Feature Writer: LadyDark Adora, Ward To Madame X Of House Of The Dreaming
Feature Title: Awakening Into Sexual Vampirism
Uploaded: December 1, 2010


Awakening Into Sexual Vampirism

The moment of awe, the coming to knowledge of change in yourself, is awakening. It can be growth in the small to the profound things in your life. I cannot tell you how it feels. Words do not describe what awakening is to everyone when it is an individual experience. Each awakening feels different to each being. Awakening comes in multiple stages that lead anywhere from figuring out your career path to the psychological effects of societies influence. Sometimes these realizations are subtle hints while others are a near smack to the head. As there are different steps to awakening, there are different results to awakening. You may realize you need blood, psychic energy, sexual energy, or another form. You may realize that there is a beast within you calling to get out, for you to rely on your primal instincts.

The first awakening is when one comes to the understanding that there is more to them then being simply mundane. The first stage of awakening, the initial awakening, can be the hardest step to take. It can as well be the hardest journey to walk. Most people walk their first awakening alone and afraid. They are confused as they search for what is happening. Once they find what it is that is happening, many feel like monsters. Some embrace the knowledge and know they cannot change what has happened, while others try to hide from it. It is hard to hide from such a major change in one’s life, yet if you concentrate on blocking it, you can erase any memory you wish with simple power of will. What people do with this knowledge can cause further awakenings down the path. Throughout life our bodies change and evolve constantly. From an infant we grow to become an adult. With the flu, our bodies adapt to become immune to that strand of illness. It is the same with awakenings. As we grow and continue to grow, our bodies, minds and spirits adapt.

Awakening to sexual vampirism could be your initial awakening or many awakenings away. The symptoms vary for each person as well as how it is discovered that you feed through sexual energy. Due to the variety in this, I can only properly give my experience of awakening through sexual energy. I will discuss how I came to realize what was happening, the symptoms I experienced, and how I deal with the new discovery of this part of me. Then I will compare or add to the topics by introducing the experiences of awakening through sexual vampirism from a few different people. Knowing that different perspectives will help one grasp the full ranges of awakenings in general as well as in sexual vampirism, I have gathered comments from multiple people. Samandryel recently awoke as a sexual vampire. Lord Ryu of House Noctem Aeternus has been awoke to sexual vampirism for years. The diversity in comments from a master to a newly awakened as well as including my comments will give the full range of different views on the topics at hand. When one grows, our comments and outlooks on topics can change. This is why I will introduce comments from 3 beings including myself, to simply to be able to present an article that can possibly grasp multiple opinions, experiences, or knowledge about sexual vampirism.

“All it took were just a few words, a few words from a beautiful young lady, describing her typical night outing to me. As those words were spoken, a curious warmth came over me, a tingling excitement as an incredible epiphany forced its way into my brain. In that very moment connections were made, and the unshakable realization that I was different (hell, I already knew that)! As that moment passed, I was aware, aware that I was special, and not broken, damaged goods.” Samandryel stated regarding his recent awakening to sexual vampirism. As you can see there was a sense of awe, an excitement or the very clear realization that this is why things were a certain way for him.

When I realized what was happening to me, it was an oh wonderful sarcastic moment. I had a new relationship to concentrate on and it seemed like another pile of issues to deal with. I cannot say that sexual vampirism or vampirism in general is a blessing. My initial awakening was very difficult. Finding and controlling the correct ways to feed was at times the hardest part of awakening. It simply seemed this was another obstacle that I needed to overcome. I will say that I was relieved to find out what was going on simply so I could find a way to control it. I did not want to be a harm to people I loved. I did not want this to harm my relationship or my boyfriend. The awakening also gave me a way to dive deeper into the diverse teachings of feeding methods. Knowledge is power in my eyes. If I had to go through awakening to sustain knowledge that I could truly understand, then I would go through millions more with open arms.

Lord Ryu was brought up as a vampire. Being awakened young, he simply thought this was the way of life no matter the way of feeding. He thought his family was the Addams Family until he could clearly understand what was happening. He awoke to sexual vampirism when he was thirteen or fourteen. The feeling of awakening to sexual vampirism was a whole other level to him. It was more than an epiphany when only the word wow could suffice to the feeling. Feeding sexually was the deepest and best way to sustain energy. It brought about a connection that was richer than any feeding he had experienced otherwise. As he fed with tantric and blood at the same time, he would get the emotional energy that is maxed by the chemical reaction of those emotions in blood. The best way to describe his feeling were just a few words that stuck “I felt refreshed.”

Many sexual vampires would feed subconsciously due to the simple fact that they did not know what was going on. Once awakening hits, it’s the “OH” factor that plays in and gets the individual aware of what they have been doing. Being aware can provide a way to strengthen, grow, and to learn how to control yourself or even your donors. Now that we know how it feels to awake to sexual vampirism, lets go through and see the symptoms or signs that point to sexual vampirism. We will once again start off with Samandryel, my comments, then to Lord Ryu’s comments. Afterwards we will discuss the similarities or differences in the symptoms or signs present.

“I connected with the Feeling; that exciting sensation when I first enter the club, my senses sharpening and suddenly jumping into a hyper-aware state. I feel the people around me; I can sense the different energies around me, and feel the emotional states of the closest ones. My eyes dart from female to female, and occasionally even to the males, though they are not my preference. There is always one there, and I will find them; I have to, or else leave at the end of the night hungry and hurting. Eventually I see them, the one that will do for me tonight. She is vulnerable to my advances, (I can somehow tell somehow). I pass her by a few times, allowing her to notice my presence. Eventually she will watch me, Her eyes stealing glances and searching for me wherever I am in the room. I fiddle with my cards, drawing her attention further, and eventually make contact. Just speaking with her is pleasant, and I can feel the tension in her that will grow. I drink it in, allowing it to fill me… I seem to know just what to say and how to move (it seems to be different for each), and she will always respond. I almost never fail. What generally happens after that has wreaked havoc in my life.” Here Samandryel states the signs or symptoms that point to sexual vampirism. It could be the chase, or the catch. Either way, He explains his feelings he has when he goes to hunt.

After going through awakening I examined situations around me. It all became very clear. My boyfriend would receive headaches during sexual encounter. The headaches were the first sign and ultimately the sign that led to the discovery of me having fed sexually. After sex, I would have the desire to go again and again. It is as if I could never be completely satisfied. If I went days without sex, I would grow depressed. My body and mind would seem to start to shut down. I would even become too depressed to even try to feed at that point. I tried to not drain my boyfriend, but when I only took little, I was not satisfied for long. When in a club setting I would use the “allure” method. Catching my prey’s eyes, I would lead them on a journey that would last possibly all night. I would dance with them then and thank them with a smile and eye contact. That would be all, they were like puppies coming as I called. That energy was enough for a day or two. However looking back at my previous activities, I feel I was feeding subconsciously. I might have always done this, but it did not become strong until recently.

For Lord Ryu the symptoms are still hard to grasp. He would ask my prey why did they give themselves to him and they simply respond that there is something about him. With the same response over years of questioning, it is hard to fully grasp what it is that lures them into being a donor. He is blunt when he goes after pray and does not hide his intentions. Yet he honor my donors as they should be, but it seems to him that he goes into a state of no humanity and turns 100% predator. Noticing, however, that his senses have heightened in some aspects. He can sense what would please his donor and he tend to mold to that to give the desire needed, as it would give him the energy he needed. “It is almost as if I lose myself in the moment.”

Symptoms or signs can range from physical, mental or spiritual. The range can be anywhere from headaches and hunting in the club, to becoming something else for the sake of feeding. This shows that symptoms or signs can be different for each and every individual. Now that we know the symptoms from Samandryel, Lord Ryu, and myself, let us continue to find out how we each deal with being sexual vampires.

“For years I wasn’t really sure what was wrong with me… was it a symptom of the Bipolar Disorder? Some sort of effect or evidence of a troubled youth? Was I perhaps just a seriously well-tuned asshole? There was no control, you see, as there was no awareness. The sexual desire and energy that fills my being is like a drug; more is always needed, and without control, discipline and understanding I would create chaos, destroying my reputation further with each encounter and creating chaos in my life. It was sleeping, you see. I was like a child with no discipline or guidance.

After those words, all is now different. It was like a primer, an understanding that from that point on I would no longer have to feel dysfunctional. I would attract those to me that would help me learn, show me how to proceed. I look forward to the new life ahead, filled with new energy, experiences and desire to consume and enjoy with the awareness that I will have the control and power I need to consume safely. The most important point, however, is how that in that moment and with those sweet words I AWAKENED to the simple fact: I am no longer broken. I am no longer sleeping.” Described Samandryel.

I deal with being a sexual vampire by simply keeping my wits about me. This adventure is a never-ending one. I am blessed to have the support of friends and family as I continuously go through this awakening. I could mope around and feel sorry for myself. I could be discouraged to feed in fear of hurting others. However, I simply feel this is an opportunity to grow. I deal with what I am by not holding myself back. I will control my actions so that I do not harm others or myself, but I will let my mind go free as I venture into another part of the world I could not understand until now.

Lord Ryu deals with being a sexual vampire the same way he deals with being sang. He simply learns to control himself. “Practice, patience, endurance is vital to this control. I try to not act without thinking as I keep the right frame of mind and remain mentally intact with myself as well as with my laws.”

Awakenings vary for each person. We each have a way to deal with the knowledge we are shown and there are different effects this knowledge can have on us. Embrace the knowledge and let it show you light to different paths you can take. This applies to all that are awakened or going through a new awakening, in the words of Samandryel, you are no longer broken. You are no longer sleeping.

A sexual, sympathetic or tantric vampire is a person who feeds on sexual energy.

Tantra is an ancient Hindu practice which mixes meditation and non-orgasmic sex to attain a state of perfect bliss.

The ritual is based on activating the human energy centers or chakras, which hold the potential to reach ‘cosmic awareness’. The human body is thought to have 6 main chakras (base of spine, near navel, near heart, near throat, between brows and most importantly genitals) each of which represents a gateway to higher energy. Tantric rituals emphasize the need to open up these energy points in order to harmonize the flow of energy throughout the body to help achieve an elevated state of sexual awareness.

A common term for female vampires who feed exclusively through sex is Succubus, a word which originally denoted a medieval demon who was believed to rob men’s sperm by visit them in dream and tempt them into sexual misconduct.

In medieval legend, a succubus (plural succubi; from Latin succuba; “prostitute”) is a female demon that seduces men (especially monks) in dreams to have sexual intercourse. They draw energy from the men to sustain themselves, often until the point of exhaustion or death of the victim. From mythology and fantasy, Lilith and the Lilin (Jewish), Lilitu (Sumerian) and Rusalka (Slavic) were succubi.

According to the Malleus Maleficarum, or “Witches’ Hammer”, succubi would collect semen from the men they slept with, which incubi would then use to impregnate women. Children so begotten were supposed to be more susceptible to the influence of demons.

Honoré de Balzac wrote a short story The Succubus concerning a 1271 trial of a she-devil succubus in the guise of a woman, who amongst other things could use her hair to entangle victims.

From the 16th century, the carving of a succubus on the outside of an inn indicated that the establishment also operated as a brothel.

In European medieval legend, an incubus is a demon in male form supposed to lie upon sleepers, especially on women in order to have sexual intercourse with them. They are also believed to do this in order to spawn other incubi.

Closely related to the incubi/sucubi are the Slavic Mora, the German Mahr, and the Scandinavian Mara, from which the word nightmare is derived. The word is derived from the Latin preposition in, which in this case means on top of, and cubo, which is Latin for “I lie”. The word incubo translates into “I lie on top”. In modern psychological usage, the term has been applied to the type of nightmare that gives one the feeling of a heavy weight or oppression on the chest and stomach.

Guazzo described the incubus in his “compendium Maleficarum (1608) as the incubus can assume either a male of a female shape; sometimes he appears as a full-grown man, sometimes as a satyr; and if it is a woman who has been received as a witch, he generally assumes the form of a rank goat.


In some legends, incubi and succubi were said not to be different genders of the same demonic species but the same demon able to change their sex; the idea being that a succubus would be able to sleep with a man and collect his semen, and then transform into an incubus and use that seed on women.

Thomas Aquinas insisted that demons were sterile; therefore the only way the incubus could impregnate a woman was by receiving the semen from a succubus who had received from a man. Also, aiding in this theory was the idea that demons were able to change their sex at will. Aquinas further asserted that a demon could use semen lost during a wet dream so a man could be at one and the same time a virgin and a father. Here Aquinas contradicted Augustine’s biblical interpretation of Genesis 6:4 in which he attempted to prove that fallen angels begot children of mortal women “The sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them”.

Nevertheless their offspring were thought to be supernatural in many cases, even if the actual genetic material originally came from humans. The half-human offspring of such a union is a Cambion. The most famous legend of such a case includes that of Merlin, the famous wizard from Arthurian legend. This particular idea was also explored in the Stephen King series The Dark Tower.


They may enter homes uninvited and can take on the appearance of other persons as shapeshifter

They will often visit the same victim repeatedly. A victim of an incubus will experience the visits as dreams.

The incubus drains energy from the woman on whom it performs sexual intercourse in order to sustain itself, and some sources indicate that it may be identified by its unnaturally cold penis.[1]

Religious tradition holds that repeated intercourse with such a spirit by either males or females (the female version of the incubus is called a succubus) may result in the deterioration of health, or even death.[2]

In medieval Europe, union with an incubus was supposed by some to result in the birth of witches, demons, and deformed human offspring. The legendary magician Merlin was said to have been fathered by an incubus.


According to the Malleus Maleficarum, exorcism is one of the five ways to overcome the attacks of Incubi, the others being Sacramental Confession, the Sign of the Cross (or recital of the Angelic Salutation), moving the afflicted to another location, and by excommunication of the attacking entity, “which is perhaps the same as exorcism.” [12] On the other hand, the Franciscan friar Ludovico Sinistari stated that incubi “do not obey exorcists, have no dread of exorcisms, show no reverence for holy things, at the approach of which they are not in the least overawed.”[5]

In the modern era, succubi have featured in role playing games as tantalizing imagery for marketing. The theme of the incubi has continued into modern times as well, with stories of unseen paranormal beings which rape female victims such as Invisible Masters and the creature in the movie The Entity.

They were also one of the creatures of the White Witch present at the killing of Aslan in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.

In the 2006 book Trail of an Incubus by Iliya Englin the incubus is portrayed as a different humanoid species, outwardly human but with far greater longevity and physical strength. Their intelligence is about the same or greater than human, albeit it with certain blind spots. They hate humanity for displacing them from the top of the food chain, and their character traits give rise to traditional demonic myths – an enemy moving among us, intelligent, resourceful and hostile – and in constant search for human virgins.

Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton introduce his male vampire lover, Jean Claude, and later the Executioner herself, having to deal with the spirit of incubus and succubus.

There is a 1965 movie called Incubus starring William Shatner, where he is tempted by a lusting succubus in order to corrupt hi pure soul. Throughout the movie, the demon is female and referred to as “incubus”, never a “succubus”.

Christian demonologists agree in the fact that sexual relationships between demons and humans happen, but they disagree in why and how. A common point of view is that demons induce men and women to the sin of lust, and adultery is often considered as an associated sin. Pierre de Rostegny supported the idea that Satan preferred to have sexual intercourse with married women to add adultery to her sins.

Gregory of Nyssa said that demons had children with women, which added to the children they had between them, contributed to increase the number of demons.

It was considered that demons always had sexual relationships with witches and warlocks in the form of incubi and succubae, and some witches had sexual intercourse with a male goat, as it was supported by Pierre de Rostegny. But common people, as it was believed, also were seduced by incubi and succubae, especially while they were asleep, and sometimes when they were awake, in the form of a beautiful man or woman that excited their desire to the point of not being able to resist the temptation, although the possibility of resistance always existed as asserted by Christian theologians, but the tendency to sin was stronger than their faith. Francesco Maria Guazzo offered detailed descriptions of sexual relationships between demons and humans.

Nicholas Remy, disagreeing with many theologians and demonologists, supported the idea that even if a woman opposed resistance to the demon he could rape her, and wrote about a case of a young teenager that “was raped twice the same day by a demon, although she opposed resistance, and, not being her body enough mature to receive a man, she almost died because of the hurts”. Catherine Latonia confessed this case to him in 1587. If that confession was an excuse to avoid giving the name of the rapist or the girl actually thought that a demon had raped her, will remain unknown. Sylvester Prieras agreed with Remy, supporting the idea that demons could not only rape common women but also nuns.

The Malleus Maleficarum established that sexual relationships between demons and humans were an essential belief for Christians. But its authors considered also the possibility that demons provoked a false pregnancy in some women, filling their belly with air due to certain herbs they made them drink in beverages during the Sabbaths; at the time of giving birth to the child, a big quantity of air escaped from the woman’s vagina. The false pregnancy was later explained by medicine.

Many Christian theologians (Martin Luther[citation needed] and Jean Bodin among others) believed that demons could impregnate women but their children would have a short life and be good for nothing; other theologians (Francisco Valesio, aka Valesius, Tomaso Malvenda and Johann Cochlaeus among others) thought that these children could be important characters, like Attila, Martin Luther, Melusine or the Antichrist.

Augustine of Hippo, Pope Innocent VIII,[citation needed] Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas, Peter of Paluda, Martin of Arles and Ludovico Maria Sinistrari believed that demons could fecundate women, but Ulrich Molitor, Heinrich Kramer, Jacob Sprenger and Nicholas Remy disagreed.

According to Remy, sexual relationships with demons were painful, meanwhile many persons that confessed to have had those relationships told that they were satisfying.

Henri Boguet and Johann Meyfarth supported the idea that demons provoked an imaginary coitus because they did not have sexual organs, such as a penis or a vagina.

A psychic vampire is a person[1] or being[2] who claims to feed off the “life force” of other living creatures.[1] Psychic vampires are represented in the occult beliefs of various cultures and in fiction.[3] There is no medical recognition or scientific consensus supporting this phenomenon.

A 2007 scholarly survey carried out upon people claiming to be vampires, either psychic or sanguinarian (blood drinkers) that showed anecdotal evidence of a higher than normal incidences of certain illnesses and conditions such as anemia, fibromyalgia, and hemophilia. Whether or not they actually suffer from such conditions was not evaluated by medical professionals.[4]

The term psychic vampire is sometimes abbreviated psy-vamp (or psi-vamp). Alternate terms for these entities include energy vampire, energy predator, energy parasite, and energivore, as well as psionic vampire, pranic vampire, and empathic vampire.

Terms used to describe the substance or essence that psychic vampires take or receive from others include: energy,[1] qi (or ch’i), life force, prana,[1] and vitality.

A related form of psychic vampirism is known as sexual vampirism, where one is said to be able to feed off sexual energy.[16]



Human Sexual Vampirism



Although the pronoun ‘she’, and the female perspective are used, members of either sex can use these techniques, to attract a member of their preferred sex and sexuality.


Succubi (Incubi in their male form), said to be the demonic children of Lilith, feed upon sexual energy. Coming in dreams, they feed by night upon the sexually frustrated and the sexually overactive. With regards to a human magickally reproducing these succubitic abilities, they can be split into 2 categories: glamour and the absorption of energy.


Vampiric Glamour

Of the unusual creatures of magick, myth, and legend, the vampire is probably the most glamorous, and of vampires none hold this glamour more than the succubi, creatures of raw sex. The combined attraction of sex and death are strong in the succubus, and this glamour of the vampire should be used to it’s fullest potential. When you are a succubus, you are nothing less than a vampire.


An Exercise In The Projection Of A Vampiric Glamour

Sit or stand in front of a mirror. See yourself completely neutrally, with your mind as empty as possible. Observe yourself and all your aspects. Take the emotions and images most associated with a succubus: lust; a quality of unearthly beauty and desirability; a hunger for sex and attention… and whatever other qualities you associate with a succubus.


Succubitic Temptation

When a succubus goes on the hunt she projects an aura of pure sex. Her smile offers within it all the lust in the world, and her eyes show her wisdom in the ways of temptation. I’m not going to go into detail on how to seduce a victim, as each individual has her own style, and her own preferred targets. As I generally hunt at gigs and clubs of various descriptions, the method of temptation is oriented towards that. This is not to say that a cocktail bar is not an equally suitablle, if not better, hunting ground.

When you find a suitable target you should try to catch their eye. If you’re at a gig with a decent mosh pit, you can probably get them to dance with you (more tempting than it sounds.. it involves close body contact, and intimates a certain degree of trust).

Initiate conversation. Asking for a light tends to be a good start. It is actually easier to seduce someone in a noisy club or gig environment for two reasons. To start with you already have something to talk about: the club, or the band playing. And secondly, you won’t be able to talk that much due to high noise levels, allowing your glamour to take effect with minimal effort on your part.

Assuming the individual is of a suitable sexual persuasion and does not have a partner guarding them one thing should lead to another.


Obtaining Energy From Sex

Sex is an activity which produces a lot of energy, which is readily available to feed upon. Once you have entrapped your victim, sex is the inevitable consequence. If possible, it is advisable to restrain your victim by means of scarves, straps, cuffs, separators, or whatever, as this gives you a great deal of control over the proceedings.

Build up high levels of sexual frustration in your victim, but to not allow them to orgasm. Administering some form of amphetamine can also aid in this, as this will allow the victim to become highly frustrated, but will make physical orgasm difficult or impossible.

While being in the dominant position sexually seems to be the obvious approach to sexual vampirism, this can also be carried out when in a more submissive position, although this allows you less control over your victim’s time of orgasm and levels of frustration.

As your victim becomes more frustrated, visualise the trapped sexual energy building in them as a glow surrounding them, centred around their genitalia. You can gently siphon off and absorb this energy, by a similar process to that of more ‘standard’ psychic vampirism. You can also absorb a large amount of built up energy at the point of your victim’s orgasm, by visualising all of the trapped energy as being released into you at the point of orgasm.


Obtaining Energy By Use of Glamour

This is basically a highly targeted combination of psychic vampirism. You use whatever glamorous techniques you favour, and monopolise the attention and sexual desires of an individual. You hold the individual’s attention, encouraging their desires towards you, looking them consistantly in the eye if possible, all the while drawing in energy from them by the techniques of psychic vampirism.


To be continued…


This paper considers sexual macrobiotic techniques of ancient China in their cultural and religious milieu, focusing on the text known as Secret Instructions of the Jade Bedchamber, which explains how the Spirit Mother of the West, originally an ordinary human being like anyone else, devoured the life force of numerous young boys by copulating with them, and thereby transformed herself into a famed goddess. Although many previous studies of Chinese sexuality have highlighted such methods (the noted historian R.H. van Gulik was the first to refer to them as ‘sexual vampirism’), it has rarely been asked why learned and intelligent people of the past took them seriously. The inquiry here, by considering some of the most common ancient criticisms of these practices, concludes that practitioners did not regard decay as an inescapable characteristic of matter; consequently it was widely believed that, if the cosmic processes were correctly understood, one could devise techniques that may forestall senectitude indefinitely.


The last major classification of feeding is feeding through sexual means or just off of sexual energy. This is often times considered thee most pleasurable form of feeding. When two or more people commit themselves to sexual actions with each other as the pleasure rises so does the amount of energy they are putting off. If you are apart of it or watching an exhibition then it’s quite easy to just siphon off all the excess energy being put off into the atmosphere; because when it comes sexual encounters the sum is greater than it’s separate parts. Though this method is often times argued to be just a sub classification of psi feeding because the energy is acquired the same way there are those that can only feed through this method on sexual energy. Those that can only feed in this method are often called succubi/incubi. On a side note semen just like blood is also a transporter of energy so if you swallow you’ll be able to gain the energy from it. And as always remember be safe there are ton’s of STD’s out there if you and your partner(s) aren’t completely sure than all involved are clean of all STD’s then use proper protection.


It’s a form of psi vampirism within all probabilities, during sex all barriers are open and the physical contact, the sharing of body fluids, it all opens up possibilities to feed from. Good sex is like a highly enjoyable work out and for the Sexual Vampire a perfect venue to regain Life Energy. Both the emotional and the psi vampire part will be of interest for a Sexual Vampire.




I feel his heart beat in my head, his pulse in my veins. I can smell his fear….

This is what brings me out at night. This is what I am now — the eternal predator amongst innumerable sheep. I think back a moment to how it all began, and smile to myself.

My nostrils flare as I scent my prey for this evening. My senses are alive, my own pulse quick, as I stalk another meal. His gait quickens as he traverses a pitch-black area of sidewalk, the perfect spot for my ambush.

The exact moment I have been anticipating for the last hour arrives, as I make the switch from stalker to predator. Faster than can be seen, I pounce, hidden by the darkness. His hair is now in my grip, his neck snaps, and he collapses in my arms, a succulent and rather attractive meal for me. A shame, really, this one would have been fun to play with for a while. Tall, handsome, and now mostly dead as my fangs pierce his skin and I begin to feed.

His wide-eyed look of total panic changes to a half-lidded smile as the enjoyment of my touch washes over him and the last light dims from his eyes. I am now stronger, well fed, and able to spend the rest of the night without the gnawing hunger so persistent in my life. He, on the other hand, will not see the next dawn.

Satiated, I dispose of him quietly. As I walk away, my heels clicking on the pavement, I quietly utter the only words I will that night. “Thank you.”



It all began a year ago….


At the tender age of 23, I felt my life was already established along the parameters that would carry me to middle age and beyond. I found myself living in a small mid-western town, the epitome of mundane, watching daytime television in an attempt to escape such trivial shit as what was for dinner, and which bowling alley we might visit this weekend. I came from this life, and thought it was what I wanted when I married young. My only excitement now is the monthly church pot-luck dinner with the same green bean casserole, served over and over again.


He moved into the neighborhood quietly in the middle of the night. If not for the insomnia that comes from knowing something is missing in your life, I would not have seen him at all, but see him I did. He seemed somehow old-fashioned, in dress and ways, as if he had stepped off the streets of Paris many years ago. He moved into the large house on the corner, the one we always teased as children was haunted. I don’t think I ever saw him outdoors in the daytime. Letting my very bored mind go, I envisioned him a creature of the night, someone exotic in a very boring world of corn fields and county fairs.


Day-dreaming of the stranger down the street seemed harmless to me. What other excitement was I going to find? I found that as I paced the sleepless nights, I was unable to get him out of my mind. His dark good looks, the edge of danger he gave off, were just the spark to light me.



Any Vampire, or human for that matter, can be a Sexual Vampire. Anyone who preys upon another for sexual needs, desires or favors is called a Sexual Vampire.


But only if that person takes more than they give in return.

We have all met them, male and female alike. They will use sex as a tool, a bribe, a force to gain what they want. Or use another person for their sexual needs, gratification, dependency or actual body flesh. These people will do anything to get what they desire; lie, promise, pretend, but in the end they care only for themselves. Once having attained their goals, they usually just leave the relationship not caring a fig for the feelings, needs or situation of the person left behind. However, this is not what we are speaking of when we say Sexual Vampire in this context.


Here we mean the actual Vampire, be it a blood drinking Vampire or an energy Vampire. The real Sexual Vampire is not that different from the Social Sexual Vampire described above. But in this case the Vampire is usually psychic, to a degree. First we look at the regular bloodist Vampire, either Classical or Inheritor, both male and female.


Like the Social Vampire, the real Vampire is out for what he or she can get with little regard for their victim, and victim is the proper terminology here. The Vampire will often use psychic strength to woo the victim, to make the person, usually human, become attracted to them, like them, want them. They also have been known to cajole, threaten, beguile, and use flattery as a tool — as the Social Vampire will do.


The Sexual Vampire feeds off of the sexual energy, the sexual need, the dependence of their victims once a secure relationship is established. Most real Vampires do not have sex with humans, as I have stated before. Well, actually my husband has stated, ‘Having sex with a human before or after feeding is like a human having sex with a cow before eating a hamburger.’ Every Vampire I personally know, whom I believe to be real, has the same attitude. But there are a few Vampires who do indulge in the flesh sexual experience.


Once a relationship is established they do everything they can to cement the bond. They pick a person who is vulnerable. Someone who just came from an abusive relationship, someone who has been alone for a long time. Someone not described usually as beautiful or attractive, someone perhaps very over weight or who has no close ties. Very young or inexperienced people, etc. because these individuals are easier to conquer. Then the Vampire becomes the perfect mate, everything the person could ever have dreamed of; kind, generous, caring, loving, involved etc. However, this is all a ploy, as the Vampire uses his or her psychic power to bond and hold fast his prey, until the person is convinced they cannot live with out this special person. All the while and even more after, this Vampire is feeding on the sexual emotions, energies and desires of the victim.


In reality this Vampire cares nothing for the person. It is a hunt, prey and the Vampire is enjoying the hunt, the capture, the conquest and the prize of their labors — and the emotions. The same is true with some Psi-Vamps, but in that case the actual physical energy from the sexual experience is fed upon more then the act or the emotions.


When the Vampire is satisfied he/she now has this person fully controlled, he/she begins to be not so nice, not so loving, hinting or boldly stating that if this person does not do exactly what the Vampire wants, he/she will leave. Another scenario is acting like some little thing done by the person is a great crime and that the person is lucky they bother to stay at all. By now the poor victim is so hooked by their love and need for the Vampire, and they are truly helpless under this threat of the loss of the relationship — loss of the Vampire in their life. So they agree to anything, such as sex acts they do not like, the fact that they now may be expected to support this person and pay their bills or buy them expensive things.


How does that differ from the same maneuver by the Social Vampire? In the case of the real Vampire, the human victim has no chance of having their hurt be so strong that they leave because no matter how strong their hurt or pain is, the conscious and psychic controls used by the Vampire is something they can neither realize is happening nor can they prevent it from happening. There is also no hope in the mind clearing enough to see the truth that they are not being loved, just used. Because in the case of the Vampire, the minds are controlled as well.


The Sexual Vampire has the victims’ blood, mind and body at his or her command and can pretty much do as they like with the victim. If the pain, fear and humility becomes too strong and the victim begins to want to end the relationship, the Vampire just goes back to the original controls, until the love bond in the victim, or the need, is strengthened to the extent that the person can not leave.


Yes, these are negatives and thank the stars there are not many around in comparison to real Vampires who tend to disdain human contact. But they are out there and it is the hunt, the conquest and the sexual dependency of others that they feed from, and must have, to survive.

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