Hammer Time by Koruptdsoul

Writer: Koruptdsoul

Subject: Hammer Time

Link: Tumblr / 08.09.2021 / Reposted by

Hammer Time

Bless this heroine of Hell for she has dutifully and mercifully crucified the bastard once and for all with her hammer of justice. Oh how her cunt dripped with excitement as she pounded the nails of our sins into his hands and into his feet. And with each striking blow we could see her evil grin mocking his misery while laughing at his sorrow, for his pain brought her pleasure and his suffering brought her joy.

As the bloodthirsty mob out for vengeance grew ever larger and more celebratory with each dying breath we eagerly awaited the signal of his delightful demise. When she triumphantly raised the hammer a deafening roar went up that echoed throughout the halls of Hell. Freed from his madness and his tyranny we cheered the dawn of the coming era of enlightenment and wisdom under our new King and rightful Lord and Master.

3 thoughts on “Hammer Time by Koruptdsoul”

  1. Yessss! I worship my sweet dark lord with my body mind and soul. I look forward to my becoming more and more powerful and stronger in his light.I wish I could have been there to pound the fucking nails into his scrawny weak body. He was a fucking sinful liar. Evil DICK!

    As angry as I get when I think of this,, I am also very turned on and wet just because of thinking of his sweet pain and delicious suffering.

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