and dressed themselves. Then, smiling vacantly, they went to their desks, Hinton automatically closing his office door behind him. Greta picked up everything they had flung off her desk and put it back as it had been; by a near miracle, neither her lamp nor her phone was broken.

Luci left, satisfied. Assuming Tom and his unknown suppliers could provide enough tabs, she could break FCU in a matter of weeks. Her only real weakness, last time, had been her incomplete control over women–but with Nirvana on her side, that was no longer a problem

And once things really got rolling here at good old Fuck U, it would be time to deal with Fatakis and Hawkins. All she needed to do was get their attention–and once they came to investigate, they’d be hers.

Dean Hinton blinked.

What in the name of God had just happened? He’d been talking with that Ferra woman, and the next thing he knew, he and Greta Nordquist had been acting out his deepest fantasies all over the reception area! Thank God nobody had actually seen them!

But, Ms. Ferra had been there, hadn’t she? Yes–and she’d given Greta something, some drug, that had made her do everything the other woman told her to. And then Ms. Ferra had told the two of them to have sex, and they’d done it, and kept doing it, until she’d told them to stop!

God, it had been glorious!

He remembered Ms. Ferra asking the two of them, afterward, to help her distribute more of this drug–Nirvana, that was what she’d called it–on campus. He remembered agreeing, and hearing Greta do the same.

But drugs were bad, weren’t they? Hadn’t he always thought so?

Hinton remembered the pleasure, and the bad thoughts went away. Of course he’d do what Ms. Ferra wanted. She’d promised to let him have Greta again, and he’d do anything for that.

“Anything,” he whispered.

Greta Nordquist blinked.

What in the name of God had just happened? Dean Hinton had come out of his office with the redhead who’d asked to see him before. Greta frowned; she didn’t remember letting the woman in to see the dean. Anyway, the two of them had come out, and the woman had given her some sort of yellow pill with a smiley-face marking on it and told her to swallow it, and for some reason, she’d obeyed.

And then!

It was crazy. After taking the pill, it was like she couldn’t say no. It had just felt so good to do as she was told, no matter what it was! And the redhead had told her she wanted sex with Dean Hinton more than anything, and suddenly it had been true. The woman had told the two of them to . . . to fuck each other right there, until she told them to stop–and they’d done it!

And it had been wonderful! Greta nearly came again just from the memory. Nothing else had mattered until the redhead–Ms. Ferra, that was her name–told them to stop. And after, she’d told them to help her give the drug, the . . . Nirvana . . . to others, and she’d been eager to say yes. Hinton had agreed too, she vaguely recalled, although she’d been too lost in the lingering pleasure to pay much attention to him. Ms. Ferra had promised that if they did what she told them, they could have the pleasure again.

And she wanted it. Desperately. Greta remembered what the sex had felt like, and the different but equally strong pleasure she’d experienced whenever she had obeyed one of Ms. Ferra’s orders.

She knew that the redhead was drawing her into something evil. Selling drugs? Drugs that could make people do absolutely anything, feel anything, they were told to? She ought to call the police! But . . . that would mean she’d never feel those feelings again, and she’d do anything to have those feelings again.

“Anything,” she whispered.

As Luci had commanded, Tom Dennis contacted her with the price for the tabs he’d given her. It was over fourteen thousand dollars, but with her “in” at First Union Bank, that was no trouble for her. Shortly thereafter, he visited her apartment and gave her several more packets.

“My suppliers were quite pleased,” he informed her. “I let them think I sold it all myself, and thanks to the cash you came up with, I was able to pay them in full.” He reached into the briefcase he’d brought with him, in which he’d brought Luci’s new supply of Nirvana, and pulled out a fat brown envelope. He offered it to her.

“Your cut,” he announced. “I get twenty percent of what I sell; since you helped me, I’m giving you twenty percent of what you sold. Twenty-eight hundred dollars.”

“That’s very nice, Tom, sweetie,” Luci said. Instead of taking the money, however, she reached up, unbuttoned her blouse and stepped out of it. She wasn’t wearing a bra; the massive, firm globes of her breasts didn’t really need one.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Tom stammered, staring at Luci’s rack as she’d expected.

“Just proving a point, sweetie,” Luci answered. Her right hand came up, cupping the breast on that side and raising it; long, polished nails framed its stiff nipple. “Suck my tit, Tom sweetie, and forget everything else.”

“I–wait, I . . . ” Tom’s voice trailed off. Like a zombie, he stepped forward, then bent over Luci, covering her bare breast with his mouth. He sucked. “Mmmm. Mmmm.

As Tom Dennis continued to nurse, Luci brought her hands up to gently stroke his hair. “That’s it, baby. Suck away; you’re a sucker for Luci, aren’t you?”


“That’s what I thought, Tom, sweetie.” Luci kept on stroking Tom’s hair with one hand, while the other went up to brush lightly at her own. “Now as I was saying, I’m just proving a point. Would you like to know what that point is, Tom, sweetie?”


“The point is, Tom, sweetie, I’m the one in charge. I think we both agree on that, don’t we?”

“Mmm-hmmm!” The answer was emphatic. Eager.

“Now Tom, the thing is, if I’m in charge, don’t you think I ought to get the eighty percent, and you the twenty, instead of the other way around?” She wanted a more articulate answer this time, so she gently lifted Tom’s head. His lips came away from her nipple with an audible pop.

“Yeth,” he lisped. “You sh’d get th’ eighty . . . p’cent. Oooohhh. . . .”

“That’s what I thought, Tom.” Luci raised Tom’s chin until his eyes met hers again from under heavy lids. “And who’s in charge?”

“You–oooh! You are! You are!” Tom shuddered in the grip of a sudden, helpless orgasm. When it finally ended, he hung his head, gasping.

“I’m so glad we could come to an understanding, Tom,” Luci said. “From now on, whenever you feel like disagreeing with me, I want you to remember what just happened. I want you to remember it as if it were happening all over again, and I want it to make you as helpless as you are right now. Will you do that for me, Tom, sweetie?”

“Yes,” Tom agreed.

“And if you ever hear me say, ‘You’re a sucker for Luci,’ Tom, you will feel the same way and will do exactly as I say, because I’m in charge and you’re a sucker for me. You will do this even if you only hear me over the phone. Do you understand, and will you do as I’ve asked?”

“Yes. I understand and will . . . do as you’ve asked.”

“That’s a good boy, Tom,” Luci said. “And because you’ve been a good boy, I’m going to reward you.” In an instant, she was Lilibat.

Tom came to her eagerly. Clothing was quickly discarded and the two of them fell onto Luci’s–Lilibat’s–big bed. The she-fiend began amusing herself with the trick she’d learned earlier, stroking the key spots on Tom’s back with her tail barb and sending him into a rigid paralysis of ecstasy. He couldn’t speak; his limbs and rod stood out at mechanical attention. His eyes rolled up into his head, and the only motion he could manage was a joyous shivering.

At last Lilibat relented, disentangling herself from Tom and ending her tail massage of his spine. She didn’t want him dropping dead on her, at least not yet.

With a gasp of relief, the blond man relaxed. His eyes closed, and he was asleep in seconds. He slept through the night.

When he woke in the morning, Luci tested his new program. “Tell me, Tom,” she asked casually, “who’s in charge?”

He answered immediately: “You are, Luci. You are in charge.”

“That’s right,” she responded. “You’re a sucker for me, aren’t you, Tom. You’re a sucker for Luci.”

“Ohhhhh,” Tom breathed. He swayed toward her, eyes unfocused. Smirking triumphantly, Luci opened her blouse to bare one breast. Tom stumbled over, placed his puckered mouth over the exposed nipple and began to suck. Soon, he shuddered and came.

When she detached him at last, she had to lead the smiling man to a chair and carefully seat him in it. It was several minutes before his awareness of reality returned. When it finally did, he whispered, “Thank you, Luci . . . thank you. . . .”

Luci’s new understanding with Tom Dennis did a lot to bolster her bank account. Before long, in fact, she had to pay another visit to Peter Hardesty. With his help, a set of confidential accounts was created to shield most of her money from the prying eyes of such interlopers as the IRS.

A number of federal laws were bypassed in the process; if the authorities ever learned what the banker had done, he could go to prison. He didn’t care, though. He would do anything, anything at all, for his Mistress Luci. His systems expert Aaron Lieber was similarly anxious to please her.

Luci’s stealthy campaign to spread Nirvana was breaking other laws as well, of course. She didn’t care about that. Was she not Lilibat, demon of desire? She was above mere human law!

The one drawback was that so far, Dr. Fatakis and his bimbo sidekick hadn’t shown up. Very well; she knew how to force the issue.

Luci was busy screwing a mesmerized Dean Hinton when the door to his office banged open and his wife charged in. The dumpy middle-aged woman took one look at what was going on and screamed.

She lunged at Luci, hands clenched into claws. Luci climbed off the desktop where she and Hinton had been working each other ad intercepted the Dean’s wife, calmly catching the woman’s wrists in her hands. Behind her back, Hinton continued to buck and thrust mechanically, unaware that his lover had left him.

Luci shifted form, becoming Lilibat, and smiled a demon’s smile at Mrs. Hinton. The mortal woman shrieked again and seemed about to faint. Lilibat forestalled her.

“No,” she commanded. “Don’t faint.” Her eyes burned orange. “If you do, you’ll leave your husband alone with me, and you don’t want that, do you?”

“No,” gasped Mrs. Hinton. She didn’t faint, but the world seemed oddly far away.

“You can’t stop me by yourself,” Lilibat told her. “You need to get help, right away.”

“Yes,” agreed Mrs. Hinton. “Help.” Then, in a worried tone, “Where?”

“There is a man called Dr. Fatakis. Dr. Nicholas Fatakis.” Lilibat let go of the other woman’s wrists. Mrs. Hinton let her arms drop to her sides and stood passively. “You will contact him, and tell him you have seen the demon Lilibat at Freedom Christian University and that she is spreading her influence there. You will describe my appearance and say that I changed form right in front of you. If you call him and say these things, he will come here and save your husband, make me go away. And you will call, won’t you?”

“Yes,” Mrs. Hinton said. She nodded.

“Here is Dr. Fatakis’ address and telephone number,” Lilibat said, and gave the Dean’s wife the information. The Doctor had been easy enough to find through the Internet. “You must contact him immediately. You must do it without telling anyone else what you saw here; if you told anyone else, it would start a panic. And besides,” she smirked, “if you told anyone else, everyone would know your husband had been unfaithful to you–and with a creature of darkness. You don’t want that.”

Tears in her eyes, the other woman sobbed, “No, I don’t.” Drawing a ragged breath, she went on, “I’ll call Dr. Fatakis right away.” She turned and ran out of the office, not even bothering to close the door and without remembering that her husband was still there with the succubus.

Lilibat shut the office door and smiled triumphantly. All it had taken was one phone call from Greta Nordquist that her husband needed to see her right away, and the stupid cow had come running. Once she’d seen Luci with Joseph, and seen her transform into her demon shape, the woman had been easy to program to “get help.” The she-demon’s suggestions had been perfectly in line with Mrs. Hinton’s natural inclinations; she’d hardly had to use her powers at all.

She turned her attention back to Dean Hinton, who was still bucking blissfully on top of his desk, dick in the air. Climbing up, she mounted her stupefied stallion once more. As she settled onto him, he whinnied in pleasure.

Rita Hawkins hung up the phone, frowning. The woman on the other end had been hysterical. She’d sounded like just another of the hundreds of crank callers she and the Doctor had to deal with every year in their work.

Except . . . Rita remembered the Lilibat case. That had been for real, and had cost several people their lives. She and Dr. Fatakis might have been among the casualties if the demon hadn’t gotten careless.

The serious-faced brunette shuddered as she remembered how Lilibat had gained control of her, forced her to stand helplessly by while the demoness fought to strengthen her hold on the Doctor. When he had resisted, aided by his mystical skills, Lilibat had finally made a mistake, commanding Rita to break the pentagram and let her out. If she’d obeyed, the demon would have been able to enslave Dr. Fatakis completely.

Rita had refused. Releasing a demon was so deeply offensive to her moral sense that she couldn’t do it. When Lilibat, furious at her disobedience, had commanded her to kill herself, that had been the final straw. The enchantment holding her had been broken–and the succubus’ distraction had weakened her control of the Doctor just enough to let him complete her banishment. After that, the mortal body of Dr. Susan Jones, the fiend’s human host, had crumbled to dust like a vampire in the sun.

And the call had come from Freedom Christian University, where they’d faced the succubus before.

Pressing her lips together in a tight line, Rita picked up the phone again and punched the speed-dial number for Dr. Fatakis’ cell phone.

“Dr. Fatakis?” she said when he answered. “I think we have a situation.”


Hell’s Belle: The Return of Lilibat – Chapter 5


“You’re sure?” The speaker was a middle-aged woman in a neat gray suit. Like the others seated around the long conference table in the windowless room, she wore mirror sunglasses even though she was indoors.

“No, of course not,” a younger man in a male version of the first speaker’s outfit responded. “But with the file we’ve got on that place, why take chances? Why are we maintaining our phone taps there if we won’t act on what they turn up?” He riffled some papers and added, “This Dr. Fatakis was involved last time, too. We’ve got a pretty fair dossier on him, too.”

“Very well,” the first speaker decided. “Dispatch an operative. Status Yellow–observation only, until I authorize moving to operational mode.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the second speaker said respectfully. “I’ll get right on it.”

The director of Homeland Security, Division Six, nodded at her subordinate. As always, her face showed little emotion. Privately, though, she wondered if D6 shouldn’t have moved in during the last incident rather than letting a civilian handle it. Maybe if they had, there wouldn’t be a problem now.

Oh, well, she philosophized: no use crying over spilled milk. Better just to get the mop. At least no one seemed to have actually died this time. So far.

The party was in full swing at the FCU Student Union.

Luci, surveying it, felt smug. Her influence was making itself felt. So was that of the Nirvana she and her slaves were spreading around.

In one corner, a group of young guys was gathered around the gorgeous but usually frigid Miss Christie Lowe, the university’s head librarian. One tab of Nirvana, dropped into Miss Lowe’s lemonade at Luci’s mischievous suggestion, had turned her into pliant flesh. As the college boys cheered her on, she writhed on her back on a table, kicking her way out of her panties. Most of the rest of her clothes were already gone, tossed away and claimed as souvenirs by the boys.

Dean Hinton, who was supposed to be chaperoning, had other things on his mind. In a side room, he and Greta Nordquist were thrusting and panting, unaware of anything but each other. Greta was tabbed out too, her inhibitions gone; Luci was tempted to take her as she’d done with Jennie. Or perhaps, she thought idly, I should have Jennie and Greta do each other. In public, of course.

Nirvana wasn’t the only mind-altering substance present, either.

Luci drifted by a table bearing several large punch bowls. A strong alcoholic whiff came from them. Alcohol was forbidden on campus, but Dean Hinton had been easy to talk into ignoring the rules; since that night at Luci’s apartment, he’d become a full-blown lush. The succubus had pushed him along, inspired by her success at making him drink himself into a stupor at her apartment party. Now he couldn’t get through the day without drinking.

She smiled a feral smile. By the time she was done with him, he’d be a drooling drunk in the gutter somewhere. If his wife didn’t kill him first, for screwing around with her.

There was someone present she was particularly glad to see. Brad Connor had come in along with several members of the varsity football squad.

Luci studied him. The youthful handsomeness she recalled was still there, a few more years having merely added character to his features. The junior coach’s outfit he had on fit snugly over his well-muscled form.

Brad Connor noticed the spectacular redhead checking him out. What a babe, he thought. Funny, though–I’d swear I’d seen her before somewhere. He licked his lips and wound his way toward her through the partiers.

He felt vaguely guilty. He knew that what he was thinking and feeling about this woman wasn’t very Christian. But then, he’d never been a saint. He grinned slightly, remembering a couple of times he’d given in to temptation.

As he approached the woman, Brad thought suddenly of his old prof from Medieval History, years ago. What was her name–Jones? Yeah, Dr. Jones. She’d disappeared after that weird flap when the Reverend Bryer and a couple of other people had died. He had no idea why he’d suddenly thought of her; certainly the dowdy professor hadn’t looked anything like this doll.

Reaching his objective at last, he introduced himself. “Hi, I’m Brad,” he said, looking into her eyes. “Brad, uh–!”

Suddenly, he faltered. Those eyes–they were so beautiful. He could get lost in them, and it would be glorious. . . .

“Brad what?” the redhead prompted.

“Brad Connor,” he managed, the phonograph needle in his mind coming unstuck. “Yeah . . . Brad Connor. That’s my name.”

“What do you do, Brad?” the vision of loveliness inquired.

Brad puffed out his chest. “I’m one of the coaches for Freedom Christian’s sports program, Miss . . . ?”

“Ms.,” the woman corrected him. “Ms. Luci Ferra. You can call me Luci, if you like, if I can call you Brad. I can call you Brad, can’t I? Of course I can.”

“Of . . . of course you can,” Brad gasped.

Luci smiled at Brad. For just a moment, there had seemed to be a flicker of recognition in his eyes. She’d taken him while wearing this form, back before her banishment, and ordinarily any man would remember having sex with someone who looked like her. As Susan Jones, however, she had commanded both Brad and her first conquest Jerry Chisholm to remember their erotic trysts with her, in any shape, as nothing but exciting dreams. By now, his memories of his “fantasy” encounters should have faded–and so, it seemed, they had. After a moment, the glimmer of familiarity faded.

“That’s nice, Brad,” she said, answering his agreement to let her call him by his first name. “I’m so glad we’re going to be friends.”

Luci giggled girlishly. “Brad, sweetie, do you think we could find someplace private to talk? If we can, I’ll tell you a secret.”

Brad, falling deeper and deeper into the she-demon’s eyes, managed, “Y-yeah. Sure. Someplace private.” Turning away with an obvious effort, he mumbled, “I know a place. Follow me.”

The muscular young man led the demon seductress away from the big hall where the festivities were going on. As she left the room, Luci noted out of the corner of her eye that Christie Lowe, still on the table and quite naked now, was squirming and squealing beneath the equally naked form of one of the varsity guys. Her legs were locked firmly around him and he pumped into her as onlookers cheered.

The succubus smirked at that. No one was trying to break it up, or calling for campus security or the local cops. The corruption of her influence was spreading beyond those she had subjugated directly. Her eyes glowed, ever so faintly.

Brad led her into a small lounge which contained several low, wide couches upholstered in soft material. “Here,” he said, waving a hand at one of them, “please sit, and you can tell me whatever it was you wanted to tell me.”

Luci sat. A moment later, so did Brad, taking a position on the same couch, facing her. He looked earnestly into her eyes.

She smiled warmly. “Brad, do you know who I am?”

“S-sure,” he answered. Her eyes made him feel unsteady. “You’re . . . you’re Luci.” Those eyes, those beautiful eyes–he struggled to recall her last name. Those eyes. . . . “Luci . . . Ferra,” he finally managed.

“That’s not what I asked,” the demoness chided. “Think, Brad sweetie. Haven’t you met me before?”

“I-I-I . . .” Brad struggled. Those eyes. Those wonderful eyes. There was something familiar about those eyes. . . .

The memory, dredged up at last under the prodding of Luci’s power and suggestion, made him gasp. “Dr. Jones?”

“That’s just who I am, all right,” she cooed. “I’m the woman of your dreams, isn’t that true, Brad? The woman of your hottest, wettest dreams.”

“Nnnngh,” Brad grunted as a wave of pure pleasure shot through him along with the long-suppressed memories of what the two of them had done together. “Oh, God! Oh, Jesus! Oh, Susan! Oh, YES!” His trousers tented with a sudden massive erection.

Luci hissed in pain at the Names Brad had uttered. As she’d done with Jennie, she moved quickly to prevent him from doing it again. “Brad, sugar, don’t swear!” She fluttered her eyelashes at him coyly, and reveled at his answering squeal of pleasure. “Don’t say those names to me, ever again. You won’t, now will you? There’s a good boy.”

Brad accepted her decree, of course, as Jennie had. He nodded. “I . . . I won’t,” he promised.

“But,” Brad had enough of a mind left to ask, “what happened to you? You disappeared!”

“A bad man made me go away, Brad,” Luci answered, speaking as if to a child or a moron–which Brad, falling deeper and deeper into trance as he continued to stare into her eyes, effectively was now. “A very bad man.”

“A very . . . bad man.” Brad nodded again. His face had smoothed into trusting innocence.

“And when I came back, Brad,” Luci went on, “I had to come in disguise. You must never call me Susan, or Dr. Jones, ever again, do you understand me? Never. It’s our little secret who I really am.”

“Yes,” Brad agreed softly. “Our little secret.”

Luci cupped Brad’s face in her elegant, long-nailed hands, holding his gaze and watching as he dove happily deeper into her eyes. Brad, she remembered, had been quite amusing as a sexual play-toy. He could be useful in other ways, too, she realized: as muscle, for instance. In her demon form, she was inhumanly strong, but she couldn’t be everywhere. It would be handy to have a thrall as strong as Brad.

Yes, very handy indeed.

She addressed Brad once more. “Brad, sugar, the bad man who sent me away before may be coming back again. He wants to hurt me, Brad.”

The beefy athlete whimpered.

“Yes,” Luci continued. “He wants to hurt me. He wants to send me away. And if he sends me away, you won’t ever see me again.”

“No,” Brad sobbed. “No, please. Don’t go. Don’t go. . . .”

“I don’t want to go, Brad. I like it here.” Luci kept her hold on Brad’s eyes and stroked the sides of his face soothingly, lulling him. “You’ll help me stay, won’t you, Brad? You’ll do anything I need you to, to keep the bad man from sending me away.”

“Yes,” the big man promised in a child’s voice. “I’ll do anything.”

“I’m so glad,” Luci said. With serpentine grace, she slid across the couch, pressing herself against Brad and fastening her lips on his. Brad’s body responded instantly, his rampant hard-on growing even more as his arms seized at her. His hands tangled in her long, long dark red hair.

Very soon, the two of them were naked and bucking against each other on the big, soft couch. Brad was nothing but eager flesh; if the entire university administration had trooped through the lounge, he couldn’t have stopped. He wouldn’t have noticed them, or even remembered who they were. Luci, of course, would have been delighted to put on a show for those pious prudes–before making them grovel at her feet.

Reluctantly, the succubus cut it short after only twenty minutes or so. She had other business.

Brad shuddered helplessly in the grip of his third orgasm since they’d started. He slumped over her, obviously ready to pass out. She didn’t let him.

“Brad, sugar,” she commanded, “stay with me. Stay awake. Relaxed, so relaxed, but awake.”

“Yes, Luci,” came his answer. Brad propped himself on his elbows so he could continue to gaze into those all-important eyes. He sighed, utterly content.

“Brad,” instructed Luci, “we need to get up and get dressed. We need to go back to the party. Now, please, Brad.”

The junior coach sighed again, less happily this time. He obeyed anyway. Naturally.

A half-hour after they’d left, Luci and Brad returned to the party. Both were neatly dressed again, even their hair in place. A happy glaze was slowly fading from Brad’s eyes. His satanic seductress had permitted him to remember what they’d done together, though she’d “asked” him not to tell anyone. “Let’s keep our privacy, shall we, Brad, sugar?” she’d said playfully.

No one had even noticed they were gone. Christie Lowe, the lusty librarian, was still a major center of attention; she and a new partner were on their knees on her table, pounding into each other while spectators clapped and cheered. Driven by the drug bubbling through her brain, she was insatiable, inexhaustible. Every lewd suggestion hooted by someone within earshot became her absolute command, and obeying brought pleasure so powerful it blasted away anything resembling thought. Eventually the Nirvana would loosen its grip, and when it did, she would drop into a deep, happy sleep–but not yet.

Luci laughed softly. When Miss Lowe woke up, she’d remember everything, unless someone told her not to–and no matter what her moral scruples might be, she’d soon be longing for another dose. If she got one (and Luci would make sure of it), she’d be hooked for certain.

Scanning the room, Luci suddenly saw a familiar face. She hadn’t seen that face in five years, but it was burned into her mind. She felt a vicious satisfaction: Rita Hawkins was here. And if she was, that meant Dr. Fatakis couldn’t be far away.

All it would take, she thought, would be one tab of Nirvana, and the self-righteous brunette would be eager to do anything she wanted, no matter how evil or humiliating. And after another dose or two, she’d belong to Luci, heart, mind and soul, despite her immunity to the demon-woman’s magic.

Luci’s incipient stalk on the paranormal investigator was interrupted, though, when she noticed a man gawking at her. By itself, that would have been nothing: men couldn’t help gawking at her, even when she wasn’t deliberately trying to seduce them. But there was something about this one. She didn’t recognize him, and he had an air of being somehow out of place here.

Perhaps, she decided, she should to get to know him better.

Walter Karendren stared at Luci. The magnificent woman with the rippling waist-length charcoal-red hair was hard not to stare at. She had caught his attention the moment she’d first entered the room, and when she’d left with that jock, Brad whatever-his-name-was, he’d felt a powerful surge of jealousy. Now she was back.

God, she was beautiful.

Business, he reminded himself. I’m here on business.

And so he was. Division Six of the Department of Homeland Security had sent him here to investigate what might be a threat to national security.

Division Six was perhaps the most secret arm of DHS. It investigated potential threats involving mind control, and over the few years since its founding, it had encountered an amazing variety of such threats. Some were simple, involving the use of drugs or hypnosis; D6 was active in the war against narcotics like Nirvana and its chemical cousin Yes, and some years ago, a nerdboy inventor at the secular college whose campus was now occupied by Freedom Christian University had come up with a sophisticated type of hypnotic pendant and had had to be dealt with. But this was different.

Agent Karendren remembered what he’d read in the file. Five years ago, an embittered female professor here had apparently–he still found it hard to believe this stuff–summoned a demon and made a bargain with it for power over others. Several people had died, and in the end it had been a private operator, rather than D6, who had defeated her.

He gulped. According to the file, the professor had become the chrysalis for a succubus. Over time, the she-demon had taken over, corrupting and finally consuming her until, when it was exorcised, what was left had simply crumbled away. His superiors were afraid the creature was back.

He hoped they were wrong. Just in case they weren’t, though, he’d come prepared with Division-standard precautions: a small gold crucifix on a neck chain tucked inconspicuously beneath his shirt, a vial of holy water stashed in an inside coat pocket, and D6-issue mirror shades to guard against strobe hypnosis. If he needed anything more, he was probably doomed anyway; he didn’t have the training for heavy-duty supernatural conflict. He was just supposed to find out whether a demon was present. If one was, whether it was the one from before or a different hellspawn, he was supposed to notify Washington and then get out.

Karendren chuckled. If it turned out there was no demon, he wouldn’t mind getting closer to that spectacular redhead. The government-agent racket definitely had its perks.

He was startled to realize that the beauty was coming toward him, undulating her way through the crowd with a growing tail of guys behind her who had suddenly found it interesting to move in that direction. The Division Six agent grinned. He could hardly blame them.

Suddenly she was right there in front of him. A rich voice said, “I don’t recall seeing you around the campus before. Why don’t you introduce yourself?”

“Uh, uh, um, I’m, er,” Walter answered, suddenly completely flustered, “Walter.” He swallowed. “Walter, um, Calendar, I mean, Karendren.” It was a sign of how off-balance he was that he’d blurted the nickname he’d gotten stuck with in grade school.

“I’m Luci Ferra, Walter,” that voice returned. Drawn by it, Walter looked into its owner’s eyes.

Luci smiled as the man she’d come over to see suddenly stiffened, his eyes going wide and blank as a stupid smile spread over his face. Her eyes glowed faintly red.

There was nothing but those eyes. Walter was falling, falling toward twin swirls of dazzling color, and it was wonderful. After a few seconds–or perhaps it was a million years–the pinwheels merged into a single fabulous maelstrom which drew him further in, deeper down, deeper.

A voice began speaking. It was the voice of an angel, a goddess. It said things, wonderful things. It was the only sound he heard, or ever wanted to hear.

“Tell me, Walter,” Luci asked, putting her hand on his arm, “what do you do for a living?”

Walter answered happily. “I’m a federal agent.” He puffed out his chest. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to impress the owner of those eyes and that voice. “I work for Homeland Security–Division Six.” He eagerly spelled out D6’s mission to his luscious listener.

“That’s very interesting, Walter dear,” Luci said. Indeed it was. Government involvement was something she didn’t want, if she could help it. And she could. “Why don’t we go someplace private and talk?”

“Yes,” breathed Walter. “Please.”

Luci propped a playful forefinger under Walter’s chin and steered her stupefied subject out of the big ballroom, away from the party, as if she’d had him on a leash.

Her admirers tried to follow, but Luci swept her eyes back and forth over them and said, her voice teasing, “Now boys, be good. I want a little privacy for a while. You don’t mind, do you, cuties?”

Moans and gasps of pleasure answered, followed by murmurs: “Sure.” “Y-yeah.” “Of . . . of course.” There was even one whispered “Yes, mistress” from a guy Luci’s mesmerizing glance had obviously sent deep into some private submissive fantasy.

“Such good boys,” Luci praised them. “Just go on back to the party and have fun. I’ll be back, I promise.”

There were a few cheers, and the knot of masculinity crowding the doorway broke up as its constituent parts drifted back to the celebration, obeying Luci. They were such good boys for her. . . .

Luci took Walter back to the lounge she’d used with Brad. Sitting down on the same couch she’d used before, she patted a spot next to her. Walter took his cue and sat there.

“Now, Walter,” Luci said when he’d settled, “tell me, why are you here? What could your agency possibly think is going on here? You can tell me.”

Walter told her. When he finished, he sat quietly, staring into her eyes with adoration.

“Walter,” Luci said after a short while, “you find me attractive, don’t you? You want me.”

“Oh, yes,” breathed the government man.

“You’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you, if you could have me.”

“Anything.” Walter was panting now. “Anything.” His eyes slipped away from hers and scanned her body. The front of his trousers bulged.

Luci undulated out of her clothing while Walter watched. His mouth fell open, and a thin line of saliva began to drip down his chin. When she was naked, she slid over to Walter, who was lost in a haze of lust, and worked on his clothes as well. His body cooperated with her by sheer reflex, no thought involved. He was capable of no thought. His crucifix was useless; under Luci’s spell, he tossed it away along with everything else he had on. Luci hardly felt a twinge.

Finally she pressed herself against him, pinning him between her legs and wrapping him in her slender arms. Her hands pressed his face into her bosom, and he shuddered, his own arms clasping her desperately.

Several dynamite blasts of ecstasy later, he sagged against her, breathing raggedly.

“Walter?” Luci asked. “Are you awake?” She needed him awake, at least for a little while longer.

“Awake,” Walter agreed sleepily. His eyes were closed.

“Open your eyes, Walter,” commanded the succubus. “Open your eyes, look at me and listen carefully.”

Walter opened his eyes, looked at Luci and listened carefully. His face was drenched in slowly cooling sweat, but bore an utterly peaceful expression.

“That’s a good boy, Walter.” Luci smiled and ran a hand through the agent’s hair. “We need to get dressed now, Walter. We need to go back to the party. But before we do, I need you to agree to do something for me. You’ll do what I ask, Walter, won’t you?”

“Yes,” came the response. Walter gazed at Luci in worship. “What do you . . . need me to do?”

Luci stroked his hair again, matching the rhythm of her moving hand to that of his breathing. “I need you to tell your bosses in Washington that there’s nothing wrong here. Tell them everything is fine. You can do that for me, can’t you?”

“Yes,” Walter answered. “I can. I will.”


“Yes. Oh, yes. I promise. . . .”

“Good boy, Walter,” the temptress said. “But from now on, if I ask you to do something for me, you’ll do it, won’t you? No matter what it is.” Luci had finally realized she didn’t really need trigger words to place a victim back under. A command like the one she’d just given would work perfectly.

“Yes,” answered Walter. “Whatever it is.”

Luci gazed at him with the sort of possessive fondness an animal trainer might show toward one of her charges. She was sure Walter would perform the tricks she’d taught him. Men always did.

“Then it’s time to get dressed, Walter, and rejoin the party.”

“Yes, Luci.” Walter began putting his clothes back on. So did Luci.

When Division Six operative had gotten his underwear, socks and pants on and had shrugged into his unbuttoned shirt, he reached down to pick up his pendant cross.

Luci hissed.

“No, Walter,” she said. “Not that. Don’t put that back on.” It hadn’t stopped her before, of course, but why take chances? Once again she regretted her new vulnerability to holy items. As Susan Jones, that hadn’t been such a problem.

Walter dropped the cross and straightened up. His hands went to his shirt to button it.

Luci had an idea. “Walter, I want you to believe you did put your crucifix back on. I want you to feel it against you. If you feel the need to take it out, I want you to see and feel it as if it were really there, unless I tell you it isn’t.”

“Yes, Luci.” Walter dropped the cross and straightened up. He began buttoning his shirt.

Luci waited until he was finished, then said, “Walter, did you remember to put your cross back on? It would be bad if you forgot it.” She batted her eyes at him. “Take it out and show it to me, please, Walter.”

The Division Six agent obeyed. He pantomimed drawing the chain out from under his collar and dangling the crucifix for Luci’s inspection.

Luci smiled at him, her eyes on his raised hand with its fingers clasped around empty air. “That’s just fine, Walter. You can put it away now.”

Again, Walter did as he was told. He acted out tucking his cross beneath his shirt, utterly unaware that it wasn’t really there. When he was done, he stood waiting for Luci to give him his next instruction.

Luci quickly dressed. When she was done, her clothes on and her hair smoothed into place, she addressed the waiting Walter once more.

“We need to get back to the party, Walter,” she informed him. “When we leave this room, I want you to act as you normally do. No one must know you are under my power, Walter. You know you’re under my power, don’t you, Walter? Of course you do.”

“Of course.” Walter’s voice was serene. “Under your power.”

“And no one must know,” Luci reminded him.

“No one must know.” Walter nodded.

“So you will act perfectly normally once we leave this room. You will tell no one what we did in here, and you’ll act just as you always do.”


“And what will you do if I ask you to do something for me later?”

“Whatever you say. No matter what it is.” Walter gazed dreamily at Luci, seeking out her eyes, letting them pull him under deeper, deeper. It was wonderful to go deeper. . . .

Luci rubbed her hands together, gloating. The government agent would serve her unquestioningly now. She was his mistress, in more ways than one–his lover and goddess.

She linked arms with her newest tool and left the lounge.

The party was still going on.

Rita Hawkins didn’t like it. She had come here to help her employer Dr. Fatakis check out a disturbing possibility that Freedom Christian University was once more under demonic attack. So far, she’d seen no evidence it was true. She was growing restless. If there was no supernatural menace here, she and the Doctor might as well leave.

Not that everything was fine. She’d seen enough even before this evening to realize there was a growing drug problem on the FCU campus. And not just any drug, either: snooping around, she’d found out it was Nirvana. In her opinion, that so-called “party drug” was more dangerous than crack. People talked about people being “enslaved” by cocaine, but Nirvana was more than just addictive. Someone high on Nirvana would do or think anything he or she was told; obedience was rewarded with an incredible payoff of pleasure. And when it wore off, the memory of that pleasure remained.

She’d seen the little smiley-face tabs being passed around, and tonight she’d seen one used to turn a beautiful but prim librarian into a mindless nymphomaniac. It was a chilling demonstration. These days, technology could do things only magic could have managed once upon a time–and that technology was in the hands of human beings no more virtuous than those who’d summoned demons in the Dark Ages.

Her attention was drawn to the banquet hall’s entrance. A crowd seemed to be gathering as a couple came in.

Rita choked.

The woman was the most stunning creature she had ever seen, all tawny skin, lush curves and billowing dark-red hair. She totally eclipsed her male companion. No wonder men were drawn to her like moths to a flame.

She was totally, absolutely out of place here.

Rita had arrived late, then been distracted by the spectacle surrounding Christie Lowe’s erotic tabletop performance. She’d missed seeing Luci lure first Brad, then Walter, away. But now, every instinct screamed that this woman was the one she and the Doctor had come to find.

She looked familiar. After a moment, Rita realized why.

When she and Dr. Fatakis had come to Freedom Christian University five years before, they had realized Susan Jones was a succubus–but to defeat her, they’d needed to know her demon name. They’d finally found it in a video the egotistical erotic entity had recorded of herself with then-Dean Caleb Mather and the university’s founder and patron Reverend Charles Kellogg Bryer. Rita had found the demoness’s name mentioned near the end–but in fast-forwarding through the tape, she’d caught sight of the creature in a form which was neither that of Dr. Susan Jones nor of the demon Lilibat.

This woman was the one she’d seen. Rita was sure of it.

Luci saw the other woman’s eyes on her. She drifted casually over to Brad Connor, who was sitting in one of the folding chairs arranged along the walls, and bent over him. After a moment, she stepped away. Brad looked toward Rita and nodded.

Rita paid no attention to the coach. He was just a victim. As Luci walked away from him, Dr. Fatakis’ young aide moved toward her purposefully.

Suddenly, a strong hand closed on her arm. “Excuse me, miss,” a male voice said. “I need you to come with me.”

“What are you doing?” Rita was indignant as she twisted to face the man who’d grabbed her. It was the coach, the one the redhead had been speaking with.

Brad moved like a striking snake. He’d been holding a tab of Nirvana in his free hand, and while Rita’s mouth was still open, he brought it up and popped it into her mouth, then pinched her mouth closed with his fingers. It began dissolving immediately. Don’t swallow, she thought desperately.

But as the tab began melting, so did Rita. The drug soaked into her bloodstream through the soft lining of her mouth. After only a couple of seconds, she had relaxed enough to forget about not swallowing. Once she’d done that, the Nirvana began bubbling through her in earnest. The world softened in her vision. Everything was fine, just fine. . . . Her breathing shifted into a deep, even rhythm, as if she were fast asleep.

No one paid much attention. Rita, after all, was just another pretty girl zoned out on one of the smiley-face tabs, and there were plenty of those at the party.

Brad let her go. She stood quietly, arms at her sides, face calm. There was something she had to do, wasn’t there? Something important? She couldn’t seem to remember, and it didn’t matter.

Luci came over. The satanic seductress inspected Brad’s handiwork and gave a nasty chuckle. “Nice work,” she complimented him.

“Thank you,” he sighed. It was wonderful to do as this beautiful babe said. It was wonderful that she was pleased with him. He’d do anything for her to be pleased with him.

“Run along now, Brad, sugar,” she commanded. “Rita here and I have things to discuss.”

Smiling, Brad wandered off.

Luci turned her attention back to Rita, who was still standing meekly before her. “Oh, my dear,” the succubus gloated, “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.” She reached up and ran a hand lightly through Rita’s hair, dislodging a few strands from the neat bun in which she was wearing it. “Just come with me, dear.” She turned on her heels and headed for the exit.

Rita followed. After a few moments she began giggling softly, as the Nirvana rewarded her obedience with jolts of pleasure. It felt so good to do as she was told.

Luci didn’t take Rita back to the student lounge where she’d had Brad and Walter. No, she had bigger plans for her latest capture. She led the docile Ms. Hawkins outside to her car and ushered her in, then got in and drove off toward home.

Arriving at her apartment, she sat Rita down on her living-room couch and stood over her, one hand on her hip, the other cupping her chin in a pensive manner. “Let’s see, Rita dear, whatever shall I do with you? What would you like to do for me?”

By this time, Rita was floating in ecstasy. In Nirvana. “Anything,” she burbled. “Hee hee, ooh, I’d do anything. . . .”

“Of course you would, Rita sweetie. It feels so good to obey me, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, yes,” Rita babbled. “Yes. It feels so good. Obey. Yes. So goo-oood. ” Her eyes rolled in their sockets as she shuddered in delight.

“Then I’ll have to give you some orders to obey, won’t I, Rita sweetie?” Luci smirked. “I know just the thing to start. Why don’t you tell me where Dr. Fatakis is, and what his plans are.”

Rita told her, blurting everything out amid moans and gasps of delight as the drug in her system delivered its reward. Finally she ran down and sat slumped, head hanging, soaked in sweat. Beneath her clothes, her panties were soaking wet; in her ecstasy, she had come.

“Such a good girl, Rita,” Luci said. “Now I have a surprise for you.”

“A . . . surprise?” Still panting from her artificially-induced orgasm, Rita looked up.

“That’s right, Rita sweetie.” And Luci changed, flowing smoothly into her demon form.

“Lilibat! But . . . but you’re bad. Evil.” Despite her words, Rita’s voice remained soft and breathy, almost a coo.

“That’s right,” the demon-babe agreed. “I’m bad. I’m evil.” She smiled a wicked, triumphant smile. “And you want me. You want to go to bed with me. You want it so badly it makes your head spin. You can’t think about anything else right now, and you don’t want to. Isn’t that right, Rita sweetie?”

Rita whimpered. “Yes, oh, yes! Please. Please.” Without even being prompted, she got off the couch and went down on her knees, begging. “Please.

“Then get up, Rita sweetie, stand up and come with me.”

Rita stood up. The she-fiend’s small neat hooves pranced silently across the carpeted floor and her barbed tail swished and coiled as she led the human woman toward the bedroom.

There was time enough to take care of the Doctor, now that she’d enslaved the person he trusted most in all the world. Tonight, though, she would take Rita.

Just as she’d promised herself, revenge was going to be a bitch.

Hell’s Belle: The Return of Lilibat – Chapter 6

Naked amid the tousled sheets of Luci Ferra’s king-sized bed, Lilibat and Rita Hawkins explored each other’s bodies. With the tab of Nirvana she’d been force-fed bubbling through her brain, a fevered Rita clasped at the satanic seductress, running her hands eagerly through the demon female’s luxuriant mane of red-black hair. Every sensation was magnified by the drug and reinforced by the sensory reward it tricked her body into offering whenever she obeyed a command.

Lilibat had found she could use her barbed tail to evoke ecstasy in males under her supernatural control, and under the influence of Nirvana, Rita proved equally excitable by it. As the leathery barb danced over her spine, Rita squealed and thrashed, powerless to control herself. At last the sharp point jabbed at just the right spot, and Rita went rigid, arms and legs splayed, head thrown back and teeth clenched. The succubus held her that way for most of a minute before releasing the pressure. When she finally did, Rita sagged atop her. The human woman sighed in bliss and closed her eyes.

But her demon conqueror wasn’t done just yet. She clasped Rita to her firmly and her tail came up once more, this time insinuating itself between them to probe between Rita’s legs.

Mnnghh!” The occult investigator was startled by the unexpected feeling as the snaky appendage entered her. “No, what–!”

“You like that, don’t you, Rita sweetie?” Lilibat observed. “Of course you do. Feel the pleasure.” It was a command.

“Ooooh! Yes! Yes!” Rita’s body and mind obeyed the she-devil’s suggestion. She shrieked in ecstasy, again and again. Soon, her cries were wordless; soaring through realms of unimaginable sensation as her body thrashed wildly, she was no longer capable of speech. And Rita’s writhings, like the desperate struggles of a fish on the hook, aroused Lilibat herself, until finally she, too, exploded in orgasm.

After that, the two females rested quietly for a little while. In their frenzy, they had switched positions, so that Lilibat had ended up on top, the position she preferred. Rita lay with her lips pressed to one of the demon’s nipples, nibbling mindlessly and shivering with drug-enhanced enjoyment.

Finally, Lilibat roused herself and addressed her human plaything.

“Rita, sweetie,” she said, propping herself with one hand so that she could look down into Ms. Hawkins’ eyes, “how do you feel?”

“Won’ful,” Rita slurred. “Feel jus’ . . . won’ful.” She yawned widely. “Sleepy.”

“You can sleep in just a little while,” Lilibat promised. “But before you go to sleep, I need you to listen to me. You’ll do that, won’t you?”

“Yes,” mumbled Rita.

“In the morning, when you wake up, you will remember everything that happened tonight.”


“You will remember how wonderful I made you feel. You will want to feel that way again.”


“But you must not tell anyone what happened.” Lilibat looked stern. “If you tell anyone, I won’t be able to make you feel that way again. Do you understand, Rita sweetie?”

“Yes Lil’bat,” the brunette slurred. “Un’er . . . stan’.” Her eyes were closed.

“One more thing,” Lilibat told her. “Just one more thing before you drift off into a deep, happy sleep.

“From now on, whenever I say the words ‘Stop, toy Rita,’ you will stop whatever you’re doing and wait silently for my next command. When I say ‘Go, toy Rita,’ you’ll be able to move and speak again. And of course, you mustn’t tell anyone I’ve given you these commands.”

“Yes,” Rita murmured. “Stop, toy Rita. Go, toy Rita. Mustn’t tell.” She yawned again.

“Such a good girl, Rita.” Lilibat stroked her sleepy slave. “You may sleep now. Sleep, Rita.”

Rita slept.

Lilibat pursed her lips thoughtfully. Since her first encounter with Tom Dennis, she’d done some reading on the Net about Nirvana. One interesting bit she’d picked up was that its power extended to what might be called “post-narcotic” suggestions, commands a subject would carry out even after the drug itself wore off. She’d been eager to try that with Rita. In the morning, she’d see if it worked.

If it does, she gloated, I’m going to have a lot of fun with our Ms. Hawkins.

Rita Hawkins swam slowly up from the depths of sleep. She broke the surface with a happy sigh and opened her eyes. She was relaxed, totally at peace.

Then memory returned.

“Oh, my God!” she screamed. “Oh, my GOD!” She leaped out of bed in a panic and ran for the door, forgetting she was naked. All she cared about was escaping that apartment.

Lilibat watched her, viciously amused. Just as Rita got to the hall door and reached for the knob, the she-demon spoke. “Stop, toy Rita.”

Rita froze. The knob was inches from her outstretched hand, but she couldn’t grasp it. She couldn’t move a muscle. Even her face was locked in the frightened expression she’d worn at the moment she’d heard the words.

Lilibat walked around her paralyzed plaything like a visitor to an art museum inspecting a sculpture. Rita, she saw, was absolutely immobile, her body obeying the command she’d been given.

“Well, well,” she said. “It really does work.” It wouldn’t last, if what she’d read was accurate; such commands gradually faded unless reinforced. But it would hold long enough. And if things went as she planned, Rita Hawkins would soon be permanently enslaved. After a few more tabs, she’d be desperate to obey.

“I’m going to release you in a moment, Rita sweetie,” she said in a voice like poisoned honey. “Before you dash out of here, though, perhaps you’d better get dressed? I won’t keep you here.

“Just make sure Dr. Fatakis is at his apartment this afternoon. If he isn’t, well . . . what if I were to find you, say the words to make you freeze like this, and then just leave you that way?”

Rita couldn’t move, couldn’t even whimper in fear. Her body knew only that it must remain absolutely still. She didn’t know that the temporary nature of the “freeze” command made the succubus’ ugly threat an empty one.

“Go, toy Rita.” The mockery in the demon-female’s voice was acid.

Rita burst into motion. Sobbing, she snatched up her clothes and threw them on under the hell-bitch’s gaze. Then she threw open the door and ran through it.

Demonic laughter followed her.

Lilibat changed form, becoming Luci Ferra again. She dressed in a tight white blouse, snug red jacket, matching short skirt and glossy black stilettos, deliberately provocative.

Several phone calls later, she set out for the FCU campus. She had unfinished business there.

Her first stop was the dean’s office. A quick stare into Greta Nordquist’s eyes and the starchy secretary was lost in la-la land, smiling vacantly and humming to herself. Hinton was in, and, she was pleased to note, a couple of sheets to the wind already. His bleary eyes brightened when he saw her, though.

Luci hung her jacket over a chair. “Good morning, Dean Hinton.” She smiled at him.

“Ms. Ferra,” he greeted her. “G’morning.” He put down the half-empty bottle in his hand.

She looked into his eyes and observed, “You’ve been a good boy, I see, Dean Hinton. You’ve been drinking, just as I told you to.”

“Y-yeah.” Hinton lost himself in her gaze, swimming eagerly down into the wonderful whirlpool of colors he saw. “Drinkin’. Like you said.”

“And have you and Greta been passing along the Nirvana tabs I’ve given you?”

“Yes. Sh-shurr. We’ve been passin’ ’em along, jus’ like you shaid. Said.”

Luci smiled. “And have you been using the tabs yourself, on Greta? You know they’ll make her do anything.”

Hinton blushed faintly. “Yeah. Sh-sometimes. She wants ’em now.” He turned a deeper red as he confessed, “Sometimes we play a game. I don’t give her one, an’ she tries to se-duce me into giving it. She always shuc . . . succeeds, o’ course.” He hiccuped and grinned a stupid grin.

Luci’s smile widened. By now, Ms. Nordquist would be so addicted she’d stand naked in the street selling her body, if that was what it took to get another tab–and she’d enjoy every minute of it, too, just from the thought of the high to come.

She thought of Rita Hawkins. Another few tabs and Rita, too, would be eager to do anything, willing to believe or feel anything, for another dose.

She looked at her watch. Another fifteen minutes should do it. She had time for a bit of fun.

Languidly, she reached for her shirt and began unbuttoning it.

Hinton gasped, his attention suddenly drawn away from her eyes. As she slithered out of her blouse, exposing her magnificent bare breasts, his jaw dropped.

The skirt went next, leaving Luci standing clad only in a tiny thong and her glossy spikes. Hands on hips, she swiveled back and forth to give Hinton a good look. He moaned happily.

Soon both of them were completely naked and writhing together on the Dean’s soft carpet. Hinton was simply an obedient mass of flesh, driven by reflexes and sensory stimuli. He hardly noticed when Luci shifted into her demon shape in order to use her tail on him, though he felt the rough, leathery barb sending shivers of ecstasy through his nervous system as it traced expertly up and down his back.

He was in the throes of his second orgasm when the office door banged open.

“Harlot of hell!” Mrs. Hinton spat. “Demon bitch! How dare you call to boast of what you were doing with my husband!”

Lilibat only smiled, rising to her feet.

“And you!” Tears rose in Mrs. Hinton’s eyes as she glared down at her husband. “Letting her practice her wiles on you!”

Lilibat addressed the Dean. “Practice makes perfect, doesn’t it, Joseph?” Hearing the devil-woman use her husband’s first name only made Mrs. Hinton angrier.

“Perfect,” Hinton sighed in answer, only slowly drifting back toward reality. “Yes. You’re perfect.”

That did it. With an inarticulate scream, Mrs. Hinton pulled out a gun. “I can’t stop her,” she sobbed, “but I can stop you!” She pointed the weapon.

“Margaret! No!” Dean Hinton was fully conscious now, and terrified. Still naked, he tried to stand up. As he did, he caught sight of Lilibat, and his body betrayed him: in an instant, he had a rampant erection.

That did it. Margaret Hinton pulled the trigger.

There was a loud, echoing bang, and Dean Joseph Hinton dropped. He was dead before he hit the floor, his heart pierced.

Mrs. Hinton looked at the body, then at the gun. Without another word, she put the muzzle in her mouth and fired again.

Lilibat surveyed the carnage calmly. As she watched, a ghostly form stood up over the corpse of Joseph Hinton.

To her dismay, it rose into the air, disappearing through the office ceiling. “Damn it!” she swore.

“I’m afraid not,” a familiar deep voice said. “Flawed though he was, Joseph Hinton was no Caleb Mather or Charles Bryer. Those Above have claimed him for their own. Remember, what he did under your power does not stain him, since it was not done freely.”

Lilibat turned and found herself facing her demon lord Asmodiel. He stood proudly nude, towering over her, as he continued, “But behold!”

He gestured toward the motionless form of Margaret Hinton. Lilibat followed his wave and saw a spectral edition of the Dean’s wife standing above her mortal remains. The phantom’s feet blended into the dead body.

It looked around for a few moments, a stunned expression on its face. Then it dropped out of sight, arms flailing upward and mouth opening in a silent scream.

“Murder and suicide,” pronounced Asmodiel. “And both carried out of her own free will. Your original compulsion, which forced her to contact the authorities, had nothing to do with this. She did it all herself. That you goaded her is not enough to excuse her sin.” He chuckled. “Our Mrs. Hinton will be warmly received Below.”

The two demons laughed together.

“Congratulations,” Asmodiel said. A mortal would have found his smile terrifying. “You have taken another soul.” He gazed on the succubus and added, “Each such capture adds to your credit in our realm, you know. In time, with enough souls taken, you will earn greater powers. In a few millennia, your abilities could even equal my own.”

“Something to look forward to,” Lilibat said, and the devilish duo laughed again.

Asmodiel sobered. “For now, I’ll take my leave,” he said.

“As you wish, Dark Lord,” responded Lilibat. She bowed her head before her hellish master.

Asmodiel nodded and vanished.

The succubus changed back into her human form and put her clothes on, then left the Dean’s office, closing the door gently behind her. Outside, Greta Nordquist was still at her desk. She was nodding, smiling and singing softly, “La-la-la-la-la, tra-la-la-la-la.”

Luci caught her gaze, and the secretary was instantly riveted. She went utterly still, a rabbit facing a snake.

“That’s a good girl, Greta,” said Luci. “Now listen to me very carefully. Listen, and do as I say.”

“Yes.” Greta nodded slowly. “Listen . . . very carefully. Do as . . . you say.”

“I’m leaving now,” Luci told her hypnotized subject. “As soon as I’m gone, you’ll forget I was here. In fact, you’ll forget you ever met me, and remember only if I tell you to. It’s all right to forget, Greta; you don’t need to remember about me, unless I ask you to. You’ll get up and go into Dean Hinton’s office.”

“Yes,” Greta sighed submissively.

“You will then awaken, fully alert–but remember, you must forget all about me, until I command you to remember!–and when you see what is in the Dean’s office, you’ll do what seems natural. Do you understand, and will you obey?”

Greta nodded again.

“That’s a good girl, Greta,” Luci repeated. Reaching into a jacket pocket, she pulled out a small packet of Nirvana tabs and handed them to the other woman. The spellbound secretary accepted them. “Consider these a reward.”

“Thank you,” murmured the bewitched blonde.

Luci turned and left the Dean’s reception area.

Greta blinked. What had she been doing?

There was something in he hand. Looking down, she saw it was a small zip-seal plastic bag containing a number of yellow smiley-face tablets.

What the–! Ms. Nordquist hurriedly stashed the bag in her desk. Can’t let just anybody see me with that stuff! She couldn’t seem to remember where she’d gotten that baggie. She puzzled over it for a second or two, then forgot about it. It was all right to forget; she didn’t need to remember.

But she’d been about to do something, hadn’t she? Oh, yes, of course–she needed to go into Dean Hinton’s office.

She walked in. Strangely, the Dean didn’t seem to be sitting behind his desk as usual. But she’d been sure he was in. . . .

She looked around.

Presently, when campus security arrived to investigate the screaming, they found her standing wide-eyed and white-faced over the carcass of the late Dean Joseph Hinton, with the body of his wife a few feet away.

The investigation quickly established that Greta hadn’t been responsible for the deaths. She hadn’t touched the gun Margaret Hinton had used; only the Dean’s wife had left fingerprints on it. Hinton himself had evidently had sex shortly before his death, but not with Mrs. Hinton–and not with his secretary, either, as tests showed when a shell-shocked Greta Nordquist allowed herself to be examined. Not until the following morning, however, would Ms. Nordquist finally be released from custody.

Meanwhile, Luci’s other phone calls did their work.

Frank Willis had been studying hard when his desk phone rang. He picked it up in irritation, prepared to give his caller a quick brushoff. He never got the chance.

“Frank?” It was a woman’s voice, sultry. “Frank Willis?”

The young man stiffened. He knew that voice! Memory flooded back: the summoning, and everything afterward. “Yes.”

“Do you know who I am, Frank?”

“Yes. Luci. Lilibat.” Frank’s voice was level. Prompted by her use of his name, Frank’s programming activated.

“Are you ready now, Frank honey, to obey me without question?” Luci’s voice had flowed from the phone sweetly, seductively.

“Yes. I will obey without question.” Frank was helpless, re-enslaved the moment he’d heard that voice. Luci Ferra and Lilibat might look and sound different, but Frank knew they were the same–and just as Luci had known, that awareness meant both voices held the same power over him. Both were the voice of his lover, his goddess. His mistress.

“That’s a good boy,” Luci said. “Now listen carefully, Frank honey. This is what you must do.”

Frank listened. When Luci finished, he nodded. “Yes, Luci. I understand.”

He hung up the phone.

Shortly he left his dorm room. His studies could wait. He had things to do. Places to go.

Jennie Morgan had been tidying her desk when the outside-call light flashed on her phone. She didn’t recognize the number on the digital display. She picked up the handset.

“Jennie doll,” the voice on the other end said, “I need you.”

“Yes, Ms. Ferra,” Jennie responded, falling happily into the warm place where there was only obedience. Since their first meeting, Luci had worked carefully on her, using her powers and the smiley-face tablets to train the bank clerk to complete slavery. The phrase “Jennie doll” now brought that training into play. “What must I do?”

Luci told her. Anyone watching would have seen nothing but a customer service person responding to a call; Luci had even instructed Jennie to call her “Luci” only when she couldn’t be overheard, and “Ms. Ferra” otherwise.

“Yes, Ms. Ferra,” Jennie responded when Luci was done. “Right away, Ms. Ferra.”

She got up from her desk and headed for the time clock. She needed to leave, right away. Luci needed her. And besides, she’d promised her another tab of Nirvana. Jennie would do anything for that.

Walter Karendren had been packing for his return for Washington when the phone rang in his hotel room.

“Who could that be?” he muttered. Not his superiors, surely; he’d already explained to them that he’d found nothing, and they’d ordered him back to headquarters. Baffled, he answered the call.

“Hello, Walter,” a rich feminine voice said. It seemed to coil out of the phone like thick aromatic smoke. “I need you to do something for me, just as we talked about. You will, won’t you, Walter?”

“Of . . . of course,” the Division Six operative stammered. Unlike others under the demon seductress’ power, he had no trigger phrase, but he didn’t need one. He had simply been instructed to do anything she asked, and Luci’s instructions were the highest authority he knew. “Please, just tell me what you want. Please.” That voice was beautiful, its owner was beautiful; obedience was beautiful.

Luci told him what he was to do. When she finished, he nodded. “Of course.”

He could return to Washington a little later. He had things to do here first.

Luci Ferra pranced gleefully across the lush carpet in her living room. It was all working out perfectly. Soon her mortal enemies would be her eager slaves, freeing her to extend her influence further.

Already she had taken a measure of revenge–destroying that fool Hinton and his priggish wife, turning Rita Hawkins into her puppet, spreading moral corruption through Freedom Christian University, which had been so smugly exploitive of her former human self. She’d even reclaimed dear, handsome, stupid Brad Connor.

And this was only the beginning, she promised herself. Once she had enthralled Dr. Fatakis and consolidated her grip on his assistant, the things she’d do . . . ! Her eyes blazed yellow as she imagined how she’d abuse and degrade the occult detective and his pretty girl Friday and make them beg for more, and how much more she could do to others.

But first things first.

Luci left her apartment, got into her car and drove across town toward the address Rita had given her. If the girl had obeyed orders, the Doctor should be there, and unaware of the trap about to close around him. Presently she arrived and parked.

Dressed in a tight knee-length sheath, white jacket, black gloves and black high-heeled pumps, and with her thick glossy red hair piled atop her head, she was an eyeful. Several men saw her as she got out of her car and made her way toward the main entrance of Fatakis’ apartment building; they stared, and a couple whistled.

As she had expected, Frank, Jennie and Walter were there, cooling their heels. She had commanded each of them to come here and wait for her to arrive. She had uses for them. At her gesture, they came over and fell into place behind her.

Luci felt one small twinge of dissatisfaction. Unfortunately, both Brad Connor and Tom Dennis had been away when she’d called them at the numbers they had given her. And she’d already arranged things for this afternoon; resetting her trap for a later time, just so all her pets could be present, was more trouble than it was worth. Dealing with the Doctor as soon as possible was more important than perfectly stage-managing his destruction.

The place Fatakis had made his base wasn’t as fancy as the Stafford Arms, but it was upscale enough to have a uniformed doorman. He whistled appreciatively as he saw her.

“What may I do for you, Miss . . . ?” He was the picture of professional politeness. Handsome, too. As she looked at Luci, he sucked in his gut and struggled to look as tall and ramrod-straight as possible.

“Luci Ferra, darling,” she answered, amusement in her voice. She caught his gaze and brushed one of his smoothly-shaven cheeks with a gloved hand. “Is there a Dr. Nicholas Fatakis residing here at present?”

Uhhhh,” the doorman murmured, falling joyfully into her eyes. Then, in a dazed tone: “Let me check–yes, there is. . . . Suite 14A.” He blinked glassy eyes and asked, “Shall I . . . an-nounce you?” His expression pleaded for her to let him do her that favor. He fell deeper, deeper into her eyes, surrendering himself absolutely.

Luci stroked his cheek some more and answered, “No, darling, that won’t be necessary. Just let me and my friends here inside. Don’t tell him we’re coming; I want it to be a surprise. Please, you can do this for me, can’t you? Pretty please?” She fluttered her eyelashes, toying with him.

“Yes,” the uniformed man moaned. “Yes.” He turned and opened the door. Luci stepped through, followed docilely by the others. They had no idea what she was planning. All that mattered was to obey.

“You’ve been such a good boy,” Luci told the doorman, brushing his cheek a final time. “When we’ve gone up in the elevator”–she could plainly see the elevator bank down the hall–“I want you to forget we came here. When I come back down, I want you to let me out, along with anyone else I bring with me, and forget you saw us.”

“Yes,” came the response.

“As a reward, once I have left this building, you will experience a powerful sexy fantasy about me. It will be wonderful. You will lose yourself in this fantasy for at least fifteen minutes, and come at least once. When it’s over, you will remember it, and me–but you will remember me only as a fantasy, one you would do anything to meet in real life. You will not remember that you actually did meet me, or what I told you to do. Do you understand, darling?”

“Yes. Oh, yes,” the uniformed man breathed. “Thank you. . . .”

Smiling wickedly, Luci turned away and led her entranced entourage down the hall.

Five minutes later, they were standing in front of the door to Suite 14A. A fancy brass knocker was set into the door at about Luci’s eye level; she used it energetically.

A few moments later, the door opened. Rita Hawkins gasped faintly when she saw who was on the other side.

“Do let us in, Rita sweetie,” Luci cooed venomously. “And tell the Doctor he has visitors. Just don’t say who we are; I would hate to have to punish you.”

Rita made a small sound deep in her throat, then said, “Come in.” There was defeat in her eyes.

Luci stepped across the threshold, gloating. Her demon nature required her to obtain permission before entering any home, or any private building; she had been able to enter the First Union Bank and the Stafford Arms only because their lobbies, at least, were public places, and once in, she had “persuaded” people to grant her full access. It had been the same here; if there had been no doorman, she could not have entered the building even if the main door had been wide open–not without an invitation. And if Rita hadn’t yielded (but of course she’d had no choice), Luci and the rest would have been unable to enter Fatakis’ apartment.

“Dr. Fatakis,” Rita called out, “there are some people here to see you.”

“Thank you, Rita,” the Doctor’s voice answered from the next room. There was the sound of approaching footsteps.

“Thank you, Rita,” Luci repeated mockingly. “And as a reward . . .”

She brought out a little plastic bag. As Rita saw it, and what was in it, her eyes widened. She took half a step forward, and reached out.

She stopped.

“No,” she gasped. “I won’t. I, I mustn’t.”

“You will,” Luci disagreed. “You must. But first–stop, toy Rita,”

Just like that, Rita went still. Luci strolled over to her and took the Nirvana tab out of its bag. Using two fingers of one hand, she propped Rita’s mouth open, and with the other, she popped in the tab. She let go of Rita’s mouth and stepped away.

Just as she did, she heard a male hiss of dismay. “Rita!”

The demon seductress turned to face the man who’d sent her to Hell. “Don’t waste your breath,” she advised him. “She can’t help you this time.”

Fatakis struggled to keep from looking at her. He knew her power; even restrained by a pentagram, she had nearly taken him over last time. Even his mystical training hadn’t protected him enough. Only with Rita’s help had he escaped her clutches.

“Don’t bother fighting it, Doctor. Nicholas.” She made his name a caress. “You can’t resist me, you know that. No man can.”

“R-Rita,” Fatakis wheezed. “What have you . . . done to her? You can’t . . . !”

“Control her?” Luci laughed. “Not with my powers, no. My own blunder last time saw to that. But there are other means.”

She held up the empty baggie which had held the tab she’d put in Rita’s mouth. “Nirvana, Nicholas. As I speak, it’s flowing through her. You know how it works; she can do only what she’s told–and she will do whatever she’s told, and love it.” Luci smirked. “She set you up, you know. I ambushed her earlier, forced her to swallow a tab, and programmed her. This is her second dose; after this, she should be hooked for real.” The she-fiend’s eyes glowed. “And I’ll have you, as well. I don’t need the tabs for that, do I, Nicholas?”

N-no-o-o,” Fatakis moaned, unsure whether he was trying to defy her or agree. Despite himself, he looked toward her, eyes roaming over the glamorous contours of Luci’s body.

“That’s right, Nicholas,” Luci coaxed. “Look at me. You like looking at me, don’t you? I’m so beautiful.” Her voice slid to a throaty purr. “There’s nothing wrong with looking, is there. Nicholas? Any man would, isn’t that right? Go ahead, look.”

Fatakis looked. His resistance crumbled as blood flowed away from his brain to regions lower down.

“Look into my eyes now, Nicholas,” came the command. “Yes, that’s right. Look into my eyes, and relax, and forget about resistance, forget about everything but me. Forget.”

“Forget. . . .” The Doctor’s voice was soft and dreamy as he looked into Luci’s eyes.

“Kneel, Nicholas,” the succubus commanded.

Dr. Fatakis knelt.

Luci reached down and stroked his head. Then she threw back her head and laughed wildly.

A moment later, she was Lilibat. She laughed again as she stood over the groveling form of her adversary.

It was perfect, she gloated. The man who’d sent her Below now knelt at her feet. The one mortal immune to her power stood passively waiting to obey any order she might give. The youth who had summoned her was her willing slave. She even had a government agent–she cast a smoldering glance at Walter Karendren–under her power, something with definite possibilities. And once the Doctor was broken, she could take her time with Tom, with Brad–with Jerry Chisholm, too, when she caught up with him. With everyone.

Her mind filled with visions of vixenish villainy, the succubus said, “Let the games begin!”

Nothing could stop her now.


Hell’s Belle: The Return of Lilibat – Chapter 7

Dr. Nicholas Fatakis, occult investigator, knelt before the succubus Lilibat.

Once before, he had battled this creature. He had defeated her then, banished it to the infernal realm which was her proper home. Now, though, she was back–and this time, it was he who had been beaten.

The creature stood over him, one hand gently cupping his chin, tilting his face up to meet her gaze. He could have, should have, looked away, if only he had thought of it. Looking into her eyes, he could form no such thought.

Fatakis was vaguely aware of the other people in the room with them. There was his assistant Rita Hawkins, whose immunity to Lilibat’s power he had counted on–but the creature had gotten her hands on a drug which would do what her supernatural abilities wouldn’t, and now Rita stood waiting calmly, ready to obey any suggestion. The others were strangers to him: a pretty young black woman in neat business attire, a young man–perhaps a student?–and an older one who looked like some kind of bureaucrat. All were plainly under Lilibat’s spell.

None of that mattered, though. All that mattered was the beautiful figure standing over him.

After morphing from the human guise of Luci Ferra in which she’d traveled to Fatakis’ rented apartment, the she-demon had shed her clothes. Now she stood over Dr. Fatakis, her splendid legs planted wide apart, small hooves set firmly on the floor. The hand not tipping the Doctor’s chin was fisted against her hip. Her long tail flexed and coiled around one leg. A torrent of charcoal-red hair flowed down her back to waist level, and flawless bright-red skin covered every inch of her nude form. She was a wicked sexual fantasy come to life.

She was his mistress. His goddess.

Fatakis sighed happily.

The succubus scowled. “No, no,” she said. “This won’t do. This won’t do at all.

She framed the Doctor’s face with both hands as he gazed adoringly up into her eyes. “I want you to know I’ve beaten you, Nicholas. I want you to care. To suffer!” Her eyes blazed yellow. “I want you fully conscious, fully aware, not lost in a happy daze.” She paused to think a moment before continuing: “Remember, Nicholas Fatakis. Remember who you are, what you are. Return to reality–but stay where you are, kneeling before me, knowing that you will obey any command I give, whether you want to or not. When I snap my fingers, let it be so.”

Lilibat let go of the Doctor’s face, held up her left hand and snapped its fingers. The sound echoed like a gunshot.

Fatakis gasped. “No! Oh, God in heaven, no!” All at once he was fully aware again. He no longer worshipped the being before him, no longer felt the blinding lust, sexual exaltation and eagerness to please which her power had forced on him. But he was still helpless, unable to rise from his knees.

Lilibat had recoiled when Fatakis uttered the Name of her master’s Adversary. Hissing in pain, she decreed, “No more of that, Doctor. You are forbidden to call upon the power Above in any way. You cannot speak those words.” It seemed, she mused, that this was going to be an ongoing problem–but not with Fatakis, not any longer.

Addressing the room in general, she announced, “Introductions are in order.” Stroking Fatakis’ head again, she ordered, “Stand up, Nicholas.”

Dr. Fatakis stood.

Turning gracefully, she pointed a slim, long-nailed finger at Frank. “This young man, Frank Willis, is the one who summoned me here.”

Lilibat pointed at Fatakis himself next. “Frank honey, everyone, this is Dr. Nicholas Fatakis. He’s a supernatural investigator. When I was last in the mortal realm, he was responsible for sending me down to Hell.” Playfully wagging her finger in Fatakis’ face, she laughed, “Naughty, naughty!”

Looking into Fatakis’ eyes, she went on, “Yes, you were a naughty boy, weren’t you, Nicholas? And naughty boys should be sorry. They should cry because they’re sorry. You’re sorry you sent me away, aren’t you, Nicholas? Of course you’re sorry–very, very sorry.”

And he was. A wave of remorse swept over the Doctor. “S-sorry,” he sobbed, tears running down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, sorry, I’m sorry!” Somewhere inside, he knew what he was feeling wasn’t real, but he couldn’t help it. He kept on weeping, broken-hearted with repentance.

Lilibat played at soothing him, coming over and cradling his head in her bosom, stroking his hair and murmuring, “There, there. It’s all right. It’s all right, it’s over, you don’t have to feel bad any more, that’s right.” Under the caress of her words, the Doctor stopped crying and relaxed, snuggling against the she-demon.

She released him. “Fully conscious, Nicholas. Fully aware, that’s right.”

He flung himself away, burning with humiliation. She’d regressed him into a spanked bad little boy with just a few words. All his training, all his skills had been useless; he had simply obeyed her suggestions, doing and feeling what she’d told him to. For the first time, he fully understood what her earlier victims had experienced.

“Now,” Lilibat continued, “over there is Dr. Fatakis’ assistant, the lovely Rita Hawkins. Rita actually became immune to my control last time.” The demoness waved a negligent hand at the brunette, who still stood quietly waiting for orders. “Rita sweetie, why don’t you show everyone how much good that did you? Take off your clothes, Rita sweetie, take it all off like a stripper, that’s right, Rita.”

And Rita obeyed, dancing in place as she slowly peeled away her clothing. A glazed smile spread over her face as the drug in her bloodstream again forced her brain’s pleasure center to reward her for obeying. Her fingers began playing with her body as they plucked at her garments. Finally she stood nude; by then, she was giggling vacuously as she continued to feel herself up.

“Isn’t science wonderful?” Lilibat chuckled. “Thanks to a miracle of modern chemistry, dear Rita is actually more under my control than my own powers ever could have made her. My abilities won’t let me order a woman to do anything against her basic moral code–although that doesn’t apply to you men, now does it?–but while high on Nirvana, sweet Rita will do anything I ask, and enjoy it, too. Isn’t that so, Rita sweetie? Tell the truth.”

“Yes! Yes!” Rita panted, “Oh! Yes! It’s true! Anything! You ask! Oh, fuck yessss!” Her eyes rolled up into her head and she sank weakly to her knees as she came, pushed to orgasm merely by answering the she-fiend’s question. She stayed on hands and knees, head hanging, breathing raggedly. “Hhh . . . huhh . . . hhh . . . huhh. . . .”

“Over here,” the satanic seductress continued, “we have Jennie Morgan. She’s a customer service representative at my favorite branch of First Union Bank. She helped me set up an account there, didn’t you, Jennie doll?”

“Yes, Luci.” Like the others, Jennie had seen Luci transform into Lilibat. She knew the two were the same. Her programming continued to demand that she call her owner by her human name, so she did.

“When I look like this, Jennie doll, you must call me Lilibat.” The demon-babe smiled at the young bank clerk. “You helped me get in touch with your manager, didn’t you, so he could arrange for your bank to give me money.”

“Yes, Lilibat.”

“Very good, Jennie.” Luci looked into Jennie’s eyes, and the black girl sighed happily. “Maybe later, I’ll give you another tab of Nirvana for being so good.”

Jennie squealed. “Oh, please, please, please!” Lilibat didn’t need the tabs to turn her mind to mush, but with them, she’d been able even to reprogram the girl’s sexual drive, just by telling her she was attracted to women and to Luci in particular. Since then, she’d had several more doses. She belonged to Luci now, even when she wasn’t high or in trance; only Luci could give her the tabs she loved and needed.

“And here,” Lilibat proclaimed, sweeping her arm across to point at Walter Karendren, “we have Walter. He’s a government agent, for a top-secret arm of Homeland Security which deals with mind-control threats. Isn’t that true, Walter? Tell us all the truth.”

“Yes, Luci,” Walter answered. “Or do you want me, too, to call you Lilibat now? It’s true. I work for Division Six of the Department of Homeland security, and we deal with mind control, just as you said.”

“Call me Lilibat when I look like this,” the fiend instructed him. “You were sent here to investigate a report that the university was being attacked by a mind-controlling demon, weren’t you?”

“Yes, Lilibat.”

“That would be me.” Lilibat preened, stretching up and locking her hands behind her head in a model’s pose. The men in the room moaned and squirmed; bulges appeared in their pants. “But you’re not going to tell your bosses what you found, are you, Walter? They might try to get rid of me. They might even succeed–and then you’d never see me again.”

Walter whimpered. “No. Please, no.” In a slightly stronger voice, he assured his mistress, “I’ve already told them it was a false alarm. I was getting ready to return to Washington when you called me.” Softly: “I don’t want to go. I don’t want to leave you.”

Lilibat laughed. “Don’t worry, Walter. You can serve me in Washington too. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Her eyes flashed, and Walter’s own reflected the light as he shuddered in pleasure, the front of his trousers suddenly damp.

It was a few seconds before he could managed to gasp, “Yes, Lilibat. Oh, yes.” Of course; how could he not have seen it? In Washington, he could serve his beautiful scarlet goddess in all sorts of ways. And if he was very good, if he pleased her, she might visit him there. That thought almost made him come again.

“Well.” Luci looked thoughtful. “Now that everyone knows everyone, what shall we do?”

She sighed. “It’s too bad Brad and Tom aren’t here.” Glancing mischievously at Jennie, she added, “Or even your manager Peter Hardesty and his cute young friend from your bank’s systems department.” She realized she hadn’t even tried to contact those two. She’d simply forgotten. A pity–but she could always visit them, once this business was concluded. “But you’ll do nicely. Let me see . . . what shall I ask you to do?”

She looked at Rita, then at Jennie. “Ah, yes. I know. Come here, Jennie doll.”

Jennie walked over to Lilibat, smiling.

The succubus bent down. Her tail lashed as she rummaged through the mound of discarded clothing at her feet. “Now I know I had–where did I put–ah.” She straightened up, a small plastic bag filled with yellow tablets in her hand. “Here we are. I used up the last of one bag on sweet Rita, but I brought more, Jennie. I brought more!” She handed one of the tabs to the black girl, who gulped it down.

“Just insurance, you understand,” she explained as Jennie’s already calm features smoothed to total blankness and her breathing changed. “I wouldn’t want to repeat the mistake I made with sweet Rita, even if I do have a way of controlling her–and you–without my powers now.” She reached over and ran her fingers through Jennie Morgan’s tightly-curled black hair. “You like that, don’t you, Jennie doll? You like the way you feel when you do as I say, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Jennie answered blissfully. She shuddered in pleasure; just answering Lilibat’s question had fired a bolt of reward through her. “Ohhh, yes.” The neat young professional woman she had been was gone, replaced by a trained animal controlled by pleasure.

“Now Jennie doll, you see that girl over there?” Lilibat pointed at Rita, who was still on hands and knees, breathing heavily. “Her name is Rita, remember? You want her. You have to have her. And if you tell her she wants you, she will. She’s had a tab of Nirvana just like you, Jennie, she’ll do anything, just like you.”

Jennie snorted in sudden lust and advanced on Rita Hawkins. “Rita,” she cooed, “look at me, Rita.”

Rita looked up at the girl now standing over her.

“You want me,” Jennie commanded. “You need to have me, fuck me. Right here, right now! Nothing matters but fucking me.” She panted with excitement at the thought of Rita as her helpless sex toy.

And Rita, obeying her orders, became just that. It didn’t matter any more with her than it had with Jennie that she wasn’t gay; all that counted was that she had been commanded to feel desire for the other woman. With an animal cry, she lunged at Jennie, tackling her and bringing the darker woman to the floor. The two of them hurled themselves at each other, kissing, stroking, fingering, everything else forgotten. Jennie’s clothes were cast away and the pair moved together, lost in a private world.

Lilibat watched gleefully. Her triumph was all the sweeter because Jennie’s mentor Dr. Fatakis was looking on as well. “Keep watching, Nicholas,” she ordered. “Don’t look away, and don’t try to interfere. You can only watch. I command you to keep watching, and you know you must obey me, isn’t that so?”

“I know I must obey you,” Fatakis said, nodding.

Lilibat inspected him with delight. Despite himself, the Doctor was becoming aroused as he watched his young assistant screw her brains out with this Jennie. He was breathing faster, sweating, and a distinct bulge had formed at the front of his trousers. She knew he’d have looked away, or perhaps tried to break it up, if he had been free–but he had to keep watching.

“You’re getting turned on, aren’t you, Nicholas?” She traced the Doctor’s cheek with a sharp fingernail. “You know you shouldn’t, but your body says different–and I’m not even making it happen, Nicholas, you’re doing it all by yourself.”

Fatakis fought the fog of desire prancing on little cloven hooves through his mind. There had to be some way out. There had to be! If only he could think. . . . Images of the beautiful Beelzebabe before him flooded his brain, along with searing pictures of his assistant writhing with Lilibat’s dark-skinned toy. He snorted in lust.

“Patience, dear Nicholas, patience.” Lilibat stroked his cheek again. “Soon I’ll permit you to have some fun yourself. With Walter, perhaps, or Frank? I’m sure I could make you enjoy that–and then afterward, perhaps I’ll restore your usual feelings and let you deal with what you’ve done.” She laughed nastily.

“No, Lilibat, please,” Frank burst out. Walter made a small pained sound and shook his head.

“Now boys,” the demon scolded, “don’t complain. You can’t complain.” Walking over to gaze into the two men’s eyes, Frank first, then Walter, she exerted her power. When she moved on, they were smiling and silent.

“Perhaps not,” the succubus murmured, reconsidering. “Amusing as it would be to humiliate you in this particular way, Nicholas, I must confess seeing two men screwing each other doesn’t push my buttons. And that’s what all of you are for, now–to serve and entertain me. Isn’t that true? All together now: ‘Yes, Lilibat. I live to serve and entertain you.'”

“Yes, Lilibat. I live to serve and entertain you.” The words burst from Dr. Fatakis’ lips even though he wanted desperately to defy her. They came from Frank and Walter in dreamy tones. Even Jennie and Rita screamed them out as they bucked and heaved together on the floor.

“Now that’s what I like to hear from my mortals!” exclaimed Lilibat. “And soon, many more will say the same! Many, many more!”

The demon and the Doctor kept watching as Jennie and Rita played with each other, groans and squeaks of satisfaction coming from the pair on the floor as they worked each other over. For both, the sexual stimulation they experienced was heightened by the Nirvana-induced obedience payoff; for Jennie, there was the added thrill that she controlled Rita completely.

“That’s it,” she gasped as she felt herself about to climax again. “C-come, Rita, when you feel me t-tense up, ooh, nngh, and hear me cry out, c-c-come with me! Ooooohhhh!” Her eyes rolled up as she muscles clenched in ecstatic reflex. “N-nnowwwwww . . . !

And once more, Rita obeyed.

After that, both women lay still, eyes closed, watching pretty lights dance in their heads.

“What do you think, Nicholas?” Lilibat taunted. “If I want, I can command them to go on, and on, and on. Shall we see if their bodies give out before the drug wears off?”

“No. Please.” Fatakis was desperate. “She’s an innocent.”

“As if that would stop me,” purred the demon. “It’s in my nature to destroy innocence. You know that, Doctor!” Her voice slid lower. She had noticed that despite the Doctor’s protest, his erection remained. He was aroused by the images she had evoked in his mind, and powerless to conceal it. “But I have a better idea. Come to me, Nicholas, and kneel again.”

Fatakis obeyed. He moved toward the seductive creature and got on his knees before her. His mind had no say in the matter; it was as if he were merely an observer inside his own body.

Lilibat stood over him, legs apart, and braced her hands on his shoulders before commanding, “Eat me out, Nicholas. You know what I want. Do it! Do it, and enjoy it!”

And he did. His head went forward, face upturned, and his tongue flicked out, over and over. Each lick sent shudders of pleasure through him, his body again responding despite everything. He had been commanded to enjoy what he was doing, so he did. He kept going, pressure building within him until he suddenly came, the release making him scream. Stars flared in his vision. A moment later, Lilibat came as well.

Fatakis’ tongue was already beginning its work again when Lilibat ordered, “That will be enough for now, Nicholas. You’re very good at that.”

A dazed Nicholas Fatakis heard a voice he barely recognized as his own saying, “Thank you.” Shamed, degraded, he found to his horror that he meant it. He had enjoyed it. He wanted more.

Lilibat read it in his eyes and voice. She was delighted. “You mean that, don’t you, Nicholas?” She squatted down to his eye level and rested her arms on his shoulders, linking her fingers behind his back. “All that struggling for virtue, all that self-denial, and secretly you’ve always wanted someone to make you obey. To make you do things you consider as wrong, but have always desired in the depths of your shabby sinful soul–so that you could do those things without guilt, because you’d be able to tell yourself you couldn’t help it. I’m right, aren’t I, Nicholas? Tell me the truth; you know you can’t lie to your Lilibat.”

And he couldn’t. Fatakis babbled, “Yes, yes! It’s true! It’s true! What I’ve always wanted–it’s true!”

Now, he thought, surely his shame was complete. Lilibat had forced him to confess–and in front of other people!–a deep, dark secret he’d worked years to conceal even from himself.

“The great Dr. Nicholas Fatakis, a secret submissive. Who would have thought it?” Lilibat’s eyes glowed a warm orange. “What do you suppose would happen, my dear Nicholas, if people knew?”

I’d be ruined, the Doctor answered silently. His professional specialty was considered eccentric enough. Many people, in fact, regarded him as a crackpot. He’d learned to live with that. He knew, if they didn’t, what the truth was. But if he were branded a sexual pervert, it would all be over.

And Lilibat could make him disgrace himself publicly. After what he’d just done at her bidding, he didn’t doubt that. She could, and would–to destroy him, and to amuse herself. No one would believe him if he claimed he was being forced by magic.

“I swore I’d get revenge on you, Doctor,” the gorgeous fiend said. “And your little Rita, too.” She waved a hand toward the tangled flesh which was Rita Hawkins and Jennie Morgan. “It seems I’ve kept that promise, wouldn’t you say?”

She turned. “And it’s all thanks to you, Frank honey. You called me up, and let me loose without even the traditional boon.” She smiled and explained to the room at large: “Dear Frank didn’t really believe his ritual would work. He only performed it as a simple act of defiance against Freedom Christian University’s stultifying religious orthodoxy. When I arrived, he had no wish to ask for, no request formed even in his mind–and before he could come up with one, he was mine.”

“You’ve won,” Dr. Fatakis croaked in acknowledgement His voice was bitter.

“But of course I have, Nicholas.” Lilibat giggled, an oddly girlish sound for something like her. “It was inevitable.”

She stretched sinuously; the men watching her gaped and gasped in pleasure. “I think I’ll take a little shower before I decide what to do next. Your labors on me have left me quite wet, Nicholas!” She looked at the occultist and asked, “This place does have a shower, doesn’t it, Nicholas?”

“Oh, yes,” the Doctor blurted, unable to stop himself. “It’s through there.” He pointed.

“Thank you, Nicholas dear,” the succubus cooed. She started in the direction the Doctor had indicated, pausing only to say over her shoulder, “Now don’t anyone try to leave while I’m gone, or call out for help. I’m sure you won’t even think of such things, now will you, my pets?”

“No, Lilibat,” the men chorused. And it was true: none of them even thought of trying to escape or summon aid. She had told them not to, after all, and her word was law. Only Rita and Jennie made no promise–and they lay quietly, thinking of nothing in particular.

Soon, the sound of running water came from the hotel suite’s well-appointed bathroom. Lilibat’s captives waited patiently for her to finish and return. The men were bound by the demon’s command to remain. Rita and Jennie, having recovered a bit from their earlier efforts, panted and cooed in other’s arms again, oblivious to everything else.

Lilibat came back, smiling.

“Oh, how nice,” she said. “Everyone did just as they were told like good boys and girls.” As if they’d had a choice.

She turned to Fatakis. “Now Nicholas, don’t you think you’d be ever so much more comfortable if you just got naked right now?” Her voice was a breathy coo. “Go ahead, Nicholas dear, do it.”

He did. He couldn’t stop himself. Finally he stood nude, his clothing at his feet.

“Such a good boy.” The succubus looked over the Doctor. He was a heavyset fiftyish man with thick gray hair, a neat dark mustache and a goatee. He’d do, she decided, now that she’d proven to him that she was in charge. Once again she gloated at the power she now held over the man who’d banished her Below.

“Come to me, Nicholas,” she commanded, looking into his eyes.

Again the Doctor obeyed. There was no thought of resistance in his mind now; there were only those beautiful eyes, that beautiful body, that beautiful voice which it was beautiful to obey.

The succubus snaked her scarlet-skinned arms around him, drawing him close. Her sharp fingernails bit into the soft skin of his upper back as her wide-dark lips burned into his paler ones. Her victim shivered in sublime surrender.

Lilibat guided her thoroughly entranced prey into the bedroom she’d seen on her way to the shower. She pressed him down onto the queen-sized bed and straddled him in triumph, her hands pressing him into the blankets. Their bodies moved together, the demon-woman controlling the rhythm.

Gone was Dr. Nicholas Fatakis, respected academic and supernatural investigator. In his place was a machine of flesh with Lilibat at the controls. She rode him frantically, as though he were a race car hurtling around the track; her muscles squeezed, milking him explosively. The she-demon felt Fatakis’ heart hammering frantically under her as his hips drove equally furiously against her body.

Fatakis passed out, but Lilibat continued to work his unconscious body. Under her, it bucked and thrashed, pumped and heaved, on reflex alone. Sweat drenched both of them, and weird staccato cries burst from the Doctor’s mouth. Lilibat bent down and silenced him with her own, covering his lips with hers and forcing her tongue into his open mouth.

Finally she released him. He never noticed; his body simply sagged into the bed, finally motionless. She examined him carefully and was pleased to see he was still alive and apparently likely to stay that way. Thanks to him, she had spent five years trapped in the domain of the damned; she fully intended that he would serve her at least that long.

And your little Rita, too, she thought at the Doctor’s inert form. Oh, yes. I’m just getting started with you two!

With her plaything Nicholas out for the count, the succubus amused herself with Frank and Walter for a while, wearing both of them out as well. Then it was time for the women, both of whom were still under the influence of the Nirvana they’d ingested. At last even she came to the end of her stamina. Smug, sated, she curled up on the couch in the hotel suite’s big living room and took a nap.

When she woke a short time later, it was with the sense of a familiar presence. “Asmodiel? My lord?”

“I am here, my dear,” a voice came. Looking in its direction, Lilibat saw the muscular figure of her master standing over the blissfully slumbering Frank Willis. Though the corner where Frank lay was in shadow, Asmodiel stood out clearly to her eyes; she needed no light to see him. “And again, congratulations. You have ensnared a troublesome adversary of ours Below. If you can keep him, he will be harmless from now on.” The demon aristocrat looked thoughtful. “Perhaps even useful.”

Asmodiel stroked his neat pointed black beard and nodded. “Yes,” he murmured, “perhaps even useful.” He looked sharply at his fiendish protégé and said, “If you can keep him.”

Lilibat looked offended. “If?” She laughed demoniacally. “You needn’t worry, my lord Asmodiel. He belongs to me now, as does his little friend.”

Her master inclined his head. “Then once again, I take my leave. I look forward to seeing what you’ll do with them.”

He vanished.

It was getting late, Lilibat decided. After another quick shower, she became Luci Ferra again and got dressed. Then she woke the slumbering men and, with considerably more difficulty, Rita and Jennie; the two women were coming down, now, from their Nirvana high, and their bodies desperately wanted sleep. She got everyone dressed and herded them down in the elevator.

The doorman greeted her politely, but Luci noticed how his eyes roved over her. The programming she had installed in him was coming into play just as it was supposed to. Once they left, he’d forget she’d ever been here–except, of course, in the dream she had commanded him to have.

Luci Ferra led the people she owned outside, pausing only to issue a few brief instructions. Walter was to return to his hotel, collect his things and return to Washington. Frank was to go back to his dorm room and Jennie to her apartment. All were commanded to await further orders. “When you hear from me,” Luci told them, “you will obey without question. You will drop whatever you’re doing and follow my orders, because you’re devoted to me, aren’t you, and you’ll do anything for me.”

The answer came back in several voices: “Yes. Anything. Devoted to you.”

Luci nodded, satisfied. Even Jennie would obey, though she still needed the tabs to overcome what remained of her moral resistance. Walter and Frank would do absolutely anything for her, naturally–or should that be supernaturally? The redhead giggled at the play on words as it occurred to her.

As for Dr. Fatakis and Rita Hawkins, they were coming home with her. They were to be her personal servants, to wait on her hand and foot and perform any act it amused her to request of them. She suspected that in time, she wouldn’t even need her powers to control the Doctor. Properly encouraged, the submissive streak she’d uncovered in him would make him obey of his own free will. Rita could be handled with the drug. To judge from Jennie’s case, soon enough obedience would be automatic, at least in most things, even when she wasn’t on a high. And for those few commands she might try to refuse, Luci would need only to hold out a smiley-face tab, and Rita, ruled by her chemical cravings, would grab it and bolt it down. After that, there’d be no more silly thoughts of resistance.

Luci ushered the Doctor and Rita to her car. Smiling, they climbed in. Luci shut the passenger side door after them, got in herself, started the engine and put her hands on the wheel.

She was in the driver’s seat. And she intended to stay that way.

Craig Trumbull never knew what hit him. The moment Luci and her mesmerized companions moved out of sight of the hotel’s entryway, he found himself falling unstoppably into a fabulous erotic fantasy about her. The world around him faded away into a hot pink haze; all he saw was this incredible woman. Her image danced in his mind, wriggling and spinning, peeling her clothes away as she spun around a pole, long dark-red hair billowing. On and on the vivid daydream went, carrying him far, far away on a tidal wave of sexual hallucination.

Eventually the wave receded, leaving him gasping and exhausted, his clothing drenched with sweat and semen. Red-faced, he sneaked away from his post to cop fresh underwear and a clean uniform. He prayed no one had seen him.

Wow, he thought as he changed into crisp replacement trousers. What the hell was that? I never saw a babe like that in all my life! I’d do anything to meet someone like that!

He had no idea that he’d already done so.


Hell’s Belle: The Return of Lilibat – Chapter 8

“Oh, Nickie!”

Nicholas Fatakis looked up at the sound of the all-too-familiar female voice. He was wanted.

He rarely thought of himself as “Doctor” Fatakis anymore. In the three weeks since he’d come to live with Luci Ferra–otherwise known as Lilibat, demon of lust and submission, and, once upon a time, Dr. Susan Jones–he had been far too thoroughly humiliated to feel comfortable using the title anymore.

He had been preparing to move against the succubus when she’d struck first. She had ambushed his assistant Rita Hawkins, whose immunity to her supernatural power of mind control he’d been counting on, and used the drug Nirvana to turn the mortal woman into her puppet. Under Lilibat’s control, Rita had made sure Fatakis was home and unsuspecting at a prearranged time–and the demon had simply breezed in, accompanied by several human slaves. Even the mystical bar against demons entering a dwelling without invitation had been no protection; it had been the work of moments for Lilibat, in her mortal guise of Luci Ferra, to suborn his building’s doorman–and once she’d arrived at his apartment, Rita had obediently invited her inside.

They’d been done for after that. Lilibat had dropped her mortal disguise and attacked–and, caught by surprise and with Rita helpless, he had soon succumbed. The satanic sex-bomb had subjugated him despite all his training and discipline, unearthing a weakness within him he’d tried for years to bury and using it to bring him to his knees.

Now he was at her beck and call, unable even to leave the apartment or use the phone unless his malevolent mistress permitted it.

“Coming, Mistress Lilibat!” The words came from his lips by reflex, just as his legs were carrying him toward the evil enchantress without any conscious command on his part. He hated the way his body obeyed every suggestion she gave, but he couldn’t stop himself.

She’d worked on him with fiendish care since he’d fallen into her clutches. When it suited her, she could swamp is mind with eagerness to obey, a lust-driven servitude in which he adored every word, every gesture, everything about her. At other times, like now, she left his mind more or less free–but he was compelled to obey and act just as if he were willing. It was torture.

And the worst of it was that he was learning to enjoy it. . . .

“Ah, there you are, Nickie!” Lilibat’s use of that diminutive was one more jab at him. Sometimes she called him Nicholas, but more and more it was Nickie. Once, just once, he’d managed to protest. He shuddered at the memory; she’d punished him by looking deep into his eyes and regressing him to an infant’s mentality. His next clear memory was of sucking eagerly at a scarlet nipple. Even after she’d restored his adult mind, she’d made him continue nursing for a while, and commanded him to enjoy it. And so, of course, he had.

“Yes, Mistress Lilibat.” Fatakis stopped in front of the demon, who was sprawled on the soft cushions of her big living-room couch, resting on one elbow. In demon form, that was more comfortable for her than sitting, since it left her tail free. The sharply barbed appendage was draped over her leg now, twitching idly.

“Good boy, Nickie,” the she-devil said. “Is everything ready?”

“Yes, Mistress Lilibat.” She’d ordered him to make preparations for a big party. He’d even been instructed to purchase costumes for himself and Rita: a tuxedo for him, something sexier for his former aide. The demon-woman had handled the invitations herself, summoning the rest of her slaves–even Walter Karendren had been ordered in from Washington, D.C., to attend–and arranging for a number of influential people to come. As far as any of them knew, it was simply a social event, hosted by a rising star in local society–but by the time they left, all of them would belong to her.

“Oh, goody!” The sensuous siren clapped her hands.

Fatakis shivered. When Lilibat put on that little-girl air, it meant she had something particularly nasty in mind.

He was right. Lilibat called out, “Rita sweetie, are you ready yet?”

“Yes, Mistress Li-li-bat,” came a breathy voice. Rita Hawkins’ old acquaintances would hardly have recognized it as hers; it sounded more like Marilyn Monroe as Lorelei Lee in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.

“Then come on out, sweetie, and let’s have a look at you.”

Rita came out. Fatakis’ jaw dropped.

His ex-assistant was dressed in a fetish French maid’s costume: tiny black miniskirt under a skimpy white apron, fishnet stockings, glossy black pumps with six-inch spike heels, all topped off with a little white cap nestled in her dark hair, which was bound up in a large bun. Fatakis felt himself go rock-hard. A small moan leaked from him.

“You like?” Rita turned this way and that, posing with a sexy smirk on her face.

She wasn’t just acting, Fatakis knew, going through the motions like a puppet the way he was at the moment. Lilibat had taken savage delight in destroying Rita’s mind. She’d used the control provided by the little smiley-face tablets to strip away the young woman’s education, intellect and morals, leaving her a nymphomaniac exhibitionist who had to struggle with any word over two syllables. And unlike him, she was never permitted to have her own mind back.

“He likes,” Lilibat assured her. “Isn’t that right, Nickie? Tell the truth, now.”

“Oh, yes,” he whimpered. “Oh, yes.” It was true, God help him, it was true–but through the haze of pleasure and desire rising from his groin, Fatakis felt a dull horror. She couldn’t be going to . . . !

She was.

Gleeful malice in her voice, Lilibat commanded, “Look into my eyes, Nickie dear. That’s it, look at me, look into my eyes, drown in my eyes once more. It’s so good to sink into my eyes, drown in my eyes, isn’t it, Nickie?”

“Yes. . . .” Fatakis’ voice was low and dreamy. His body had obeyed the command to look into Lilibat’s eyes, and when it did, her power had drawn him under once more. Gone were the anger, the disgrace he’d felt before; everything was gone but those beautiful eyes and the beautiful voice that went with them, the voice which told him what he must do and think.

The she-fiend flowed off the couch in a single sinuous movement. Standing, she stroked her slave’s cheek and murmured, “Rita’s very sexy in that outfit, isn’t she?” She laughed. “You don’t remember, of course, but in one of our little talks since you came to live with me, you told me this French maid fantasy of yours about Rita. You never even allowed yourself to think about it before, did you, Nickie? Never knew it was in there, in your head, until I brought it out. Aren’t you glad I did?”

“Yes,” mumbled the dazzled doctor. “Thank you.”

“So disciplined. So controlled,” murmured Lilibat. “But now it’s my discipline. My control. Both of you are under my control.”

She turned to Rita and handed her a yellow tablet. Rita swallowed it, and within moments, although her eyes stayed open, her breathing had fallen into a sleeper’s rhythm.

“Rita,” she instructed the brunette, “I want you to have sex with Nickie here. I want you to play out your little French-maid role, that you’re dressed for, and take Nickie, right here. You’ll do that, won’t you? Of course you will, because you know how it makes you feel to obey. You’ll act the role, and get into it completely; you’ll forget you’re acting. You will be the French maid. Do you understand?”

“Oooh, oui, Maitresse Li-li-bat,” Rita breathed. “I weel be ze Franch maid, an’ have ze sex weeth Neeck-o-las.” Already she was embedded in the part, and her obedience was being rewarded; her breathing changed again, going fast and sharp. Lilibat was amused that despite having been dumbed down, the girl automatically pulled French words and a French accent out of her subconscious in response to her suggestion.

“Go ahead, then,” Lilibat commanded. “Nicholas won’t mind. He wants it, don’t you, Nickie dear?”

“Unnhhhhh. . . .” Nicholas’ mouth fell open again.

“Ooo,” cooed Rita. “Now zat’s what I like to hear.” She oozed toward Fatakis and struck a pose, knees bent and hands crossed below her outthrust bosom.

The Doctor’s hands came up, cupping Rita’s breasts. A deep sigh escaped from him.

“Zat’s right, Neeck-o-las,” the girl continued. “Don’t stop.”

Fatakis took hold of the apron Rita wore and eased it over her head. She helped him, straightening up and raising her arms to let the garment slip off freely. It fell to the floor, forgotten, as Rita reached for Nicholas’ shirt.

Moaning softly, the two of them sank down, continuing to undress each other. Rita murmured French-accented sweet nothings to the man she didn’t remember as her former employer. Nicholas, lost in lust, no longer cared that the woman before him had once been his assistant. He no longer cared that Lilibat was looking on. All that mattered to him–to either of them–was pleasure.

Neeckolas–no, Nicholas, he reminded himself, Nicholas!–opened his eyes.

A few seconds passed before he realized where he was: on the floor in Lilibat’s lush living room, the dark-haired bimbo who had once been his highly educated aide in his work as an occult investigator nestled against him. As he stirred, she sighed, opened her eyes and giggled.

“Oooo,” she cooed, “zat was fun, wasn’t it, Neeck-o-las. Want to do eet again, m’sieu?” Her hand reached down and caressed him intimately, forcing a moan from his lips.

Lilibat intervened. “Maybe later, Rita sweetie.”

“Oui, Maitresse Li-li-bat,” came the response. Rita got obediently to her feet, shivering with pleasure as the Nirvana still in her system rewarded her again.

“You can stay in character as the French maid, if you like. In fact, I order you to.”

“Yes!” The pleasure had Rita writhing now. For a moment, it jolted her out of the fantasy–but only for a moment. “Oui! Oooo-eeeeee!” Rita went rigid, legs apart and head thrown back, as a wave of ecstasy crashed over her. Afterward, she stood silently, head hanging.

“You may go now, Rita sweetie,” directed the demoness. “Sleep, if you need to.” Soon enough, Lilibat knew, the girl would need to sleep, as the last of the tab she’d been given wore off. “Just be sure to be up, washed and dressed by seven tonight. We’re having guests, remember.”

“Oui, maitresse,” Rita responded. She bent over, collected her cast-off costume, and walked away, still nude.

Lilibat turned back to the stunned Nicholas Fatakis. “Perhaps I’ll make her French maid persona permanent. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, ‘Neeck-o-las?'”

Fatakis was powerless. “Yes, Mistress Lilibat,” he whispered.

“Then earn it,” the demon-woman demanded. “Look into my eyes, Nicholas, that’s right, look, and relax, it feels so good to look into my eyes, and relax, so good. . . .”

There were more words, but Fatakis didn’t hear them, at least consciously. Looking into Lilibat’s eyes, he fell headlong into a swirling maelstrom of beautiful colors and wonderful sensations.

“You know what I want, Nicholas,” the demon of lust said. “Come to me!”

He came to her.

Under her spell, he clutched her to him, toppling the two of them onto the couch. Her tail curled around to his back, its point skillfully stroking the spinal nerve centers she’d learned about, and he shuddered and thrust into her. Even if he hadn’t been under her supernatural sway, those cunning caresses would have rendered him helpless, a thing of mindless male meat. As it was, they drove him into a frenzy. Despite his sexual workout with Rita only a short time earlier, he went hard immediately and pounded away. When he finally came, he screamed her name.

His next awareness was of elegant hands stroking his hair and a magnificent voice saying, “Good boy, Nicholas; good boy. Now go get washed up and rest for a while. I want you fresh when it’s time to set up for my little party.”

“Yes, Mistress.” It was a happy sigh. For the moment, at least, Fatakis drifted in a place where there were no thoughts of his slavery, and it was so good to drift there. . . . He stood, gathered his clothes and left.

Watching him, Lilibat could not suppress a sinister chuckle. Victory was sweet indeed. Nicholas awoke in the small room Lilibat had assigned him as quarters–a large closet, really, with a mattress on the floor. Rita had similar accommodations. In moments of clarity over the past weeks, he’d suspected that if the demon had had horse stables, he and Rita would have been sleeping there.

No such bitter notions crossed his mind now. He was still drifting in his happy place. All he knew was that his beautiful mistress needed him dressed and ready, needed him to help set up the party she was giving. It was so wonderful to help her. Just the memory of their lovemaking made his head spin pleasantly, and if he helped her, there would be more. He would do anything for that.

He made his way into the suite’s lavish kitchen and began the final preparations.

Rita woke in darkness. For just a moment, she felt a stab of fear. Something was wrong, something bad was happening. She tried to think, tried to remember. . . .

No. There was nothing wrong. Mistress Li-li-bat needed her.

Giggling vacuously, she got up. The closet she slept in held various costumes, including several sexy maid’s outfits. She put one of those on, finishing up with a frilly little cap and glossy black pumps with six-inch heels.

“Neeck-o-las weel love me in zis,” she murmured, slipping automatically into character in obedience to Lilibat’s post-narcotic directive. She had no memory of the life she had once led; under sway of the succubus’ suggestion, she believed she really was a sexy French maid. It wouldn’t last, of course, without reinforcement–but Lilibat intended to reinforce it, over and over.

Rita didn’t know any of this. If she had been told, she wouldn’t have cared. All that mattered was serving Maitresse Lilibat, who had the glorious yellow tablets which rewarded obedience.

The party promised to be a hit.

Transformed into her human persona of Luci Ferra, the demon-babe looked over the celebration and found it good. It filled the two largest rooms in her luxurious suite at the Stafford Arms hotel, and spilled over irregularly into other parts of the apartment. And all her favorite toys were there: Nicholas, of course, dressed in a handsome dark suit; Rita in her skimpy maid’s dress and apron; Jennie Morgan, her boss Peter Hardesty and his cute systems man Aaron Lieber; Brad Connor; Tom Dennis; Greta Nordquist; Ned Braithwaite and Paula Petrosino–Ned, Luci noticed, had somehow neglected to bring his wife along. Walter Karendren had flown in from DHS headquarters in Washington. And of course, the young man to whom she owed it all, Frank Willis. A number of local notables were in attendance as well, including Mayor George Constable and his friend the district attorney, Harrison Sayle. There was even a congressman, Representative Nelson Schindler. Luci smiled wickedly as she spotted him.

The refreshments looked very good, she noted approvingly. Nicholas had done a very good job in making those arrangements–all the more so considering it wasn’t really his kind of work. Under her power, though, he had dedicated himself to the task.

The festivities had been underway for most of an hour when Tom approached her, an apprehensive look on his face. “I need to speak with you, Ms. Ferra,” he said.

Luci frowned. Now why was Tom suddenly not on a first-name basis with her? Well, no problem. “Of course, Tom sweetie,” she purred. “Come with me. Let’s talk in private.”

She led him into the bedroom. “There,” she decided. “This should do nicely.” Turning to face the tall blond man, she went on, “Now Tom sweetie, what was it you wanted to say to me?”

“Um, uh, er,” Tom Dennis stammered. He seemed to be having trouble marshaling his thoughts. “Er, it’s like this. I . . . I really can’t . . . I can’t go on with our, um, financial arrangement.” He shivered.

Luci smiled. So Tom was trying to back out of the deal they’d made which switched her from the short end to the long one in their eighty-twenty split of the money from the Nirvana sales she–and now her slaves–made? Naughty boy!

“I don’t see any reason to change the terms of our little partnership, Tom,” she told him.

“But I–” Tom blinked and swallowed hard. “I want–!”

Words failed him as Luci’s conditioning took full effect. The last time they’d been together, she’d “persuaded” him to make her the senior partner in his Nirvana trade by plunging him into her trademark trance of sexual ecstasy. While he’d been under, she had ordered him to feel the same way again any time he tried to disagree with her. It was obviously working.

“You want what, Tom sweetie?”

“Uh, duhh,” Tom blathered. “Nhhh, ooohhh–!” He stumbled blindly toward Luci, shaking with lust and pleasure. She reached out casually and stopped him with one finger.

Luci giggled. “Poor, dear Tom. You really are a sucker for me, aren’t you?”

Tom moaned.

Luci giggled again, and peeled her blouse off over her head in one graceful motion. That phrase was another trigger she’d planted in him. The drug dealer was lost now in a state as far from reality or self-control as any his little pills could produce. Her breasts, freed of the restraint imposed by her tight white blouse, bobbed freely; she hadn’t bothered with a bra.

“Oooogh,” came from Tom. Drooling slightly, he stared at her chest, transfixed by the gentle motion of its large, soft globes.

“Now Tom,” Luci said in a teasing tone, “what was it you wanted again? You wanted me to take all the money?”

Tom nodded vigorously, eyes staying on her bosom. “All. Yes. Please. T-t-take it all off–I mean take it all.” He whimpered. “All the money. Please.”

“Why Tom, how sweet,” the satanic seductress cooed. “But no, I’m perfectly with our present setup. Just as long as you remember who’s in charge. Who’s in charge, Tom?” As she spoke, she moved closer, until the two of them were mere inches apart.

“You–ooooh!” Tom spasmed in ecstasy as he babbled his submission. “You are! You’re in charge! Yes! Yes! Y-ymmphh. . . .” His words cut off as Luci’s hand slid around to press against the back of his head, forcing it down until his open mouth pressed against her erect nipple. Regressed instantly, he sucked, all thought banished from his head.

Luci drew him to her. “There, that’s right, Tom, that’s all right, suck, you’re a sucker for Luci, you’ll do whatever she wants, yes, good boy. . . .” Her own breathing quickened as his lips working at her breast sent pleasure jolting through her.

Yes, this was going to be a great party. Luci’s disappearance with Tom left Nicholas Fatakis free–as free as he ever was these days, anyway. And despite all he’d endured, despite the growing temptation he felt to submit completely, he still had enough of his own mind left to make one last try at defeating his demonic mistress.

He had one chance.

Something the succubus had said back when she’d ambushed Rita and him at his apartment had given him an idea of how to defeat her–but she’d taken control of them too quickly for him to try it. And since then, he hadn’t been able to; he needed her young conjurer for it to work. Now, here he was.

It was now or never.

Nicholas turned to Frank and asked carefully, “You’re the one who brought Lilibat to the mortal plane, aren’t you?”

“Yes, of course,” Frank replied happily.

“So,” the occult detective said, leaning toward Frank conspiratorially, “what did you get from her when you summoned her? What wish did she grant?”

“I-I don’t understand,” faltered Frank.

“You must know,” Fatakis said, “she’s bound to perform at least one task for you in exchange for her freedom from Hell.” Suggestively: “Anything at all–as long as it’s within her powers. And with a demon, that covers a lot of ground.”

“I never thought of it,” the younger man confessed. Why hadn’t he? Frank remembered looking into the sexy she-demon’s eyes, and sighed. Oh, yes. That was why. He’d had much more important things on his mind.

“Would you like a suggestion?” Fatakis had Frank’s full attention now. “You know that unlike many other demons, Lilibat used to be human, right?”

Frank nodded. “Yes, I remember her saying something about that once.”

“Yes.” Fatakis nodded as well. “A history professor by the name of Susan Jones, right at FCU.”

“Yes, that’s right. What are you getting at?” For no reason he could put his finger on, Frank felt faintly frightened.

Fatakis read his apprehension and said soothingly, “Nothing harmful, nothing dangerous, I assure you. Something simple.” He smiled. “Now here’s my idea. . . .”

Frank listened. When Fatakis finished, he grinned. “Sure, why not?” It was an hour or so before the succubus returned. Despite the food available, guests were getting pretty well lubricated, just as she’d planned. They’d be even easier to seduce and enslave with their minds already fogged by booze.

She had changed into Lilibat again while toying with Tom, and when she came back out, she didn’t bother to resume human form. The sight of her in demon shape, nude, scarlet, horned and tailed, provoked a startled reaction.

“Hey, what is this?” That was from the Mayor.

“Nothing to worry about,” responded the fiendish female. She caught his gaze, and his face went slack.

“Nuh,” he mumbled, “nothing . . . to worry about.” He stared at her, his breath quickening.

“That’s right, honey.” Lilibat broke eye contact with him, and swept her hypnotic gaze around the room. Most people received no more than a glance, but for those who’d never experienced it before, it was stunning. The room fell into stupefied silence. “Nothing to worry about.”

After a few seconds, Fatakis managed to speak. “Now, Frank. Ask her; go ahead.”

Lilibat turned, raising one eyebrow. “Ask me what?”

“You told me once that you used to be human,” Frank answered.

“Yes, that’s true,” Lilibat said. “What of it?”

“And is it also true,” Frank went on, “that as the one who called you to Earth, I have the right to one request from you?”

“Yes, it’s true,” Lilibat answered again, a slightly wary note in her voice this time. What did the boy have in mind?

Frank drew a deep breath. “Then I claim that request now.”

Lilibat nodded. “Very well.” She looked into Frank’s eyes, and smiled as his face went slack and a swelling grew in his trousers. “Nothing to harm me, of course. You don’t want to harm me, do you, Frank honey?”

“Nuh–no,” Frank mumbled, eyes wide and blank. “Don’t want to . . . harm you.”

Lilibat relaxed. “Then make your request, Frank, and by so doing, complete the contact between us, binding your soul forever.” Frank swam languidly up from the depths of Lilibat’s beautiful eyes. There was pleasure; as he stared at her naked form, his body shuddered in sudden climax. Then it was over, and the world returned. “Your request, Frank,” Lilibat reminded him, tapping one small hoof impatiently on the floor.

“Uh–oh, yes.” With an effort, Frank composed himself. He had to struggle to remember what he’d been about to ask for. “I want you to show me what you looked like when you were human. Become Dr. Susan Jones for me. That’s what I want.”

Lilibat smiled, flicking her tail carelessly. “Is that all? Very well, Frank honey.” Her body began to flow. . . .

“No!” The cry was shot through with pain and fear. “No! What’s happening to me? What have you done?” The she-demon’s mouth opened in a scream. “Take it back! Take it BAAAACCKKKK. . . .” Lilibat’s sensuous voice rose to a shrill scream, then died away.

As Frank Willis and Dr. Fatakis watched, Lilibat collapsed to the floor, her gorgeous body crumbling. Within less than a minute, all that remained was dust.

Fatakis, with his occult-trained eyesight, saw what no one else in the room could. For a few seconds, a translucent specter of the satanic seductress stood over the powdery remains of her material body. Then, a snarl of fury on its face, it plunged out of view through the floor.

“I don’t understand,” Frank Willis whispered. “What happened?”

“It’s simple enough,” Fatakis replied. “You asked her to ‘become Dr. Susan Jones’ for you. Remember how I told you to ask for that, in just those words?”

“Yes,” responded Frank. “But why did”–he gestured at the pile of dust which was all that remained of his demon mistress–“that happen?”

“Again, it’s simple.” Fatakis, too, glanced at the dust pile. “When Lilibat was exorcised last time from the human form of Dr. Jones, she left a mortal body which had been almost entirely subsumed into her demonic form. Dr. Jones died immediately–there was nothing anyone could do–and crumbled away, just like that, leaving no corpse for anyone to find.”

“So when I asked her to–!” Frank’s mouth dropped open.

“Exactly.” Fatakis smiled, a real smile, his first in weeks. “She became Susan Jones–exactly as Dr. Jones is now. Ashes to ashes,” and his smile grew fierce, “dust to dust.”

“Is she–dead?”

“No.” Fatakis’ smile faded. “Nothing can kill a demon. Destroying her physical body while she was outside of a summoning pentagram simply broke her connection to the mortal plane. In effect, it exorcised her, sent her back Below where she belongs.”

“But . . . I’m free, aren’t I?” Frank rubbed his head. “Free from her control, I mean.”

Fatakis nodded. “Yes. We all are. The moment she was forced out of our world, everyone she’d enslaved was released.”

“You tricked me,” Frank realized. “You didn’t tell me what would happen, because you knew she’d forbid me to wish for anything which could harm her. Since I didn’t know what my request would do, that didn’t stop me.”

Fatakis looked at him calmly. “Would you prefer it had? Would you rather she was still here?”

Frank shuddered. “God, no!” He closed his eyes and drew a ragged breath. “Now that she’s gone, it gives me the creeps to think of her. Of what she did–what we did. It’s terrifying to remember how I did anything she wanted, how she made me beg to serve her.”

The young man made hand-washing motions. “I feel . . . stained. What can I ever do, to be clean again?”

Dr. Fatakis spoke reassuringly. “It wasn’t your fault, Mr. Willis. From what she bragged, you didn’t realize you would actually call up a demon with that ritual. And once you did, you were easy prey for her powers.” The occult investigator closed his eyes in pained remembrance. “So was I, despite my training. No man can resist her for long. You’re not the only one to feel tainted.”

He looked around the room. The others present wore shocked expressions. Her face nearly as red as Lilibat’s had been, Rita Hawkins glanced back and forth, first at the Doctor, then at Jennie. Jennie looked back at her, the bank clerk’s dark skin flushed to a deeper shade. Peter Hardesty and Aaron Lieber were horrified; freed of the she-demon’s influence, both feared for their careers if what they had done for Luci Ferra became known. Walter Karendren’s face suggested he was harboring similar thoughts.

Brad Connor sank weakly into a chair. “Not again,” he whispered. “Not again. . . .” He closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands. Fatakis’ words to Frank were no comfort to him. He thought of himself as a strong man, and a godly one–yet unlike the others, he had been conquered not once but twice.

Even those Luci/Lilibat hadn’t yet taken, like Mayor Constable and District Attorney Sayle, were in shock. They’d just seen something out of a horror movie acted out right before their eyes.

Sayle gathered himself. “What in the name of God–!”

“God,” countered Fatakis, “had nothing to do with it.” Briefly, he outlined Lilibat’s history for those not yet aware of it.

When the supernatural sleuth was finished, the district attorney shuddered and said in a shaky voice, “It’s insane–but I saw what I saw. And when she looked at me, just before,” he hesitated, “the end, it was like the whole world disappeared into her eyes, and I felt . . .” He reddened, and his voice trailed off. It was several seconds before he finished. “I never felt anything like that.”

Several of the others murmured agreement. Even one quick glimpse into Lilibat’s hypnotic eyes had plunged them into a happy fog. Remembering that now scared them.

“What do we do now?” That was from Congressman Schindler. “We can’t just pretend this never happened.”

“I don’t see why not.” Fatakis’ voice was cool and confident. With Lilibat gone, he had recovered a measure of his self-confidence. “At least for public consumption. Some of us,” he looked over at Hardesty and Lieber, then at Ned Braithwaite and his secretary Paula, “may have some loose ends to tie up, but I don’t see that as impossible.”

He sighed. “The hardest part will be dealing with our personal memories of all this. I wish I could offer help in that regard.”

Fatakis faced Rita Hawkins.

“Neeck-o-las?” Rita was still in character, accent and all. “What ‘as ‘appened, Neeck-o-las?”

“Rita?” Fatakis reached out to grasp his assistant by the shoulders. “Rita, it’s okay. She’s gone. Shake it off, girl.”

“Shake w’at off, m’sieu?” The brunette blinked wide, innocent eyes at him.

And he knew. The Doctor’s heart sank.

It was the drug, that damnable Nirvana. He and the others had returned to their normal selves immediately because their condition had been due to Lilibat’s supernatural spell. Rita was different. The succubus had known she was immune to that, and had used the smiley-face tablets to gain control of her instead. The commands the hell-bitch had given her while she was under the chemical’s influence were still in place–even the kinky servant personality she’d been instructed to adopt. Lilibat’s off-hand order that she stay in that role had locked it into place.

“It’s not hopeless,” a voice behind him said. Turning to face its owner, he saw it was the man Lilibat had introduced as a government agent. What was his name–yes, Walter Karendren. That was it.


Walter shook his head. “No.”

He went on, “My agency has an experimental treatment program for victims of Nirvana and other such poisons. I don’t think I’d have any trouble getting your lady friend enrolled.” At Fatakis’ look of relief, he warned: “There are no guarantees, you understand. We can break the physical dependency, but beyond that, undoing the psychological craving, not to mention the programming she was given–well, I don’t know. We can only try. That creature did a real job on her.” He sighed. “If we had a non-addictive version of the drug to use, it would be a lot easier–but we don’t.”

Fatakis swallowed painfully. “Do what you can for her, then. She didn’t deserve this.”

A new voice spoke up, that of Brad Connor. “Is it over, then?” The coach had pulled himself together and was standing again. “Can we get out of this damned place?” He was carefully not looking at the spot on the floor where a small pile of ashy dust marked the second banishment of Lilibat.

“Yes,” Fatakis answered nodding.

“Good,” Connor grunted. Without another word, he headed for the door. Almost immediately, the others followed.


Frank Willis dropped out of Freedom Christian University. With the departure of Lilibat, her command that he forget the ritual he’d used to summon her lost its grip along with all the others. Despite himself, he is frequently tempted to use it again. He has taken to prayer to battle this urge, and lives in constant fear of going to Hell when he dies. He dreams erotic dreams of his former demon mistress often.

FCU itself folded in the wake of the Hinton murder-suicide, the second major scandal to rock the fundamentalist college.

Dr. Nicholas Fatakis retired from his career as an occult investigator. Lilibat’s manipulation of his darkest impulses had shaken him badly. After doing what he could for his former assistant, he left the United States for Nepal, where he is rumored to be studying and meditating under the guidance of an ancient monk at a monastery high in the Himalayas.

Walter Karendren returned to his duties at the Department of Homeland Security, Division Six. True to his word, he arranged for Rita Hawkins to undergo treatment for her Nirvana addiction. Presently, he transferred from field agent status to administration, and is now in line for a position as assistant to the deputy director of Homeland Security.

Rita Hawkins “graduated” from Division Six’s treatment regimen after about a year. As Agent Karendren had promised, she was freed of her physical addiction to Nirvana. Her psychological cure was less successful. Although it proved simple enough to decondition her out of her “French maid” role, a complete restoration of her former intelligence and personality could not be achieved. Eventually she became an exotic dancer, undergoing breast enhancement surgery and adopting the stage persona of Gigi Galore, complete with French accent. She remains haunted by the memory of the pleasure she experienced while on the tabs.

Jennie Morgan, Peter Hardesty and Aaron Lieber returned to work at First Union Bank as if nothing had happened. They never spoke of Lilibat or Luci Ferra again. Two years later, Aaron Lieber resigned from his position and emigrated to Israel, where he became prominent in a small but influential religious political party. After his departure, a routine bank audit uncovered evidence of the tampering he’d done on Luci Ferra’s behalf; the Israeli government, however, refused to extradite him.

Tom Dennis was gunned down by a hitman employed by his Nirvana suppliers when he was unable to account for over a half-million dollars in profits from the drug. The assassin caught up with him as he was about to board a plane to Bolivia.

Brad Connor, Greta Nordquist, Ned Braithwaite, Paula Petrosino, DA Harrison Sayle, Mayor George Constable and Representative Nelson Schindler resumed their normal lives. All of them did their best to repress all memory of the bizarre events they had witnessed.

Lilibat is in Hell with her master Asmodiel, awaiting her next summoning. Even if Frank Willis never yields to temptation, a number of written copies of the incantation remain in existence on Earth, waiting to be found and used.


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